July 1925
CHAIR! c /orSunday Schools, Churches (¿Auditoriums T FW T Q S U IT A B L E FOR. , i l j ALL OCCAS IONS i Sendfor CATALOG 1 I»Kiii;
SPANISH WORK R o b ert H . B ender, S upt.— Gospel M eetings and H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 M exicans in Los A ngeles a n d V icinity. To open th e ir eyes, and to tu rn them from d arkness to light, an d from th e pow er of S atan u n to God, th a t th ey m ay receive fo r giveness of sins, an d inh eritan ce am ong them w hich are sanctified, by faith .”
hear the message, and we have from four to sixteen conversions every week. Surely it is worth while to be on “the King’s Business.” The mem bers of our Bible class in Mexico are doing splendid work down there, both in holding meetings and in the distri bution of Gospels and tracts. We covet the prayers of all of God’s people that He will provide the Gospels and lit erature necessary to keep three or four men supplied, and above all that He may bless the distribution of His Word. So let us pray without ceasing. Word has just come to us of the organization at Placentia, California, of the Calvary Church, described as a “Fundamentalist-Premillennial Church free from all denominational connec tions,” for such of God’s children as can subscribe to a statement of doc trine which includes belief in the Bible as the verbally inspired Word and Revelation of God, inerrant, infallible and God-breathed; the Virgin Birth and Deity of Jesus Christ; the sub stitutionary atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ; His physical resurrec tion; the Personal, Premillennial coming of Jesus Christ; Heaven as a place of eternal blessedness and hell as a place of eternal suffering.' Mr. Charles E, Fuller, a graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles,: is pastor, and Evangelist Wm. E. Pietsch 'is Director of the Extension Depart ment and Superintendent of the Sun day School and Young People’s work. It is intended to carry on an intensive, county-wide campaign, using a large Gospel tent, and establishing Bible classes as well as noon-day meetings in the various packing plants and oil fields. All of the Lord’s children are re quested to pray for this work. Evan gelist Pietsch is open for several evan gelistic engagements each year besides his local work, and may be addressed at 1043 W. Chestnut Street, Santa Ana, California. A NEW FUNDAMENTAL, PREMTL- LENNIAL CHURCH
HIS text is in reality a des cription of the work that is performed among the people we are called to labor with. We are often asked by
friends if those who have been brought up in the Roman Catholic faith, do really come out definitely for the Lord, and when we reply in the affirmative, they can scarcely believe it, but we know that the Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation unto all that believe, and we are glad to say we have the proof, and that in abun dance. You can imagine how we re joice when we visit our different groups of believers for prayer and the study of the Word of God, to find that not only have they believed for them selves and rejoice in their new found joy, but are not satisfied until they can tell it to someone else. For in stance, in one of our railroad camps were two Christian families. When some more families came to live and work there, they were approached and invited to our cottage meetings, resulting in the conversion of three more families, and thus we could go on and cite incident after incident of souls being brought to the Lord through these converts. During the past month it was our privilege to address a Mexican congre gation of some five hundred, one of the most respectful and orderly con gregations that we ever preached to. At the close of our message we gave the invitation and some fifty or more came forward to the altar. It was truly a most wonderful sight. How we do praise the dear Lord for giving us poor mortals such a ministry. We do indeed feel humbled before Him, espe cially when we see how He crowns our efforts with precious souls. It’s no wonder that the angels envy us. Who would not surrender himself to the Lord of the harvest to spend and be spent for the Master? Yet how few there are who are willing to say to their Lord, “Here am I, send me.” The fields are white unto the harvest, but the laborers are few. We wish some of the readers of “The King’s Business” could go with us some time as we visit the railroad camps and see the hunger and eager ness with which they listen to the mes sage. Every Lord’s day a band of our men go down to the plaza. We have a large crowd that always gathers to DEAGAN TOWER CHIMES PLAYED BY ORGANIST FROM ELECTRIC KEYBOARD.' , THE MEMORIAL SUBLIME LITERATURE.INCLUDING TESTED PLAN FOR *§ SECURING.CH IM ES SE I4T UPON REQUEST ' STANDARD SE TS - $ 5 ,0 0 0 TO $ 1 0 ,0 0 0
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