King's Business - 1925-07



July 1925

this connection to note that bacteria are the smallest plant life that have ever yet been seen by the aid of the compound microscope. According to evolutionary teach­ ing, plant life came before animal and the simple plants before the complex. Life therefore should have started with bacteria. All this is brushed aside to make plausible their assumption of the origin of life by spontaneous gen­ eration. Therefore we see that all the biological evidence is against this assumption. Whenever I read this explana­ tion, I think of it as an ingenious suggestion of Satan rather than a reasonable explanation of man. Certain theistic evolutionists like Arrhenius and Tich- enor, who deny both spontaneous generation and special creation, turn to the eternity of life to satisfy their ration­ alistic philosophy and their disbelief in miracles. But to believe that microscopic life could retain its vitality or per­ petuate itself in interstellar space, away from oxygen and food supply, is without reason and logic. Every biological evidence is against it. Weismann is probably quite right when he says that life in space could not retain its vitality “even for a few days, much less for immeasurable periods of time.” Of all the books on evolution in our college library there is but one that gives the arguments both for and against evolution. These writers seem not to want their students to know that there are two sides to the question. In a sim­ ilar way most living writers on the. subject either omit special creation as a possible explanation of the origin of life or else merely mention it in terms of derision, ridicule, or sarcasm. This statement by Prof. Newman of Chicago is an example: “There is no rival hypothesis except' the out-worn and completely refuted one of special creation now retained by the ignorant, the dogmatic and the prejudiced.” (Outlines of General Zoology, p. 407; 1924). Do they know or have they forgotten that unnumbered millions of men and women in the past and at present believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis. For over 3000 years Christians have believed that God in a miraculous way brought into being plants, animals, and man, each after their kind. To deny the historicity of Genesis is to deny that God through Moses wrote this wonderful story of the origin of life. Unsaved men or men who love sin, hate God. As far back as history records, a portion of man-kind everywhere have hated God. But those who hate' Him try to eliminate Him. May this not be the reason why so many of the living writers exclude special creation as one of the explanations of the origin of life? Such men deny this explanation although it is by far the easiest to believe, either by reason or by faith. (To be continued)

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