Mar 25. 1947 THE CHURCH AT WORK AMONG ALL RACES R om . 10:10-15; M att . 28:19,20
H e a d • • • THE INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST Keyed to active evangelism In America, thia timely pictoral- lied monthly tabloid brings you the best in vital world-wide
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TI7HAT is the work of God?” is a ' ' question often asked. The answer is found in John 6:28,29. The work of the church is not necessarily so cial service, or humanitarianism, but rather the carrying of the Gospel, the message of eternal life, to lost men. The Lord has not sent the church out to scrub the pigpens of the city, or to polish the rails of sinking ships. The world is headed downhill—an avalanche plunging to a lost eter nity. The church should be busy saving millions of souls out of this torrent of wickedness. Every race needs Christ; every person needs the Saviour. All people should have the Bible in their own tongue. Let us labor dally to see that the lost hear about Christ, and know of His great work for them at Calvary and on the throne. This, and this only, is the work of the church of God. 1. T he C hurch S hould T each the W ord of G od M att . 28:19 The expression “all nations” in cludes everybody and omits no one. All, without exception, should know about God’s provision for man’s need. All should hear the good news of a way of escape from the broad road that leads to destruction. It is not the business of the church to teach soup making and hemstitching or to heal ulcers. These things are helpful and needful in a physi cal way, but there are thousands of the unsaved to do this work. Let the Christians be busy making Christians out of sinners. This can be done only as the Word of God is taught. Supplications, tears, plead ings and arguments will never take the place of the Word of God. Men are saved by understanding the Scriptures. Therefore, it is necessary to go and teach the Gospel to all people of all races, everywhere. When the blind man is begging, the Christian does not ask what color he is, or of what race he is, or what is his record, but only, “What is his need?” His is probably a two fold one: money for food and mercy for his soul. The coin will provide the physical food, and the Gospel will meet the spiritual need of his life. The Christian should provide A M U , 1947 2. T he C hurch S hould D o G ood to A ll M att . 5:44
both. The widow and the orphan need help regardless of their color or previous history. They, too, have a double need. They need temporal relief, and eternal life. The money we give will furnish the former, and the Gospel will supply the latter need. It is not God’s plan that we should simply be like animals to re lieve one another’s pain, but that we should be Christians who can bring both kinds of blessing, temporal and eternal. 3. T he C hurch S hould N ot J oin the W orld 2 C or . 6:7 It brings no blessing to the prison ers in the penitentiary to have the chaplain join their ranks and par take of their society. It is no help to the lepers for the doctor to lay aside his position and join them in all their way of life. So it is God’s plan that the church, which is the home of the Holy Spirit on earth, should be separate from sinners and should not be part and parcel of this evil world. The church should serve the world, but maintain a complete separation from it in her attitude and position. The church should give to the world the riches of God’s grace, but abstain from taking from the world its lusts, pleasures, and a t tractions. The call of God is clear —the church is to refrain from walk ing with the world, but is to give to the world the Gospel of God’s grace. 4. T he C hurch I s N ot to L ovb the W orld J as . 4:4 God’s Word is very clear on this subject. Those who love the world are reckoned as the enemies of God. God is jealous for His church. He will not share His church with the devil or with the devil’s children or with his program. The Word states that those who love the world do not have in them the love of the Father. So the position of the church is to stand upon the solid Rock, and to ex tend a helping hand to those who are in the sinking sands of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Let us not dis criminate as to races in this min istry. We should take a blessing to the Chinaman in the laundry, the Indian on the plains, the Negro in the kitchen, the Hindu in his store, and to the rich and the poor. Thus we will carry out God’s program.
evangelistic news, soul-stirring sermons and enlightening commentary of the world’s fore most evangelists. The INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST, of which Dr. Hyman J. Appelman is editor, is the official organ of the INTERNATIONAL EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION. suBsatims* spicial a a 15% DISCOUNT on each purchase made (either In person or by mall) at ths Inter national Book and Bible House, 408 West 8th 8treet, Los Angeles 14, Calif. SAVE on your purchases of Bibles, books, stationery and other supplies by subscribing today to the INTERNATIONAL EVANGEL IST—12 iasuss—12 pages—for only $1.00. INTERNATIONAL EVANGEUST 126-K Watt Lot Folli Bird., Ciondolo 4, Colli. It’s no use to go anywhere to preach unless you preach as you walk. BUILD SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE WITR DIETZ ATTENDANCE PINS Tho populir Died Attendance ta d "On T in t” Pint hart prorod thenaelreg throughout tho year,. They particularly appeal becauae of their low coat. Quarterly plot. Not. 21 to 24, $2.00 I 100. Yearly Pin, No. 23, with numeral, $1.00; without num tnl, 60c. Extra numeral, 40c. Additional 20% tax on yearly pin. Sample returnable etc will bo fumlabed for only $1.20. W rtu for fr tt ropy • / complctt Church m i SumUf School Supply M h b | WILLIAM H. DIETZ, Inc. 10 So. Wabash, Dept. 10S, Chicago S THE NAVAJO BIBLE SCHOOL AND MISSION Aim* to ovanotllzt and train N arajo Indiana
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Peje Thirty-one
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