July 1925
tude upon this younger generation. They are going out into a new day with new ways of thinking. There is no use in trying to turn back the clock. Ideas like scientific law and evolution are here to stay. Disciples of modern study, like archaeology, history, comparative religion, literary criti cism, are here to stay.” The passage quoted contains eighty-three words. In this brief statement of his position— and if he is not a leader of modernism, who isjP—Dr. Fosdick used the word “new” twice, and the word “modern” twice, besides endorsing “criticism” of the Bible. He compares the changes in reli gious thought to the constant forward movement of the clock and represents the “younger” generation as requiring concessions. To please these young people with new thoughts, he would substitute “scientific law” for “thus saith the Lord.” But while he prates .about the “new” and the “modern,” he nowhere mentions the doctrines, the hold ing of which compelled his resignation. Why not? Why does he not describe the modernists’ Christ so that the pub lic can measure the extent of his blasphemy? No evan gelical Church has ever endorsed a single doctrine of the modernists. Here is the issue forced upon the Christian church by the modernists. They have a right to think what they like and to teach what they please, but they should be candid enough to admit that, by demanding innovations and “mod ern” doctrines, they are the ones who are disturbing the harmony of the church. Instead of accepting responsibility for the discord which they are creating, they are trying to silence all defense, of the Bible While they continue their attacks upon it. They ask that discussion of controverted points be banned so that they can, unmolested, continue sapping and undermining the foundations of the Christian church. D o e s I t M a tte r ? And this brings us to the last clause of Mary’s twice uttered plaint: “I know not where they have laid Him.” If Christ was no greater than the modernists think Him, it would matter little where they laid Him, for no one but His family and near friends would be interested in marking His burial place. If Jesus could be reduced to the stature of a man, as modernists demand, His ashes would not make any spot sacred. A visit to any old cemetery will convince one that the dead are soon forgotten. If Christ had been merely a man, as modernists think He was, His name would not have survived His generation. As it is, His name is “above every name.” They.shall not take away our Lord. The Christian Church will not permit the degrading of its founder; it will defend at all times, everywhere and in every way, the historical Christ. It believes that “There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” No diminutive Messiah can meet the religious need of the world today and throughout the centuries. “Christ for all and forever,” is the slogan of the church. There has been apos tasy in every age; attacks upon Christianity have been dis guised under cloaks of many kinds but it has withstood them all— “the hammers are shattered but the anvil remains.” The church will not yield now; it will continue its defense of the Bible, the Bible’s God and the Bible’s Christ until “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.”
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