King's Business - 1947-04


Although I was a man of prayer, I “kept my powder dry”; I blocked the water supply so that the enemy could not reach it; I fortified the cities of Judah, and strengthened the heart of the people in their trust in the Lord. The heathen king of Assyria claimed the Lord had told him to come up against Judah and destroy it! To all this vain boasting heard by the people of Judah from thé walls of the city, the people made no reply; according to the word of the Lord, I had commanded silence. In my prayer for help from the Lord, I asked deliverance "that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that Thou art the Lord, even Thou only.” God gave me an answer for the sarcastic taunts of the As­ syrians. In the answer is included a prophetical reference to the preserva­ tion of a future remnant of Israel In spite of war in the land, the grain was preserved and the people were fed until the third year after the war. I fell ill, but the Lord answered my prayer for healing by giving me fifteen more years of life, and con­ firming the answer with a miracle of the shadow’s receding ten degrees on the dial of Ahaz. The miraculous destruction of the Assyrian army, and the miracle of the shadow on the dial caused the king of Babylon to inquire of me concerning these wonders. I had an opportunity to testify for the Lord, but was filled with pride and forgot to give credit to the Lord. Isaiah’s prophecy of the capture of all Ju­ dah by the Babylonians was spoken to rebuke me and to bring me back to humility and dependence upon, the Lord. However, like David, I quickly re­ pented and humbled myself, and fin -: ished my days in favor with God and man. I was shown much honor at my death. WHO WAS I? III. FIRST CLUE My name means “God is Jehovah.” I spoke for the Lord during one of the darkest periods of Israel’s his­ tory. A heathen princess with the assistance of the king had substi­ tuted Baal worship for the worship of God. The remnant who remained faithful were so timid that their very existence was unknown to me, and I stood without human help or friends to defend the God Israel had for­ gotten. WHO WAS IT WHO WAS IT FOURTH CLUE

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I was king of Judah during a most Important time in her history. I was a remarkable character, one of Judah’s greatest kings. I came to the throne at the death of my wicked father who had closed up the temple, discontinued the wor* ship of God, and filled the land with idols and false religions. Because both Judah and Israel had been weakened by wars with Syria, my father made an alliance with Tiglath'pileser, thus making Judah a tributary of her powerful enemy, Assyria. There were those in Judah who wanted an alliance with Egypt to defeat Assyria, but Isaiah, the proph­ et, denounced any help but that which came from the Lord. I was in sympathy with Isaiah, and it is written of me that I “did right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that David . . . did.” WHO WAS IT SECOND CLUE My reign began in darkness, but proved the deliverance of God in answer to a life of faith. The first thing I did was to open God’s house and repair the broken doors. Next I called together the priests and the Levites and instruct­ ed them. The temple was cleansed and worship, as appointed by David, restored. After this sanctifying and wor­ ship, there was abundant giving, be­ cause the Lord had “secretly pre­ pared the hearts of the people.” We kept the Passover in the sec­ ond month, the appointed time being passed, so I sent word to all Judah and Israel to return together to the Lord. In celebrating this Passover, many things were done not accord­ ing to the law. 1— It was held in the second month. 2 — The Levites helped in preparing the offerings. 3— Many who were not ceremo­ nially clean ate of the feast because they had prepared their hearts be­ fore the Lord: so it was a real heart worship. At this Passover, the blessing of the Lord was so great that the feast was extended another seven days, and a far-reaching reform followed; tithes were paid, gifts given, and all was done'"as unto the Lord.” Because I broke the treaty my fa­ ther had made with Assyria, I paid the tribute asked by Assyria’s king. I desired that even my enemies should find no fault in God’s peo­ ple, and the breaking of a promise is not honorable, whether it is made to an enemy or to a friend. APRIL, I *47 WHO WAS I? THIRD CLUE

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