King's Business - 1925-07

July 1925



memory is dear to the Sunday School world. His influence will last tor years to come. There are not many great men for God, but Marion Lawrance was one. This biography should be in the hands of every S. S. teacher and officer in the country. Inspiring and instructive, it will prove to be a bless­ ing to other workers who are seeking to advance the Lord’s work. He lived, he loved, he labored, and to his cease­ less effort the Sunday School is and will be indebted until the Lord comes. (Revell). burdened black man in the United States would hear the true Gospel, if every man whom God has called would answer the call and run ,as' eagerly as did Philip .to obey the call. The great negro race would go forward and upward, rejoicing, accomplishing great things for God and their country. AUGUST 2, 1925 God’s Friendliness as Expressed in Nature Matt. 6:26-30; Psa. 145:16 (An Outdoor Consecration Meeting) God’s bountiful and loving provis­ ion for everything in Nature is a pledge of His provision for our 'every need, if we but meet the conditions, Matt. 6:33. This verse is very impor­ tant, the climax of His message. If we make His glory and His kingdom our concern, He will make the supplying of our needs His concern. If a flower is cut off from the earth it withers and dies. If a man is cut off from God, he is also without life. After reading these wonderful promises surely we can trust God. How true are the words of Mueller, “Where anxiety begins, faith ends; where faith begins, anx­ iety ends.” Phil. 4:6-19. Nature is filled with illustrations of Biblical truths. William Wilberforce called flowers “the smiles of God’s goodness.” Different phases of nature are used as figures of speech again and again in the Bible. Psa. 1:3; Psa. 52:8; Jer. 17:7-8: Believer compared to a tree. . Psa. 51:7: Cleansing from sin to the whiteness of snow. Psa. 23 :2 :' The Christian life com­ pared to green pastures and still waters. Prov. 6:27, 28: Sin compared to fire. Song of Sol. 2:1: Jesus compared to the rose and lily. Isa. 5:2-7: Israel, to a vineyard. John 15:1-6: Disciples, to branches of a vine. Isa. 17:13; Nations, . to rushing waters. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE FUNDAMENTAL LITERATURE ajso fo r lists of Im p o rtatio n b o th of books and bibles. Send for sam ple copies of ou r th ree m onthly p ap ers, Sunlight, G lad T idings and- G leaner, la tte r containing H elps to In te rn a ­ tio n a l S- S. Lessons. T he th ree $1.35 p er year. CENTRAL BIBLE BOOK & TRACT DEPOT 703 Fine A rts Bldg., <58 W . A dam s St.) DETROIT, MICH. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS (Continued from p a g e .317) story. Every hungry-hearted, sin-

Isa. 40:6-8; Psa. 103:15; 1 Pet. 1: 24, 25; Jas. 4:14: Brevity of life, to flowers and grass. Isa. 55:10-11: The Word, to rain and snow. Psa. 126:5-6 : The Word, to seed, and saved souls, to sheaves. Isa. 57:20, 21: The wicked, to the sea. Jer. 23 :28 ,29 : The Word, to wheat and Are. Jer. 8:20: Neglect of salvation, to the end o f su m m e r and completion of harvest. Jer. 13:23: Impossibility of refor­ mation, to the skin of the negro and the" spots of a leopard. Isa. 34:4 : The: starry heavens dur­ ing the great tribulation, to falling leaf and falling figs. Mgtt. 9:37, 38; Jno. 4:35: Souls, to the growing grain and the harvest. Jno. 4:14; 7:37-39: Indwelling Spirit, to water. Jude 12: Apostate teachers, to clouds without water, and dead trees. Rev. 22:16: Jesus, to the Morning Star. . (See Matt. 13; Matt., 16:2, 3; Jno. 1:3; Heb. 1:1-3; Col. 1:15-17.) The revelation of God in nature is not enough. We can never know God until we see Jesus Christ on the Cross. The revelation of God in nature and conscience leaves men who have never heard the Gospel without excuse.'- (Rom. 1:18-20), “H o w shall we escape” ;since we have the f uller reve­ lation of God in the Bible.

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Send fo r o u r com plete, c a t­ alog illu stra tin g books th a t build c h arac te r an d teach high ideals of life, a s well as com plete Sunday'-School an d C hurch supplies, g re e t­ ing card s, b eau tifu l m o t­ toes, bibles, etc-., sen t free •on request. '

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