King's Business - 1925-07

July 1925



William was troubled many times, and over and over he prayed that God would help him to lead Louise into the Light. It never seemed to occur to him that he should give her up. He loved her, and she must see as he did, was his consuming thought. Louise on one occasion went away for more than a week, attending a house party, and when she returned she reviewed it all for William’s benefit. It had been a gay, worldly time, and Louise enjoyed seeing William wince as she related their doings. “I will get him out of this narrow living; I will make him see real life,’' was her constant thought. As they sat talking together, enjoying each other’s com­ panionship, Louise was called out to meet her parents, who had just arrived, having reached the city several weeks before they were expected. Louise was wild' with delight, and fairly pulled William out to see them. She had written about him, and the parents were prepared to look Louise’s minister over. It amused them to think of her being inter­ ested, even temporarily, in a minister. Years before, Mr. and Mrs. Birdsey had been interested enough in church to belong to one, although neither of them had ever been con­ verted, and they had in later years drifted away even from the former outward show of religion. Louise’s parents were pleased with William’s looks, as they noted his keen, earnest young face, and they spoke pleasantly to him. “Harmon? I used to know a young Harmon,” said Mr. Birdsey. “It was years ago in Brooklyn. A young minister, a friend of mine— his name was Will Morehouse— had a friend visiting him and I met him several times; an attrac­ tive chap, as I remember him, and his name was Jack Har­ mon. I wonder if you know him, or are related to him in any way?” William Harmon’s face was shining. “Know him? I should say I do. I am Jack Harmon’s adopted son, and am Will Morehouse’s own son. And you knew my father, too? I am so glad. I have always wanted to know my father’s friends.” “So you are Billie Bob?” said Mrs. Birdsey. “I would never have known you. You have changed so in the years between, and I warrant you that you and Louise never remembered the ‘Billie Bob’ and ‘Bluebird’ days.” “Why mother, is this the boy that called me ‘Bluebird’? I always thought that lovely. No wonder we fell in love with each other!” was Louise’s happy reply. Both of the young people were soon busy over old mem­ ories, but William had not retained so very much of that old Brooklyn life in his memory, for there was no one "to recall it to him. Louise had carried the memory of “Billie Bob,” and her “Bluebird” days, fo r .she long lived in her old home, and had many pictures to remind .her of those times. Mr. and Mrs. Birdsey remained with them until William, remembering their recent arrival, arose to go away. Louise whispered to him in the hall and bade him see her father tomorrow or the next day, or just as soon as he could. While William was going home, he recalled, a word or two of Mr. Birdsey’s, and fancied, or was it only fancy, that there had been a coolness in the elder man’s parting? He puzzled over it, and then tried to dismiss it, but could not. There was'something in Mr’ Birdsey’s manner that he could not quite analyze. (To be continued) - When our ears are open to the voice of the Spirit, they will be closed to the venom of the serpent.

These are the Books that you want to read just now in order to rightly understand WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN and his resaon for constantly fighting Evolution.

F o r m any y ears Wm . Jennings B ryan has been one of th e o u tstan d in g figures in the political an d religious w orld. H is w ork has been b ro ad er th a n th e political field. He has lived in th e a ren a of p olitics, national an d in tern atio n al, b u t h as reserved tim e for church duties an d religious addresses. These a n d his religious books a re causing him to be increasingly know n a s a D efender of the F aith.

TIMELY MESSAGES In His Image “T his book is an event of im portance. T he au th o r is

