King's Business - 1947-04

A R iU * 2 .u&Uion (fam e Dorothy Shrove Cole

The Graham Minister's Service Box 807 Station "A,” St. Petersburg, Fla. Useable Sermon Briefs Unique Feature Services Workable Organization Plans Intriguing Bible School Lessons We Invite your correspondence “Service is our privilege” “Satisfaction, your experience” CHRISTIANSUPPLIES Visit or write ua for Bibles, books, Scripture curds, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 312 S. Sprlny S t Las Anjele, 13, CaW. For Twenty-five Cents Almost lt)0 sample assortment of more At­ tractive Gospel Tracts, Motto Cards and Booklets, all thoroughly sound. THE SALVATION TRACT SOCIETY Publishers A Distributors of Sound Gospel Literature Crafton St*., Pittsburgh 5, Pa. EDEB to any Evangelical Christian ■ I * E E Minister, Sunday School or Missionary superintendent, one copy of “ PROVE ME NOW HEREW ITH " for each family In hit congregation, providing ha will agree to give a talk on T ithing before distribution. W rits stating denomination and number of leaflets desired to: TITHER, 807-K So. Flower St. Lot Angslst 14, California CHRISTIAN YOUNG WOMEN Positions available in Bible Con­ ference open all year; office workers, waitresses, nurses, musicians, etc. Radio Broadcasts, Gospel Meetings and numerous activities. Salary with an opportunity for advancement. State all particulars. Address: V. O. BOX 75, IRVINGTON 11. N. J. Founded in 1907 FORTY YEARS of pioneer missionary witness to the Indians of Bolivia. Bolivian Indian Mission Pacific Coast Council 927 So. W ettmoraland Ave. Loe Angelas 6, Calif. KODACHROME Bible Slides Familiar scenes—Reverent in treatment. Full color 2*x2* slides In Eastman Ready- Mòunts .50 ea. S.V.E. Binding .60 ea. Taped glass binding .66 ea. Send for free list. FRED VISSER I39'/ j So. Westmoreland Ave. Ph. FEderal 5008 Loa Angele» 4, Calif. Fage Thirty-two Two Books 30c By Rev. Robert K. McKinney God said and It Was So. Real faith builder. Bird’s-Eye View of Ged*f Love Letter. In 200 questions and answers Rev. R. E. McKinney 229 S. Corona Denver 9. Colorado

This game will be interesting and profitable for Sunday school classes, Young People's groups, and for gatherings of young Christian people in their homes. Prizes of Bibles or good Christian literature might be offered, n a t­ urally, those who are able to identify the characters by the first clues are entitled to the better rewards. The longer it takes to guess the answer, the less the contestant should receive. Answers on Page 16. Authorities from which these facts were gathered include the Bible, "Bible Characters” by Dwight L. Moody, and "Bible Studies ” by Grace Saxe, permission for the use of which has been secured from Moody Press.

syria, and even Introduced idolatry. Against all this, my voice was stem and uncompromising. After the death of Ahaz, King Hez- ekiah honored God, but sin had taken a deep hold on the people. I warned them of coming Judgment, but always promised them great re­ wards If they turned from sin to God. I faithfully reflected God’s attitude toward sin and His mercy for His people. WHO WAS I? FOURTH CLUE My call to the prophetic office re­ flects the experiences every soul must have before he can be a useful servant for his Lord: 1— A vision of God 2— Conviction and confession of sin 3— Forgiveness and cleansing 4— God’s call for workers 5— Offering one’s self for service 6 — Something to do for Him The structure of my book is re­ markably similar to the structure of the Bible: 1— The Bible contains sixty-si books; my book includes sixty-six chapters. 2— The Bible has two great divi sions; my book is divided into two parts. 3— The Old Testament has thirty nine books, the New, twenty-seven; the first division of my book has thirty-nine chapters, the second twenty-seven. 4— The theme of the Old Testa ment is law, the New, grace; the theme of the first division of my book is judgment, the second, com­ fort. 5— In the Old Testament, Christ i foreseen, in the New, He is revealed; I began my book pointing forward to Christ; before I closed it, I de­ scribed His entire life and mission completely. My style of writing is lofty, ora­ torical, and figurative. I am one of the most quoted and best loved of the prophets. WHO WAS I? T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


1 was the son of Amos. There is a Jewish tradition to the effect that I was a cousin of King Uzziah. I was very intelligent and had a good education, being well versed in the Scriptures and in the political af­ fairs of my day. My wife was a prophetess, and I had two sons: Maher-ahalal-hash- baz, which means, “He hasteneth to the prey,“ and Shear-jashub, mean­ ing, “A remnant shall return." The two names illustrate my two-fold message to Judah. WHO WAS IT SECOND CLUE I was the greatest of all the writ- ihg prophets, being faithful to the Lord in service for more than sixty years, beginning about 760 B.C. I was “the evangelical prophet,“ my message clearly describing: 1— Christ’s Virgin Birth 2— His many names, human and divine 3— His two-fold nature 4— His forerunner 5— The purpose ’of His sacrifice 6 — His exaltation after His humil­ iation My call came the year of King Uzziah’s death. His son, Jotham, was a good king, but when Jotham died, and Ahaz came to the throne, the people forgot God. Because of this, I became bold, fearless and sincere in showing the nation how wicked they and their king were in the sight of God. The period during which I prophe­ sied embraced the last fifty years of the Northern Kingdom, although my message was to the Southern King­ dom.


When Syria and Israel combined against Judah, instead of repenting toward God who had allowed this chastisement to come, King Ahaz al­ lied himself with the king of As­

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