King's Business - 1947-04

tion. He and his family believed God, and were saved. 4. F amily U nity T hrough C onference Ex. 12:26 Children will ask questions, and should be answered wisely. Their queries should not be thrust care­ lessly aside. How can girls and boys learn except through questions and answers? Parents should know the Bible well enough to answer intelli­ gently all the inquiries of their chil­ dren. In this way true thoughts of God, and right attitudes toward sin and wickedness will be implanted in their young minds and hearts. Thus, parents and children will think alike. The impartation of Bible truths to youthful minds results in happy unity in godly living. Let us instruct our children in God’s ways, and help the family to be united for Him.


SPHERE is no doubt but that much of our trouble with crime would be avoided if there were a family altar established in each home. Chil­ dren who are reared in the atmos­ phere of cigarette smoke, moving pictures, cards, and liquor, can hard­ ly be expected to possess holy de­ sired and godly ambitions, and to perform right acts. The child is greatly affected by the actions and attitudes of his parents and his school teachers. If he sees blessed, beneficent and Christian influences expressed in the lives of those who have direction over him, then he will imbibe many of the attributes that make for love, fellowship, kind­ ness, and goodness. Seek to estab­ lish a godly home. 1. F amily U nity T hrough F aith A cts 16:31 It is always the will of the Lord that the whole family should belong to Him, and that none should live in sin or go astray from the path of rectitude. This condition is brought about by a simple faith and trust in Jesus Christ on the part of each member. Many families are divided; some believe and some do not. Somq wish to follow the ways of the world, while others in the family seek to live lives of separation unto the Lord. God has given His Son so that each individual of the house­ hold may take Him, thus becoming a member of Heaven’s family. The way of salvation is so simple that both the children and the parents may be saved easily, and by the same method. 2. F amily U nity T hrough the O pen H eart A cts 16:15 The objects the members of the family love either cement or sever the family ties. Lydia's heart was open to the Word of God. She re­ ceived Paul’s message. She accept­ ed God’s Son and she fell in love with the affairs of Heaven. The rest of her family did likewise; conse­ quently, they were united happily under the banner of the living Lord. If, however, some in the family fill their hearts with worldly attractions, and fall in love with the things Sa­ tan offers as temporary palliatives, they are not interested in God's mat­ ters. Thus they become separated in heart from those who are in love with Christ, and the family fails to be united in love for the Scripture and the One who wrote it. Often by establishing a family altar, the chil­ dren and the parents open their hearts to the same precious truths.

3. F amily U nity T hrough A greed M inds G en . 7:1 In the case of Noah, those who en­ tered the ark, the eight members of his family, were agreed that a ter­ rible storm of judgment was coming, rrs AN IDEA Hev. Carlton C. Buck Idsa I. On “Vocations Day,” plan a panel discussion in which several persons engaged in different fields of endeavor would speak on the Christian opportunities afforded in their respective vocations. Successful Christian men and women of your community .should be chosen for this program. Idsa 2. Why not arrange for the devotions for your meeting on Christian Home Day to be in the form of Family Worship? Have several representing the family seated around a table ih a homelike setting. Bible reading, discussion, poetry and prayer could be employed. Idea 3. For your study on "The Christian and Race,” I suggest a new book of poems, From My Kitchen Window, by Ruby Berkley Goodwin, pub-, lished by the Orange County Printing Company, Fullerton, California. Her poem entitled, “God, Are You Black Too?” which is based upon the 53rd chapter of Isaiah, gives one a glimpse deep into the heart of a Christian member of the Negro race. Idea 4. Have a meeting the last of May or the first of June, honoring the graduates of high schools and colleges who are members of your group. Invita­ tions to this meeting might be in the form of diplomas. and that they should take God’s way of escape. They were willing to en­ dure the jeers and sneers of those who mocked them. By common con­ sent, they believed God and took His path in spite of the opinions of their neighbors and friends. They con­ curred on an act of obedience to God, running counter to the reason­ ings of men. It was a case of fam­ ily agreement concerning God’s Word. The great and wise men of the earth, the leaders and teachers, no doubt argued about the foolish­ ness and the falsity of Noah's posi­

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