LATEST VOLUMES Seven Questions in Dispute Mr. B ryan’s la te st book a d ­ dresses itself to the seven g re a t su b jects u nder d iscu s­ sion: The Inspiration of the Bible; th e D eity of C h rist; The V irgin B irth ; The B lo o d A tone­ m ent; The R esurrection of th e B ody; T he M iracles of Jesu s; The O rigin of Man. Every c h ap ter in th is rem arkable book displays Mr. B ryan’s d ia­ lectical skill, inexorable, logic, an d im plicit reliance on H oly S cripture fo r proof a n d su p ­ p o rt of his argum ent. Rev. J. F. N ugent, LL. D., Des Moines, Iow a: “The book is an album of m ental p h o to ­ g raphs w hich Mr. B ryan took from real life w hile trav elin g th ro u g h a w orld of thinking b rain s an d th ro b b in g h earts. A fter reading th e book, one is deeply im pressed w ith th e fact th a t a m an m u st FEEL w ith th e w orld before he is com pe­ te n t to TH INK fo r th e w orld.” Orthodox Christianity versus Modernism “This defense by th e strong, w ell-inform ed sp iritu ally -m in d ­ ed an d courageous believer of th e tru th , is a good statem en t for those w ho desire to know an d follow th e teach in g s of th e Gospel. W e comm end Mr. B ryan and his earn est efforts fo r th e honor of C hrist, the glory of God, an d th e salv a ­ tion of souls.”— “H erald and P resb y ter.” Heart-to-Heart Appeals

spokesm an for a large segm ent of th e people, an d his w ork is a frank, vigorous, often elo­ quent appeal to revelation to th e Bible accep ted literally as the suprem e t e a c h e r .................. M odern science does n o t yield readily to a n y in can tatio n or m agic form ula, b u t it will be ill-advised if it u n d e r-e sti­ m ates the. p o ten tialities of a B ryanized edu catio n..................... Mr. B ryan h as th e courage of his convictions a n d realizes th a t revealed religion m ust re st squarely upon th e v alid ­ ity of its revelation.” 10 t h E d itio n , I llu s tr a t e d , $ 2 .0 0 C lo th , $ 1 .7 5 W ith o u t I l l u s t r a t i o n s

C lo th , $ 1 .2 5

Famous Figures of the Old Testament

It w as no accid en t th a t Mr. B ryan’s “ In H is Im age” rose a t once to un iv ersal p o p u lar­ ity . A s A Bible expositor the fam ous statesm a n has been for a long tim e holding th e a tte n ­ tio n of large audiences. H is new book furnishes a gallery of O ld T estam en t p o rtra its w hich a re m asterpieces of c h a ra c te r delineation. Deft, ju st, discrim inating, t h e s e c h arac te r sketches are am ong th e b e st th in g s M r. B ryan has y et done, and lay th e religious public u nder still fu rth er tr i­ b u te to one of th e first in tel­ lects an d g reat C hristian lead ­ ers of o u r tim e. William Jennings Bryan W ayne C. W . W illiam s T his book is n o t a b io g ra ­ phy. The g re a t “C omm oner” h as w ith sto o d successfully, a g reat sto rm of ad v erse c riti­ cism a n d obloquy. M r. W ill­ iam s here p resen ts a concise, su ccin ct review of Mr. B ry ­ a n ’s ex trao rd in ary c o n trib u ­ tio n to th e life an d w elfare of his tim e.

C lo th , $ 1 .2 5

C lo th , $ 1 .5 0

A r t P a p e r , 3 5 c

The Bible and Its Enemies

C lo th , $ 1 .0 0

W ith g re a t boldness and plainness of speech Mr. B ryan p ain ts th e A theist, th e A gnos­ tic, th e H igher C ritic a n d p a r­ ticu larly th e E volu tio n ist as th ey are— enem ies 1 of o u r

The Menace of Darwinism

A resum e of, and an e x tra c t from , “In H is Im age,” Mr. B ryan’s epoch-m aking book a g ain st D arw inism . For use in stu d y classes, fo r d istri­ bution, etc. A r tP aper, 3 5 c

co u n try and of God. A cam ­ p aig n speech on the in teg rity of th e H oly Scriptures. 1 2m o , ar t s t o c k c o v e r s . 2 5 c

I f m o n e y d o e s n o t a c c o m p a n y o r d e r , g o o d s w ill b e s e n t C . O . D ., u n le s s o th e rw is e s p e c if ie d . I f g o o d s a r e t o c om e b y m a il a d d 1 0% f o r p o s ta g e . B I O L A B O O K R O O M _______Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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