July 1925
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lessons :emphasized. It comprehends a journey with our Lord from the. “Temptation” to the “End.” Every lover of Jesus Christ will find a spir itual uplift in this volume. (Revell) $1.50 The Apocryphal New Testament, by Montague Rhodes James, Litt. D., B. A., F. S. A., Provost of Eton and Kings College, Cambridge. The object of this book is to show the purpose of apocryphal writings,— their inade quacy, their importance and interest. This book will be of special value to preachers and teachers. It contains an index of apocryphal writings and writers, ancient and medieval as well as modern, also a complete index of subjects. (Oxford University Press) $3.50 Bits of China, by Christine I. Tin-' ling. A book of travel sketches in the Orient by a trained observer who went about China with her eyes open. Miss Tinling realizes that great good has been wrought during the last half cen tury in the land of Sinim, but also realizes that there are enormous tasks yet to be accomplished. River trips, journeys into the fastnesses and com paratively unknown regions of West ern China, together with vivid pic tures of life in the great .cities, com bine to make an unusually interesting, as well as informing narrative. (Rev ell) $1.50 Liberal Evangelism Criticized, by Rev. Thomas Houghton (England). These messages were first written for “The Gospel Magazine” pf London, and are presented in book form at the request of many readers. A fore word by F. J. Hamilton calls atten tion to the movement among some so- called evangelicals away from the fun damentals of evangelicalism, which has resulted in the propaganda of ’“another Gospel” of which Liberalism rather than Christ is the key note. Some very definite statements are made with reference to the Church Missionary Society, which has depart ed from the inspiration of the Scrip tures and the atonement. Read the book and be revived'. (London Gospel Magazine) Marion Lawrance, a:Memorial Biog raphy by his son, Harold G. Lawrance. This book is now on the press of Rev-, ell Company and will be ready for sale when this notice is read. In pay ing tribute to this man of God we could give pages of our magazine. He was a Christian man among men. We had the pleasure of his personal ac quaintance, and have followed his long career. His name is a household word in tens of thousands of homes. His
theories, and questions which are still in the melting pot, both for want of room, and because they can be, dis cussed intelligently only by trained scholars.” (Winston) $2.50 Muriel Malone,. by Charlotte Mur ray. An instructive story of the “Red Cord Series.” Thé author says: “I desire whilst issuing this present vol ume affectionately to assure those of my. friends who fear I may be forsak ing verse for prose, that such is far from being the case. But feel strong ly that truth if presented in the form of a tale is often allowed to reach the hearts of those . who would not receive it in another form.” (Picker ing & Inglis) 75c, Bible Pioneer Work in Norwegian Lapland, by Andrew Wangberg. This book was not written merely to des cribe the land and :its beauties, the people and their condition, but to arouse an interest in the spiritual life of the. people and to provoke prayer in their behalf. Mr. Wangberg is a real missionary, and his life is not only interesting but an illustration of what is possible when the will is yielded to God. The book is beauti fully illustrated. (Hamilton Bros.) $1.50 , Studies of Famous Bible Women, by Henry T. Sell, D. D. A short course of Bible study showing the very important part women have had in Bible life. Twenty-one of the typi cal women of the Bible are selected for these, studies, which will afford an opportunity for teachers of A d u l t Bible and Teacher Training classes in schools and colleges to interest the women, and also enable the women in the home to have a larger acquaint ance with the women of the Bible. (Revell) How to Teach and Win the Young, by John Ritchie, author of “Five Hun dred Gospel Subjects,” etc. A prac tical hand book for Sunday School teachers and all evangelistic workers among young people. The book con tains varied forms of service for the young, consisting of Bible emblems, Gospél object lessons, picture stories and Bible talks for the little ones. We •can commend this volume with all our heart to every teacher of young folks and little folks. (John Ritchie, Pub.) $ 1.00 Mountain Peaks in the Life of our Lord, by Wm. Bancroft Hill, D. D., LL. D., author of “The Life of Christ.” The author takes up in turn the Prep aration, Temptation, Tempter, Ser mon, Miracle, Transfiguration, Trium phal Entry, Cross, and Ascension.. Each event is pictured and ;the great
Ben and Kit, b y .M. E. Drewsen. A tale of two London waifs from “The Excelsior Library of Select Stories by Authors of Repute.” (Pickering & Inglis) 60c Modern Education at the Cross Roads, by M. H. Duncan, B. A., M. A. A practical, readable booklet for the common people, with an indisputable argument in defence of the Christian faith. (B. I. Colportage Association.) Mrs. Mary’s Go-Tell, by Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark. Dedicated to the be lieving young people of today whose serious responsibility yet joyful task is to; "Go, tell” the good news of the Grace, of God. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n) 75c . ; I Doing the Impossible, by John E. Calfee, LL. D., President Asheville Normal and. Associated Schools. A series of practical talks to young peo ple, neither prosy nor preachy, but calculated to create serious thinking and sensible living. (Revell) $1.00 The Lost Treasure of Umadilla, by Annie, M. Barnes, author of “An American Girl in Korea,” etc. A story of the present day in which, while the note of adventure is never absent, the missionary appeal is held paramount. A capital book for boys and girls of almost any reading age, presenting the needs of the unreached millions in Africa. (Revell) $1.50 • Six Marks of a Christian, by Canon Allan P. Shatford, M. A„ D. C. L. The writer has put in a forceful, practical manner the distinctive traits of a real Christian; Every lover of the Lord will find this book refreshing and stimu lating to his faith. The cardinal vir tues are set forth as Loyalty, Courage, Patience, Humility, Freedom, and Gen erosity. We commend . it heartily. (Winston) $1.00 The Son of Nicodemus. A story of the Christ, by Howard Agnew John ston. A ; story marked by simple beauty and rare charm, A tale of the earthly life of our. Lord for young and old. Dr. Francis E. Clark says: “This book has a place all its own. The gentle but heroic life of Jesus is the center around which is woven a really fascinating tale of young men and one ypung woman.” (Revell) $1.50 Peloubet’s Bible Dictionary, by Rev. F. N. Peloubet. The author says: “The purpose of this new Bible Die-, tionary is, to bring to the great body o f our S. S. teachers and intelligent Christian households a Bible Diction ary fully abreast of the latest modern scholarship, giving them the things which will most :aid them in their work but omitting long discussion and
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