King's Business - 1947-04

12. Who said, "My Lord and my God”? _____ _________________ 3 John 20:28 John 20:4-8 Matt. 28:2 Matt. 27:57-60 Acts 12:4 John 20:12,13 John 19:39 Matt. 28:5, 7 Mark 16:9 John 20:1, 11, 15 John 20:19 Mark 16:1,3 Save your answers and compare them with the correct ones on the Junior page next month. BOOKS BY BOONE Ruth*s Romance of Redemption

JUN IOR K ING’S BUSINESS (Continued from Page SS)

5. Who rolled away the stone from the tomb?_____________________ 6 . Who entered the tomb and saw “the linen clothes lying"?_________ 7. Who said, “Go quickly, and tell”? _________________________ 8 . Who said, “Who shall roll us away the stone f r om the sepul­ chre"? ______ ______ ____________ 9. Who said, “Woman, why weep- est thou"? ____________ ________ 10. Who said, “Sir, . . . tell me where thou hast laid him"?_______ 11. Who said, “Peace be unto you”? _______________ ___________ "GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS" By Kathryn Radar Hawthorne Marvellous Experiences of a Missionary Pioneer to Sumatra. East Indies.

An Esster Bible Quiz The answers to the following ques­ tions are found in the Scriptures listed below. On the dotted lines write the answers and the correct Scripture references. 1. Where is the word, Boater, men­ tioned in the Bible?_____________ 2. Who provided the new tomb for the body of the Lord Jesus?_______ 3. Who brought a hundred-pound weight of spices to be used in the burial of the Lord Jesus?_________ 4. To whom did the Lord Jesus first appear after His resurrec­ tion? _________________________

"Hie author presents nine studies on the book of Ruth which is something entirely new. You will marvel over its spiritual depth. It is hornilet!cally written; divid­ ing the book of Ruth into seven studies. In addition, there is one chapter on Boas,

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Beautifully cloth bound. 190 pages, Price 12.00 per copy In graphic language Mrs. Hawthorne realtes her experiences in three main divisions: 1. The Early Years; 2. The Sumatra Years, 3. Internment Years. She climaxes her book with the story of God's wonderful deliverance from Internment Camp. Kathryn Rader Hawthorne comes from a long line of ministers and missionaries. Her father Daniel L. Rader was a Methodist minister, as was his father and grandfather. Her brother. Paul Rader, was known throughout America and In foreign countries as a man with a real message. Proceeds from sale of this book above actual costs to go toward missionary work In Sumatra. Send at once your order and remittance to LIGHT AND HOPE PUBLICATIONS. Bern*. Indiana

This book contains stories of our sacred songs showing how the authors were inspired to write them. The reader will appreciate the old songs far more after reading this ) ( ) * splendid book ................... «V ®

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APRIL, 1947

P .g* Twenty-three

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