King's Business - 1925-07


July 1925


OUTLINE STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF JUDE (Continued from page 314) never conducive to spiritual life or to prayer. It stifles prayer. A worldly Christian is never a praying Christian. A worldly life hinders fellowship with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of power. He furnishes the energy for the work of putting the stone in the building. Knowledge of the Word is through Him, and it will become effec­ tive in forming character by prayer, for it is through prayer that we assim­ ilate the Word. Third,— “Keep yourselves in the love of God.” Note that we are to keep ourselves in the “love of God” not in the “love of self.” That is natural. We are to keep out of self and keep in God’s love. We are to keep -ourselves in the consciousness of His love, not our love for Him, but His love for us. Many are occupied with their love for God,—measuring it, testing it,—how poor and weak! But God’s love for us,— how boundless, illimitable! It passes understanding (Eph. 3 :18 ); nothing can separate us from it (Rom. 8 :39 ). We cannot magnify it too much; the love that gave Jesus to die; the love that chose us, provides for us. The :“love of God” is not a mere sentiment. God is love, but love is righteous¿ just, never makes a mis­ tak e.' God is love when He says, “The soul that sinneth a ll die.” Jesus was moved by love when He smote the money-changers, pronounced “woe” on Jerusalem, rebuked Peter. There is no judge so inexorable, so exacting, as love. The love that has a sleepless eye, an unwearied arm, unmistaken judgment! “Keep yourselves” under its power, in touch with that love. Let the love of God constrain us, re-I membering that He not only loved but that He loves-—now!

with the past, no attainment is pos­ sible. . If we are occupied with the present,— the spirit of the world ab­ sorbs us. If we are occupied with His coming,—-all matters adjust them­ selves. What a protection against backslid­ ing! Our keeping is not dependent upon us, but upon Him. The charac­ ter of the building depends upon us, but the completion of the building, depends upon Him. Praise the Lord! (To be continued) May 7th the Student Missionary Union folks had a special treat when our own Mr. Hunter showed us stere- opticon pictures of India and- told us something of its possibilities and its great need. We could see tbe longing of India’s, thousands, of children look­ ing out of the brown eyes of the little girl who, though well taken care of and surrounded with wealth, still looked so unhappy. And then when we saw the child typical of the poor classes, we realized more fully than ever be­ fore how much India needs Christ and the blessings that love, for Him brings any country. The next week Japan and her needs had a chance to claim our special attention.' We did not know we could understand Japanese until Mr. Paul Waterhouse told us the story of David and the bear as he has told it many times to the Japanese' children on his boat trips among the islands, and we found that Japanese children are much like American children. Of special interest that evening was a duet in Japanese by Mr. Waterhouse and one of our Japanese students. Mr. Chas, .E. Hurlburt of the Africa Inland Mission spoke May 21st giving much practical help as he told of the necessary qualifications of a mission­ ary. The Jewish Prayer Band had charge of the last meeting of the month and told us of their own work among the Jews of this city. Miss Cederlund gave us an idea of the visitation work with its difficulties and blessings. Mr. McIn­ tosh spoke of the work of the Street Team, and then Mr. Vaus, director of this work, told something of the Jews and Jewish work in general and of the return of the Jews to Palestine. Word comes to us that the First Baptist Church of Tucson, Arizona, of which the Rev. R. S. Beal is the pas­ tor, has enjoyed a most refreshing revival under the leadership of Rev. Carl Bassett, evangelist, as a result of which there were 138 professions of faith, many whole families being con­ verted. Fifty-three were baptized and 25 have joined the church. Praise the Lord! One soul saved is worth a world of gold. Therefore the First Baptist Church of Tucson is truly a wealthy church. God bless it and its pastor and the new converts. "LO R E OF TH E OLYM PIC-LAND.” By M ary Gay M orse. $1.50. (Biola Press, publishers) Siw ash Indian legends. A t Olym pic Book-Shop, Seattle, W ash. B.I.O.L.A. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION R E FR E SH ING REVIVAL IN ARIZONA

P arish P ap ers fill em pty pews, ac­ celerate auxiliaries, a c t as assist* a n t p asto rs, speed up c h u r c h w ork. O ur co-operative plan p ro ­ vides y o u r chu rch w ith a p arish p ap er a t no expense. N ational R eligious P ress, G rand R apids, Mich. Send m e free p a rtic u la rs and sam ples w ith o u t an y obligation on m y p a rt. Nam e .............. S treet .................................................. C ity ............... ........... .................... K. B .--“JU L Y

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Fourth,— “Looking for the mercy of the Lord.” The completion of the; building is to be at His coming. Our eyes are to be fixed upon our home a,bove. Apostasy comes through cen­ tering the mind upon the past and the present. If we are wholly occupied John Brown University C O E D U C A T I O N A L I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L E V A N G E L I C A L L o c a te d in S u lp h u r S p rin g s, A rk a n sa s , th e b e a u ty sp o t of th e O z a rk s. H e a lth c e n te r, w ith m a n y fam o u s m ed icin al sp rin g s. E n v iro n m e n ts a b so lu te ly w h o le ­ som e, h e a lth y a n d clean . H ig h e s t lite ra ry sta n d a rd s . F u ll c o u rse s fro m first y e a r h ig h sch o o l u p . S p ecialized c o u rse s in v o c a tio n a l tra in in g . B ible stu d y co m p u lso ry . S ch o o l p le d g e d to th e old e v an g elical faith . M o d ern ism , in te r ­ co lleg iate a th le tic s a n d fra te rn itie s b a rre d . F re d e lin q u e n ts a n d u n ru ly s tu ­ d e n ts n o t a c c e p te d . A w h o le so m e fam ily life, w ith a w h o le so m e p ro g ra m of re c re a tio n a n d am u sem e n t. S ch o o l o w n s golf co u rse , lak e, p a r k s a n d w o n d e rfu l sp rin g s. L a rg e , m o d e rn b u ild in g s. T a b le s se rv ed fro m o u r ow n J e rs e y h e rd , g a rd e n s a n d p o u ltry y a rd s. T u itio n , ro om , b o a rd a n d la u n d ry $ 5 0 0 .0 0 . H ig h o b jectiv e th a t of tra in in g y o u n g p e o p le in a w e ll-ro u n d e d a n d th o ro u g h ly g ro u n d e d C h ristia n life. S tu d e n t b o d y lim ited to 2 5 0 stu d e n ts. W R I T E T H E JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY, Sulphur Springs, Arkansas E v a n g e list Jo h n E . B row n , P re sid e n t. accept fo r a lim ited tim e orders a t $40.00 each (list price $70.00.) A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. 20S Englewood Ave., Chicago, III. CHURCH FURNITURE Everything fo r Church and Sunday School, use. From Factory to You. Fin¿catalogfree. D eM o u lin B ros. 8C C o . 1151 South 4th St., Greenville, Illinois

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