•July 1925
THE CHOSEN PEOPLE—THE LAND— AND THE BOOK Jewish News Notes Compiled by J. A. Vaus, Supt. Jewish Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles To Dedicate Jewish Center at Aviv. “During the coming Passover the ‘Organization of Amer ican Jews in Palestine’ will dedicate its new building at 15 Herzl Street in the heart of Tel Aviv. The structure is built entirely of Palestine stone, which resembles granite. The building has three floors. On ,the first floor will be located the offices of the American Pales tine Bank, Ltd., a financial institution organized and con trolled by members of the American organization. “On the second floor there will be a synagogue with a seating capacity of a thousand, and on- the .third floor will be eight large rooms which will be used for a library, social rooms and class rooms.” 600 Leave Warsaw for Palestine “A report from Warsaw to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency states the tourist season began with the departure of 200 tourists from Poland to Palestine. The party included Dr. Osias Thon of Crakow, member of the Sejm; Dr. Braude of Lodz and correspondents of the Yiddish and Polish Jewish newspapers. At the same time 400 emigrants left Warsaw for Palestine. Among them was the CHassidic rabbi of Jablonna and a number of his followers.’^ . “Gate to Palestine” on Syrian Frontier “On a picturesque rock, which divides Palestine from Syria, a frontier control station for passports and visas has just been erected, according to a report from Jerusalem to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Travelers to and from Palestine must pass the narrow road and present them selves to the Control Officers. Nobody is able to leave the country for Syria without passing the Control Station, the building of which is a great achievement, in view of the difficulties which had to be overcome at such a place and altitude. Real iron gates on both sides with locks and keys, bearing the inscriptions ‘in’ and ‘out’ were erected. The station is marked with the word ‘Palestine’ in the three official languages, English, Hebrew and Arabic.” (Extracts from “New Palestine” ). Jerusalem Beyond the old walled city, beyond ruins, graves, tem ples, monuments, there is a new world. Stand on the Jaffa road in the great flood of light. All colors glow here—yel low and blue and orange turbans, the scarlet fez of an Arab on a donkey; and white shawls of the Bedouins of the desert. But there are young men and women in the sobriety of European garb. They are the pioneers, the workers. And what they see is not shrine or sarcophagus, but stone to be quarried, fields to be digged, water and power to be brought into the wastes of this desolate land, new cities on hill-tops fronting the same old stars. They see a New Jerusalem too. Not a city of mystic forms or golden stairs. A city of houses and parks and theatres and seats of learning. “The plans for that new city are laid and that city is being built. There are new houses and new quarters; there are schools and hospitals; there is the beauty of trees where for centuries no shade fell. The New Jerusalem is not a city of temples and shrines. Let the Christians pray in their holy places and the Moslems guard forever the Dome of the Rock. Our holy place is the earth of the land
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