King's Business - 1925-07

July 1925



and our city the city that we are building; our rock is the rock of work and vision which can he Scopus as well as Moriah, which can be Tabor or Carmel by the sea.” (L. Lewisohn, in “The Nation” ). British Colonial Office Replies to le a g u e Questions on Jewish National Home “Answering the question: ‘What measures have been taken to place Palestine under such political, administrative and economic conditions as to secure the establishment of the Jewish National Home’? The report answers that the Palestine Government’s legislation was directed toward the general aim of providing equal opportunity to all commun­ ities and classes and of encouraging enterprise in the coun­ try. The ordinance which was enacted in 1920 for the pur­ pose of regulating immigration into Palestine did not relate expressly to Jewish immigration but provided that entry for permanent and temporary residence shall be regulated by the High Commissioner from time to time in conformity with the conditions and the needs of the country. “In what manner has the Jewish Agency been officially recognized” ?— Answer: “A Committee appointed by the Zionist Organization was established in Palestine and was officially recognized as a counsultative body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the Government in mat­ ters which may effect the establishment of the National Home. The members of this Committee were granted a weekly interview with the Government House in Jerusalem. This Committee corresponds with the Government Depart­ ments on departmental matters. This Committee was con­ sulted by the Administration in fixing the schedule of the number of immigrants to be allowed entry and the Zionist Organization, through the agencies in Europe, participates in the selection of the immigrants. “The Zionist Committee maintains a complete system of education for the Jewish people and also maintains the Hadassah medical unit. The Zionist Committee has special branches for developing agricultural settlement, commerce and industry and has indirectly cooperated in several con­ structive government public works. It has advanced money to the government for the cost of laying a metalled road between Rishon L’Zion, Rehoboth, Jaffa and Jerusalem. Bord Balfour Reaves for Palestine. “Lord Balfour left London on March 15 on his way to Palestine, via Paris and Naples, according to a cable dis­ patch to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “The London press carried a photograph of Lord Balfour on the platform of the Victoria station a few minutes before the train left. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who arrived in Lon­ don on March 13, will sail on Tuesday, for Naples, where he will join Lord Balfour.”

“Best” Books on the

Sunday School

The Church School Blue-print By M arion Law rence

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C loth, $1.00

The Adult Program in the Church School By C harles W . B rew baker A book of helpful suggestions, ideal as a te x t book o r for general reading furnished by a proved and successful w orker m th is field of Sunday School activ ities, an d designed fo r th e p ra c ­ tical aid of sup erin ten d en ts, teachers, leaders an d o th er m em bers of a d u lt school organizations. C loth $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods a re to com e by m ail ad d 10 % fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal,______

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