King's Business - 1925-07

July 1925



had just arrived from Austria, with over two hundred dollars, a good watch and .chain valued at one hun­ dred and thirty-five dollars, and his suitcase (all his earthly possessions). Being a stranger he wandered around Pershing Square, where he was ac­ costed by three of his own country­ men. Confidence was soon established and upon their eagerness to secure work for him at once he entered into an auto and was driven out to the Country Club. On a lonely road they halted, beat him, robbed him and left him to crawl back as best he could. That night about midnight he stood in front of Biola Hall where another of his countrymen was telling out the story of Him who came to preach the Gospel to the poor, heal the broken­ hearted, give deliverance to the cap­ tives, recovering of sight to the blind, liberty to them that are bruised, and proclaim the . acceptable year of the Lord. The story fell upon a heart truly sad and discouraged and in deep i\eed of a true friend. It wasn’t long before that weary heart found rest in the arms of Him who upholds the gov­ ernment of the world upon His shoul­ ders, and still bids the weary come unto Him and find rest. A Fruitful Seed The second striking case is an illus­ tration of Ecclesiastes 11:1. Over eight years ago the writer made a weekly trip to the large shops in this city, carrying the message of life to the men. There was very little out­ ward evidence to encourage one in those days. We were often inclined to be discouraged but God always gave more grace. Ultimately, however, the door of one large shop was politely hut firmly closed to us. Now comes our pleasant surprise, foreshadowing that “coronation day” when the great surprises will be revealed to all who love and serve Him. While speaking in front of Biola Hall this week the crowd gradually dwindled till one lone man faced the speaker. In conversa­ tion later we compared notes and dis­ covered he was one of the old boys from that particular shop. The seed had been sown long ago, prayers had watered it, and this day we had the joy of leading him to a definite accep­ tance of Christ and a public confession. Our third case gives a contrast between two lads, both of whom pro­ fessed to receive the Lord Jesus Christ five weeks ago. One drifted away through neglect of secret prayer, study of the Word, and sticking to the old gang. The other ‘.‘bought up” all his opportunities and in these five weeks since conversion has definitely won other lads who bear every evi­ dence of genuine conversion, with already a record of thirty interviews on the most vital subject, viz: “What will you do with Jesus which is called Christ?” What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus our Lord. G O S P E L T E N T F o r Sa le o r L ease A Gospel T ent 40 ft. by 80 ft. in splendid condition. All equipped, 60 can v as seats accom m odating 300 people. F o r fu rth er inform ation w rite MR. A. M. VAN CLEAVE, W oodburn, - - O regon

EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 310) of the many groups of men that the Shop Department reaches, as 22 meet­ ings are held each week. The tract distribution in itself is well worth the support of the friends who love to carry a testimony for the Lord. An average of 3500 tracts are given out each week and it is such a joy to see the men take a stand for Christ. Let us tell you of one: Several years ago we went in a shop and had no one to play the organ for us. As we do the best we can under circumstances like that, we asked any of the men who could play to volun­ teer. Finally one of the f e l l o w s offered to play for us and for the first time in his life made an effort to play hymns. Months passed and fin­ ally this man took the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour, and played for us regularly until he left the shop where he was employed. The other day we ran across him again and found out that he is a member in good standing in one of the churches, serves as one of their officers, and that he plays quite, often for the regular church services. Indeed it is a pleasure and joy to have such opportunities as we have, and we can say with Paul, we are “not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.” BIOLA HALL WORK D avid C ant, S upt.-—O ur C ity M ission for Men in th e center of Los A ngeles. M eetings continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ray e r M eeting. HREE striking cases stand out among over a hundred men who have made their first confession of the Lord Jesus Christ publicly in con­ nection with Biola Hall’s activities during the past month, all having their counterparts in the Word of God. The first recalls the man who fell among thieves. This particular man

THE HEPTADIC S T R U C T U R E O F SC R IP T U R E W ith a C h ap ter on Seven a n d Four in N ature By R. M cC orm ack In th is book it is show n how th e tru e a u to g rap h te x t of th e S cripture m ay be ascertain ed an d definitely established an d how th e stu d y of th e num ber Seven helps solve o th er difficulties in S cripture a s well as N ature. “T h a t th e num ber Seven is comm on in S crip tu re every school boy know s. T h a t th e sacred num ber, how ever, lurks in th e m o st unexpected places of H oly W rit, th a t indeed it en ters into th e very stru c tu re of th e volum e, it h as been left to Mr. R. M cCorm ack to reveal. W onderful a s his discoveries of sevens are, his inferences a re still m ore am az­ ing. The book is a m onum ent of p a tie n t an d alm o st incredible toil.”— E xposi­ to ry Tim es. “This w ork deserves atte n tio n on th e p a rt of all w ho find delight in God’s W ord. Thé a u th o r counts up w ords in g re a t passag es an d finds them to be sevens o r m ultiples of seven, and n o t w ith o u t reason, th e stu d en t is a rre sted by w hat he say s.”— The C hristian. “A valuable co n trib u tio n to biblical study, and to th e stren g th en in g of faith in th e W ord of G od.”:—The Life of F aith. P rice $4.00 P o stp aid W. P. BLESSING CO. 208 S. W ab ash Ave Chicago, 111. U nited S tates A gents fo r the P ublishers MARSHALL BROS., L td., 24-25 P a te rn o ste r Row E.C.4. London.

No th ing In P r in t L ike I t !

Realizing the need fo r our 1925 SPE­ CIAL REFERENCE GUIDE to the best in Sound C hristian L iterature, we offer you this volume, arranged by subjects. H aving spent some $2,000.00 in its pre­ paration, we know you will w ant to have a copy free. Do not fail to w rite a t once. A ddress D ept. K EVANGELICAL PUBLISHERS 858-860 College Ave., Toronto, Canada.

‘Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are”

IS T RU E IN TH p SP IR ITU A L A S W E L L A S TH E PH Y SICA L R EA LM Is y o u r S u n d a y S ch o o l g iv in g o u t Q u a rte rlie s a n d P a p e rs th a t a r e tru e to th e F u n d a m e n ta ls of th e C h ristia n F a ith ? If y o u w o u ld e n jo y e x a m in in g a lin e of S u n d a y S ch o o l L ite ra tu re th a t sta n d s fo u rs q u a re u p o n th e W o rd of G od, sen d fo r a FR E E SAM P L E P A C K of The “ChristianLife ” SUNDAY SCHOOL QUARTERLIES AND PAPERS W id ely k n o w n as a safe, san e, sp iritu a l, s c rip tu ra l se rie s fo r S u n d a y S ch o o l u se A Full L in e of Helps for T each ers and Sch o lars UNION G O SP EL P R E SS, B ox 6 8 0 , CLEVELAND , OH IO

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