July 1925
THE K I N G ’S . B U S I N E S S
OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CHINA (Continued from page 308)
Vacation Books Of the better sort— Books for young folks and for older folks “Mona’s Inheritance and Three Girls in a Boat” By L au ra B arte r Snow “ There is so m uch reason fo r looking askance a t m any of th e novels w hich issue from th e p re ss y e ar a fte r year, th a t it is a real p leasu re to m eet w ith a sto ry book th a t can be p u t in to th e h ands of girls a n d young w om en w ith o u t a n y h esi tatio n . M rs. B arter Snow d em b n strates the po ssib ility of w rit ing a n a ttra c tiv e sto ry of treasu re, and in trig u e, and hum an love, in a m anner w hich is com patible w ith th e p resen tatio n of sim ple G ospel tru th s.” C loth, $1.50
Porteous. “No one knew we were coming or had arrived, when out bounced the grandson of Mr. Li, the voluntary leader of the church. I noticed that he had the bell in his hand which he was about to ring, but forgot to do so in the surprise of finding me, the pony and the coolie at the door. I followed him in and there was the chapel full of people as usual,, with their hymn books prepared for the regular evening worship. You can imagine the rest! My concertina, together with their hearty singing, fairly made the place ring. ‘Now which one would you like to sing’? ‘Sing about the Lamb’ said an old woman who had just learned to sing the New Song. The trials of the way were soon forgotten in the joy of seeing and hearing these happy souls singing of His dying love.”- The Power qf Prayer Another, incident in the same district demonstrates afresh the power of prayer. The wife of one of the young believ ers had just died, without Christ. The father-in-law demanded an exorbitant sum to be spent for the burning of paper money to get his daughter out of purgatory. Though Mr. Porteous went to see him he was utterly unreasonable and it looked as though the first Christian funeral in that place was going to be very much interfered with. As the service started he threw himself on'the coffin still demanding the burning of paper money. Suddenly, however, and we are sure in definite answer to the prayers of God’s servants, he rose and walked quietly away and the funeral was held in an orderly manner. Now the members of this little church are anxious to contribute a large sum of money to build a little church of their own. These young converts also have a real enthusiasm for Bible study. Dur ing the time that the band was with them they conducted as many as five different classes daily. Their prayer experience is also growing rapidly. Mr. Porteous says, “ ‘Every thing to God in prayer’ is their slogan.” At another important market towm where work had formerly been commenced it had to be discontinued on account of the opposition of false brethren. Now, however, through the work of Band No. 9, the old chapel has been re-opened and the Gospel is having a splendid reception. It is no trouble to get 100 people out night after night to hear the Gospel, and when Mr. Porteous holds his “Gospel lan tern meetings” this number swells to between two and three hundred. Mr. Porteous says that their church register shows sev eral hundred members as a direct result of the work of the Biola Bands, and closes his letter by saying, “Some 125 ‘Biola children’ and ‘grandchildren’ were amongst those added to our membership roll during 1924. It is with a deep sense of gratitude to Doctor Keller and to the staff of B. I. O. L. A. in China, together with those in the homelands who by their gifts make such work possible, that this, brief report is sent out.” As you pray for the Biola Bands please remember also the missionaries and Chinese pastors in whose districts the bands are working. This article will give a little idea of the vital relationship and close cooperation between the Biola Evangelistic Bands and the missionaries with whom they are associated.
The Search By G race L ivingston Hill “To th e list of pleasing ro m ances now credited to G race L ivingston H ill is being a d d ed “The Search,” in w hich a w insom e A m erican girl a n d a soldier in cam p, a n d a t the b a ttle front, fu rn ish them e an d m otive for a carefully w rought engaging love sto ry .” C loth, $1.00 Barney Boy! By L au ra B arte r Snow This book is th e sto ry of a boy of S outhern Ireland who, in sp ite of m any m isfortunes, trium p h ed over them and a l low ed th e L ord in his life to keep him sw eet an d b rave. T his is a book th a t is good alike for boys an d g irls and co n tain s m any helpful lessons in p atien ce an d C hristian love. Cloth, $1.25 “The Story of a Whim” By G race L ivingston Hill If a young m an spells his nam e “C hristie,” he can no t blam e fate w hen a p re tty girl w rites him an affectionate le t te r— u nder t h e im pression th a t she is corresponding w ith a girl h er ow n age. A nd the girl up N orth becam e so in terested in h er lonely friend dow n S outh th a t, w ith o u t w arning, she m ade “h er” a v isit. Of course th ere is a terrific shock, b u t love o v er com es all obstacles. A c h arm ing love sto ry , an d beautiful w ith sp iritu al values. C loth
A Stray Sunbeam By L au ra B arte r Snow
J u s t the kind of a sto ry th a t you should p u t in to th e hands of a young g irl th a t you w anted to have know the Gospel s t o r y of Salvation th ro u g h th e shed blood of ■Jesus. Cloth, $1.00 By L au ra B arte r Snow F o r those w ho believe in th e power* of p ray er, th is book w ould prove a c o n sta n t joy. It contains th e sto ry of m any in stan ces of answ ered p ray er of a young girl an d h er b ro th e r an d is w onderful fo r helping young C hristians to stren g th en th e ir fajth . It is also a w o rth while book fo r older ones to read. C loth, $1.50 The Testing of Jim MacLean By Dillon W allace The well know n au th o r of th e S tory of G renfell of L ab ra d o r h as p rep ared a n o th er stirrin g sto ry w h ic h ' will a f ford as excellent reading for o u r boys a s th e in terestin g ad v en tu res of D r. Grenfell. Jim M acLean, th e p rincipal ch aracter, is th e son of a rich lum berm an w h o m circum stan ces throw s upon his own resources in th e w ilds of L ab rad o r. H is experiences in th is black n o rth ern w ilderness te s t his c h arac te r an d reveal his courage an d resourful- ness. Cloth, $1.25 Norah’s Victoroy
The Man of the Desert
By G race Livingston Hill T h e lo v e s to ry of a d a u g h te r of lu x u ry an d a p lain m a n fa c in g his d u ty a n d d o in g h is w o rk o n th e h om e m issio n field of th e W est. M rs. H ill d ra w s som e vivid p ic tu re s of life as it is liv ed in a sh e lte re d N ew E n g la n d tow n , a s it is lived in th e d e se rt-w a ste s of A riz o n a . E v ery re a d e r o f th is c h a rm in g s to ry w ill b e m ad e to re jo ic e in th e h a p p y triu m p h o v e r d ifficu lties w h ic h gives th ese y o u n g p e o p le th e c ro w n in g jo y of life, th e u n io n of k in d re d so u ls. C loth, $ 1 .0 0
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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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