King's Business - 1947-04

me, and my times were in His hand. When the prophet Nathan told my father of the plot against me, my father took instant action. His de­ cision, and support of my cause, won over all the people and united the nation. WHO WAS I? SECOND CLUE I was twice anointed a king of Israel, and when God called me it was the fourth time He had made a choice in regard to the earthly rulership of Israel. The first time He chose one from twelve; The second time He set aside a house from a tribe; The third time He chose the young­ est of many sons. I conducted no wars of conquest, but my period was marked by great internal development. I extended commerce with foreign countries, ex­ ecuted great building schemes, in­ creased the wealth, and advanced the culture of the nation. I was the third chosen leader dur­ ing the crown period of the United Kingdom of Israel. At the time of God’s promise to me concerning my country, my heart was perfect toward the Lord. My father's exhortation to me at that time sums up the whole duty of man . . to serve God with a perfect heart, and a willing mind. After banishing four conspirators, one of them my own brother, my authority over the people became absolute. Contrary to the laws of God, I mar­ ried the daughter of the king of Egypt. However at the time the Lord was gracious and did not rebuke me. Given a choice of gifts at the hand of God, I first offered praise, and then chose unselfishly and wisely. God gave me freely three gifts, but the gift of long life was contin­ gent upon my obedience to God’s I qwc WHO WAS I? FOURTH CLUE I disobeyed God’s commands and went after false gods because I "went not fully after the Lord.’’ When I knew of God’s Judgment against me because of my disobe­ dience, Instead of repenting as my father had done when faced with a like situation, I sought to destroy the man God had chosen to be my successor. After a reign of forty years I, who had every opportunity to serve God and be happy: the favor of the Lord, a good father, good birth, earth- APRIL, 1947 WHO WAS I? THIRD CLUE

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• • • A p r in tin g p la n t e q u ip p e d w ith m o d e rn A m e ric an m a c h in e ry to p ro d u c e u rg e n tly n e e d e d e v a n g e lic a l l i t e r a t u r e f o r a ll

p a r t s of E n ro p e • • • a p ln n t m a n a g e d b y o n e o f A m e ric a ’s fo rem o s t C h ris tia n p r in tin g a n d p u b lish in g h o u se s.

All other office and plant personnel will be Swiss or European Christians. G ood N ews P ublishers of Chicago— a non-profit Christian organization— will manage and operate the Swiss printing plant. Gospels, Testaments, books, booklets, tracts and Scripture portions will be printed in the French, German, Dutch, Italian, Polish, Slova­ kian, Hungarian, Russian and other languages. Thli missionary project is made known so that God’s people may pray for and contri­ bute to it. Your gift will help buy one of the presses or other pieces of printing equip­ ment. Your gift will bring the Word of God in attractive printed form to Europeans, both young and old who are starving, physi­ cally and spiritually. . . most of whom have never heard of God’s way of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

firEARTS in E urope are wide open to the gospel, but multitudes of Europeans have no one to preach to them. Spiritual literature is recognized as the most effective means of reaching these people for Christ—now. Here is an opportunity for Christians in Amer­ ica to respond and take part in one of the most down-to-earth missionary projects of our day. A sum of $ 24,000 is needed to pur­ chase a typesetting machine and for­ eign language matrices, a small and medium sized automatic press, com­ posing room and binding equipment. Included in this sum is a beginning in­ ventory of paper and ink, transporta­ tion for the machinery and transpor­ tation for a European director and a printing superintendent and his wife.


Gifts for this work are de­ ductible for income tax purposes. Every dollar contributed will be used only for the founding of this print­ ing plant in Switzer­ land, the strategic, neu­ tral center of Europe. This ad paid lor by o fritnd

CON TR IBU T ION WORM GOOD N IW i PUBLISHERS ' D*P1' H 411 $. Walls Street • Chicago 7, Illinois A ttM tlM i Mr, D m r IS i President H its 1« my gift of f — for the work of the Lord, to bo used for th# beginning of th« printing plant In Switzerland. NAME_________________________________________ ________________ .___

. STATE__________

M ake filfts Payable to Good Nows Pobllabors

Our Minion,rie» do. They «Iso speak and teach and preach in the languages and dialects common to Austria, Bulgaria, France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Palestine, Poland, Rou- mania, Russia and South America. "The European Harvest Field" (now in its 27th year) contains the letters from these Missionaries. Send a postal card lor a Free Sample, or

merce, not all of which are Included In the Bible. I am famous for a judgment ren­ dered two women; for the riches and beauty of my court; my wisdom; and the building of an earthly temple ac­ cording to a heavenly pattern. WHO WAS I? N jc Thirty-live

ly riches, and extraordinary physical and mental gifts, failed completely, and died without repentance. My wisdom enabled me to rule an earth­ ly kingdom, but not my own heart. I was the author of 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs, besides works on botany, natural history, and com-

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