July 1925
M ethods ofjpersona 1 Work For “Defenders of the Faith” T. C. Horton
LESSON THIRTEEN As we take up this lesson, let us remember that we have been “saved to serve,” and In order to serve suc cessfully, it is necessary to he faithful and definite in our prayer life. One of the greatest incentives to definite prayer for souls is to have a prayer list, recording the names of those whom you are endeavoring to win and the date when the prayer was answered. Pray for access to people and for ' grace to enter open doors. Pray for wisdom in using the Word. Pray for patience, for sympathy, for love for the lost, and for other fellow workers. “Pray without Ceasing” ! The Backslider There is a very large class of people whom we will meet in our soul-win ning work whom we may designate as backsliders. This- is a Scriptural term for those who have turned back, or away, from the truth (Jer. 8:5):
Have you ever been able to say, “I know whom I have believed?” (2 Tim. 1 : 1 2 ) :
a s h a m ed ; fo r I k n ow w h o m I h l i e v e d , a n d a m p e rs u ad ed t h a t h to k e e p t h a t w h ic h I h a ve c o unto h im a g r a i n s t t h a t d a y . ” (Read carefully 1 John 2:3-4; Matt. 13:20-27- [Parable of the sower], and Mark 4:16, 17). These passages will prove that there are many who have become merely intellectually convinced without hav ing any real heart relationship with the Lord. If you find that they belong to this class deal with them as with the unsaved. If you find they have been converted, seek to find the cause of their backsliding. Following are some of the Causes of Backsliding: (1) Failure to confess Christ pub licly (Rom. 10:10). (2) Failure to read the Word (Psa. 119:11). Reading the Word is lis tening to God. God told Joshua that this Word should always be in his mouth, for if it were, he should pros per; none should be able to stand against him (Joeh. 1:1-9). Neglect of the Word is sure to bring a stumbling and falling. (3) Failure to pray. “Sinning will make a man cease praying, and pray ing will keep a man from sinning.’’^ (4) Failure to work. It is related of an Alpine traveler that he was just about to give himself up to the effects of the cold, when he stumbled upon something, and digging down into the snow he found the body of another traveler, and at once began to chafe his limbs. As he worked a glow came to his own body, he soon recovered his vitality and so was saved. (5) Failure to attend the means of grace provided by the Lord for the development of the individual soul. In “Pilgrim’s Progress,” Christian saw in Interpreter’s house a fire burning in the grate upon which water was con tinually being poured. He wondered how the fire could persist, until they showed him that on the opposite side of the wall, in the next room, oil was continually being poured in. (6 ) Looking upon false leaders, and listening to false teaching (2 Pet. 2 : 1 , 2 ). (7) Stumbling over hypocrites in the church. (8) Love of pleasure. A young woman once asked: “Do you really think going to the theatre and danc ing hurts my Christian influence?” The answer was “No; you have done these things so long that people have forgotten that you have any influ ence.” (9) Church dissensions. You will find that some, because of these things, have fallen into, some known sin, and have been unwilling to forsake it. Show them that they can have no real joy, or peace or satisfaction, or relief from unrest, until they have forsaken their backslidden state and returned to the Lord. Convict the Backslider of Sin by using Jer. 2:5, 13, 17:
“ Fo r the w h ic h ca us e I a ls o s u f f e r thes e th in g s t - never the les s I a m no t
Every mail brings interesting, inspiring and helpful letters from our loyal “Defenders,” many of whom make sugges tions as to the most effective methods of soul-winning work, and others tell how the Lord has led them in helping to extend the circulation of The King’s Busi ness. Listen to what this Cana dian “Defender” has to say of her plan: “Might I suggest a few ways in which ‘Defenders of the Faith’ may enlarge the sphere of their influence? Personally, I receive four different religious publications— two weeklies and two monthlies. I get a list, as far as possible, of all our evan gelical ministers in Canada and ma,il one or two of these period icals to each, at the same time writing a letter urging the re cipient to become a subscriber himself and then to do his best to introduce the paper to his elders, Sunday School teachers, or any one else he feels would he interested. I also enclose a copy of the Gospel of John published by Biola Book Room. “Then, too, I use a large part of my ‘givings’ in subscribing for some one of these papers for deserving ministers who other wise could not afford them. “I have been led to adopt this course largely through watching the adherents of the ‘cults’ who propagate their d o c t r i n e s through practically no other means than the wide distribu tion of literature. Now, suppose every reader of The King’s Busi ness was just as zealous. How long would it be before a very large constituency would be secured? Let us be ‘diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serv ing the Lord.’ ” This is a splendid suggestion. Let every member of The King’s Business Family, and especially every “Defender’’ either use your own magazine after you have finished reading it, or keep yourselves supplied with sample copies for the purpose. Let us “sow beside all waters” remem bering that “they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3).
" W l i y th en is th is p e o p l e o f J e r u s a l e m s l i d d e n h a ck b y a per pet ual back slidin g; they h o l d f a s t d e c e i t , they refu se to r e t u r n . ”
It is used of one who professes to have been a. follower of the Lord, hut is not now following Him, or one who is following Him afar off (Luke 22: 54): “ T h e n they
to o k h im , an d l e d h im , h im into the high p ri e s t’ s h o u s e . A n d P e te r f o l l o w e d a f a r o f f .” Classes of Backsliders: There are three classes of those who profess to have been saved: an d br ought (1) Those who have never been born again, (1 John 2:19; 2 Pet. 2: 2 2 ). (2 ) Those who are truly saved, but never really surrendered and have be come cold or indifferent, (Rom. 12:1). (3) Those who are truly penitent, and are anxious to know the way of return to the Lord, (Luke 15:17, 18). Method of Dealing: First ascertain if the inquirer has ever been a real Christian. There are many professors and church mem bers, who have never been possessors. Probe in the following way: Have you ever been born again? (John 3 :3 ): “ J es u s an sw e re d an d s a id unto h im , V e r i l y , ve ri ly , I say unto t he e, E xc ep t a m a n b e bo rn agai n, h e ca nn ot s e e the k i n g d o m o f G o d .” Have you publicly confessed Christ? sh a lt c o n f e s s wi th th y m o u t h th e L o r d Jes us, a n d sh a lt b e l i e v e in thi ne h e a r t t h a t G o d h ath raised h im fr o m the d e a d , thou s h a lt b e s a v e d . “ F o r wit h th e h e a r t m a n be l i e v e t h unto righ teo usne ss, an d wi th the m o u t h c o n f e s s i o n is m a d e unto salv ation .” Have you ever had the witness of the Spirit? (1 John 5:10 ): “ H e t h a t be li ev et h o n th e S o n o f G o d h a th the witne ss i n h im s e l f , h e t h a t b e li ev et h not G o d h a th m a d e h im a l ia r ; b e c a u s e h e b e li ev et h no t the re co rd t h a t G o d ga ve o f H i s S o n .” (Rom. 10:9, 10): “ T h at I f thou
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