SECOND CLUE I am known as “the prophet of fire.” My home was in the wilder ness, among wild and rugged hills; my long hair hung down my back, denoting great powers of endurance. My clothing was a girdle of skin and a mantle, which was the symbol of my office; and which I gave to another at the end of my ministry. My first appearance was to King Ahab to whom I brought a mes sage of judgment from Jehovah, and my words to him, “as the Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand,” are the key to my life, my character, end my witness. All that I did or said was for the purpose of prov ing to apostate Israel that Jehovah, Israel’s God, was alive and on the throne, and that my loyalty was to Him, not to the people. WHO WAS 17 THIRD CLUE It was not the strong wind, or the earthquake, or the fire, but the still, small voice that caused me to cover my face. I anointed two kings and a proph et; waB ministered to by angels; was supplied oil and meal miraculously; and was visited by aerial messen gers. When I prayed, the fire fell upon the altar before the eyes of all the priests of Baal; when I prayed, the heavens were shut up and no rain fell for three years; when I prayed, a child was restored to life. When I spoke, two heathen cap tains and two companies of their wicked men were consumed by fire. My last journey began at Bethel, "the house of God,” continued through Jericho, “a place of con quest” where God gave the victory to Israel, and ended at Jordan, “the river of God,” where I crossed through divided waters. As I came out of the whirlwind, so I vanished from human view in a whirlwind. WHO WAS I? IV. FIRST CLUE I was the favorite among several sons. My father was “a man after God’s own heart,” because he was at all times willing to do God’s will, and when he sinned, he never failed to repent and turn from his sin. When I was bom, God sent Nathan the prophet to say that I should be called Jedidiah, meaning “Beloved of the Lord.” My oldest brother was a hand some, willful, spoiled child. He plot ted with the leaders of the army and the temple to take my inher itance from me, but God had chosen WHO WAS I? FOURTH CLUE
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