King's Business - 1925-07

July 1925



years past burst forth, which seemed to give him the greatest possible re­ lief. He immediately came into the most blessed assurance of salvation, and his face became positively radiant with joy. On going home to his little orthodox Jewish wife that evening his changed appearance immediately caught her attention and in a very accusing way she said to him abruptly, “What’s the matter, with you” ? He replied, “Nothing is the matter with me.” Again she repeated her question, shak­ ing an accusing finger at him, “What’s the matter' with, you” ? Again he answered, “Nothing is the matter with me except that I am very happy.” With an air of hopeless finality she said, “Theyjve got you.” “Yes*” he said, “they got me.” Some few days afterward on seeing him and asking how the little wife was he said, “Do you know I think my wife is changing. I am so different around the home my­ self that' I think it is having its effect on her.!’ ' We ask our readers to please pray for this little orthodox Jewish woman. jfc M WORK IN THE SHOPS M arion H . R eynolds, Supt.— M eetings H eld in Shops, F actories, C ar-B arns a n d Fire-Engine H ouses in Los Angeles. ■ AST month we told of carry­ ing the Gospel to the large Santa Fe Shops at San Ber­ nardino where some 2500 men work. The accompany­ ing picture will give you an idea of one of the groups of men we have the privilege of reaching with Gospel lit­ erature and the Gospel message as often as we can go there, which is about once a month. This is only one (Continued on page 320)

requested that T pray for him, as the struggle through which he was going was more than he could bear. ■ I asked him to kneel with me in prayer at that time, and did pray for him as he had requested, and then turning to him I asked him if he did. not want to settle the question at that time and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. Still he refused, but encouragement was. taken from the fact that he was willing to have us pi;ay for him. On one occasion the question of the Trinity was gone into thoroughly and after that he had no further objections. His wife, who knew that he was attending our Jew­ ish meetings, warned him to stay away from us, saying to him, “If you keep on going down there to that place they’re going to get you.” One Sunday afternoon at the close of one of our Jewish meetings the writer went to the back part of the room where he was seated and en­ gaged him in conversation, seeking to encourage him to take a decisive stand for Christ then and there. As he was pleaded with, tears filled his eyes, and turning to me he said, “Mr. V., can’t you see” ? and I said, “Yes, I think I can. Shall I tell you what I see? I think I see that you have opened the door of your heart and let Jesus Christ come in. Is that right?” and he re­ plied, “Yes.” At that time the wife of the writer —^-herself a Jewess,— came to the back part of the room and I called her over, saying that I thought our friend had some good news for her. She Said, “I think I can guess what it is. I think Mr. B. has accepted Christ as his Saviour. Is that right?” and he answered, “Yes.” Once the open acknowledgement of his acceptance of Christ had been made he talked in a perfect stream, though he is a man of peculiar reserve. All the pent-up feelings of months and

WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A. V aus, Supt.— Bible C lasses and P e r­ sonal W ork, S treet M eetings an d Sem i-m onthly M ass M eetings fo r Jew s of Los Angeles.

CHRISTIAN worker writ­ ing from China requested us to call on a certain Swedish Jew whom she was. anxious to see won to Christ.

One of our workers called upon him and had an interesting interview. When the subject of spiritual matters was brought up he acknowledged that at one time he had been quite inter­ ested in Christianity; in fact his ob­ jections for the most part- had been cleared away .and one day he was on his way to a Swedish Mission, in Stock­ holm for the purpose of becoming a Christian. At the door of the mission, however, he stopped and a horror swept over him as he realized the ser-- ious step he was about to tako,-^jthat he, an orthodox Jew, should think of leaving Judaism to follow a strange Gentile religion! At that moment there came to his mind that passage in Deut. 6:4, which the Jews have used for centuries as a protest against the Trinity: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” Tie Turned away, and for many years _had been wandering about in th e wilderness of sin. /From time to time our workers called at his home and many personal talks were had with him. At times he would seem to be very interested and at other times he would be hostile and rebellious, bringing up all the ordinary Jewish objections. God permitted some hard things to come into his life, which has­ tened the time of his decision. He visited the writer and in turn was vis­ ited by the writer a great many times. One day after pleading with him to definitely decide for Jesus Christ, whom by this time he was thoroughly satisfied was the Messiah of Israel, he

T his Fine Body of Men a t the L arg e S an ta Fe Shops in San B ernardino, Calif. R epresents one of the G roups to W hom M r. R eynolds and his H elpers M inister the W ord of Life.

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