July 1925
GO FORWARD (Ex. 14:15.)
The Christian should not be satis fied with present attainments. More than we possess may be had (2 Chron. 25 :9 ). 1. — “Follow on to know the Lord” (Hos. 6 :3 ). 2. —-“Grow in grace” (2 Pet. 3 :18 ). 3. — “Strive for the prize”— “Press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3 :14 ).— The Christian.
9 9 “Faith “Prayer
M osque of Om ar, B uilt on Site of Solom on's Tem ple
, 9 9
A TOUR OF PALESTINE AND EGYPT Rev. Solomon Birnbaum, director of the Jewish Missions Course at Moody Bible Institute, will head a party of Christian friends on a tour of Egypt and the Holy Land in July and August. Mr. Birnbaum was born and edu cated in Europe and has traveled ex tensively in Europe and oriental coun tries. For nearly two years he lived in Constantinople and he positively declares that the climate in those reg ions is not at all as oppressive during this time of the year as is commonly supposed. The mornings and the late afternoons and evenings are delight fully cool. Associated with Mr. Birn baum in the plans for the cruise, which will include also the Mediter ranean region, is the Rev. John C. Page, teacher of Bible Doctrine at the Moody Bible Institute, and known af fectionately tó thousands of former and present Institute students. There will be lectures and varied entertainment on shipboard. Calls will be made at Madeira, Gibraltar, Mal aga, and Monaco. . Numerous other optional excursions will be allowed, and visits of some length are sched uled for Rome, Naples, Venice, Athens, Constantinople and Beyrout. In Egypt the pyramids of Gizeh and the ancient Sphinx will be visited, and a day spent in the cities of Alexandria and Cairo. ÜÉ SOUTHWEST BIBLE AND MISSION ARY CONFERENCE The Southwest Bible and Mission ary Conference will convene as usual in August at Camp Elden, near Flag staff, Arizona, August 4-16, 1925. Many of the Lord’s people in this region have come to look forward to this gathering with great interest. The opportunity for bodily rest and re-- freshing under the pines in the sixty- two acre camp in the cool air of nearly seven thousand feet elevation is one to be prized. Ample accommodations are provided in Conference houses and tents at reasonable rates, and there is pasture for horses.. Those who bring their own camping outfits will find ample room and abundant shade in the spacious , grounds. Good whole some meals at practical cost are pro vided through the Boarding Club* and special rates will be given to families. The usual good, program is being arranged with sane and helpful teach ers of God’s Word as our instructors, the Conference being divided at times into sectional groups according to the
need of workers, Indian Christians, language students, children, etc. Free afternoons give opportunity for little journeys by automobile to the many prehistoric and present in terests all about Flagstaff. There are mountains to climb and caves and can yons to explore. Outdoor sports and evening camp fires for those who enjoy them. Welpjextend a cordial invitation to all to join us at this year’s gather ing. For information write Rev. J. B. Frey, President, Tuba, •Arizona, or F. G. Mitchell, Cor. Sec. I ^¡ 4 . V m DYING AT THE DINNER At a recent dinner given by the National- Press Association, in Lon don, in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Thomas Huxley, where 200 guests were gathered, Major G. H. Putnam, an American Civil War vet eran, proposed a toast to the presiding officer, George Whale, 75 years of age;- In responding to the toast, Mr. Whale said: “Do I say, let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die? No, I say, take hands and help for today we liv e!” In the course of his speech, in which he ruthlessly attacked the dog mas of Christianity, and ridiculed the idea that the light of^the Holy Spirit had guided the church for nineteen centuries, he was stricken by the hand of God and his soul went out to the dens of darkness to await the judg ment day of - the wicked. He is not the first nor will he be the last blas phemer whose lips will be sealed by the unseen hand of Him whose wrath will vindicate His righteousness.
9 9 “Guidance” “Chastening F our of Jam es H. M cConkey’s B est K nown D evotional B ooklets Sent absolutely free to an y one in terested enough to w rite fo r them . A ddress
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THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS In vario u s p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C h ristian m ay b e su p p o rted in th e w ork of God fo r an en tire year, for from $15. to $600. L iteratu re free. PAU L H . TABER, Sec., Box K, 2007 F o ster Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E v an g elists a n d Bible W om en w ho are being su p p o rted for from 80c to $ 2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., fo r free literatu re.
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