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A MINISTER'S OBSTACLES, by Ralph G. Turnbull, M. Th.
Written by a successful minister, for ministers, this volume may be put to excellent use in "checking up” on one’s service for God. There are fifteen chapters with such in triguing titles as: “The Spectre of Professionalism,”. "The Vi c e of Sloth,” ‘The Dry-Rot of Covetous ness,” “The Paralysis of Pride,” "The Snare of Substitutes,” “The Peril of Privilege,” and “The Vanity of Clev erness.” Nearly every phase of the ministry is covered, but particularly the temptations of the preacher. There are graphic illustrations and appropriate verse, and the volume has above-the-average literary qual ity. 159 pages. Fleming H. Revell, New York, N.Y. Cloth. Price $1.50. PLAIN TALKS ON ROMANS, by Wendell P. Loveless, As explained by the author, this volume is designed to be practical rather than theological. Neverthe less, a thorough knowledge of the book of Romans is evident through out the twenty-nine chapters. In ad dition to the excellent expository material, there are good outlines, telling illustrations in prose and poetry, and worth-while suggestions for further reading and study. 379 pages. Moody Press, Chicago, 111. Cloth. Price $3.50. This is an Interesting and inspir ing book of ten sermons by the well- known Scotch-Canadian evangelist. The messages are witty, original, searching. 164 pages. Wm. B. Eerd- mans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. SONGS FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Compiled by Dorothy F. Poulton. This is an excellent collection of songs for beginners. The tunes are singable and the words simple. Many themes are covered such as birthday, missionary, welcome, closing, God’s Word, God’s love and care, Jesus our Friend, helping and sharing. A help ful index is included. The motion and finger play songs are an un usual feature of the book. 79 pages. Standard Pub. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Paper. $1.50. HEAVEN’S JEWELRY, by James McGinlay.
This is a most unusual missionary book. Purported to be a financial report of the work of the Donhavur Fellowship of South India, which is engaged in rescuing boys and girls from the life of service to heathen gods, it is so filled with praise to God that it is, in reality, an in* tensely spiritual, devotional book. Included are “A Companions’ Chap ter” of original poems, and seven teen beautiful, rich, sepia photogra vures, most of them of Indian chil dren. Miss Carmichael thus explains her reason for writing the book: "This story is written to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. . . for those who find in the simplest of true things something that quickens 'the sense of the Unseen behind the seen’ and for whom the temporal holds the seed of the Eternal." She explains that the workers at Don havur receive no stated salary and that no funds are solicited for the work. The missionaries engage in preaching, doctoring, nursing, teach ing, building, engineering, and farm ing. Their mission family has reached over eight hundred. There are recorded hundreds of miracles in answer to prayer, particularly in the supplying of financial needs. The book is a thrilling testimony to God’s faithfulness, which every one con templating missionary service should read. 293 pages. Loizeaux Brothers, New York, N.Y. Cloth. Price $3.50. AND THEN I PRAY, GOODNIGHT. A Child’s Story of the Bible. By Dorothy Tanner Henselcr. This is a beautiful and interesting book containing a Bible story, a Scripture text, and a prayer for every day in the year. The Bible stories are re-told simply, briefly and ac curately, without any attempt at in terpretation on the author's part. They are arranged in chronological order and the texts range from Gen esis 1:1 to Revelation 3:20. The ap pearance of the volume is enhanced by twenty-nine reproductions of fa mous Biblical paintings, four of which are full color plates, printed on highly glossed paper. There is a fine colored map of the Journeys of Paul, and a complete index. 391 pages. W. A. Wilde, Boston, Mass. Cloth. Price $3.50. APRIL, 1947
Daniel Rose, Director Trust#« Bible Institut# of Los Angeles» Elder» Church of the Open Door
The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a Jewish Department whose ministry deals with the preaching of tne Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this of fice go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to in terest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish peo ple and inviting them to the meet ings. Teams of students hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can be secured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p.m. in the lower audi torium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meeting is held with fine speakers. Tou are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish De partment, and to support this min istry by your prayers and gifts.
Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Départaient Bible Institute of Los Angeles S58 So. Hop« St., Loi Angelo 13,
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