King's Business - 1947-04

Dr. Walter L. Wilson

May 4. 1947

although based upon the C hristian endeavor topics for the month , these


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DISCUSSIONS are young people ’ s groups .




J osh . 1:6-9; P rov . 3:1-6

3. S uccess in E ndeavor 2 T im . 4:7

S UCCESS may be viewed from God’s standpoint and from man’s view­ point. It may also be considered from the standpoints of temporal success, and eternal success. Per­ haps it could be summed up in say­ ing that a successful life is one which brings glory to God and profit to one’s self. Frequently those who are successful in obtaining money may fail in bringing blessing to others, or glory to God. We have known of cases where friends who were very successful in helping others and in glorifying the Lord, had very little of this world's goods. TTiey were happy in their hearts, contented in their spirits, and knew that their lives were not in vain. We shall consider some of the Scriptures which help to solve this problem of success. 1. S uccess in L a b o r T it . 3:8 The Lord puts no premium on either laziness or ignorance. Since we are in the world and are a part of it, it is surely incumbent upon us to learn to do something well, and to be able by our knowledge and labor to support ourselves and those who are dependent upon us. This is the financial side of the problem. The mind that has been enlight­ ened by the Gospel is best able to grasp the problems of a trade, or a profession, and to excel therein. The life Christ gave is the “light of men.” Only In Christian countries do we find expert labor which is both profitable and useful. Paul worked with his own hands to sup­ port himself. There is no reason at all why the real Christian should not excel in his undertaking as he walks with God. R«g* Twenty-tight

The path of the Christian is filled with storms and sunshine, with fighting and with peace. Paul re­ cords his success: he fought a good fight against evil forces; he finished his course by striving for the goal; he kept the faith by studying the Scriptures. He was a triumphant Christian. The successful Christian must set before his heart a goal that will bring glory to God, and then he must pursue that course without deviation or attraction to other en­ terprises. He must not be turned aside by false doctrines, or by being wearied in his spirit, or by giving up the battle against the wrong. He must build himself up in holy faith, leaving no stone unturned to bring about in his life the best character and the finest conduct. 4. S uccess in M inistry L ukb 5:10 In order to be a successful servant of God, one must know the kind of bait to use for the kind of fish he wants to catch. He must know what kind of seed to plant in the human soil before him. Christian service is no field for carelessness or indiffer­ ence. One must be tireless in going out after the fish and finding them where they are. One must have a deep desire to bring a blessing to others and to catch men for God. One must be able to diagnose the case and then to prescribe the cor­ rect remedy. This comes about through studying the Scriptures, reading the life accounts of other men of God, and by an honest ap­ praisal of one’s own ministry and service. We should never be content to be defeated Christians. Let us use every means at our command to be successful. THE KI NG' S BUS I NESS

Or. Walter L. Wilson 2. S uccess in S tudy 2 T im . 2:15

Christians should make the best students. Their minds are free from entangling perplexities of sinful practices; therefore, they can concen­ trate on study. They make the best investigators. They discern the an­ swer to the problem, for the Holy Spirit thus empowers them. The ef­ fect of their study enables them to bring the greatest blessing to the most people, and much glory to God. By study, they avoid the pitfalls of others, and are most likely to suc­ ceed in the proper handling of mat­ ters which come under their observa­ tion. The Christian who is led by the Spirit and taught by Him, will recognize the things of earth and discern the things of Heaven as sinners cannot. He will learn God's thoughts and will see God’s ways; thus he will succeed in his under­ taking.

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