Institute after school hours to study the Gospel of John. In this great city of Changsha, there is access to over five thousand high school students whose teachers not only welcome the missionaries, but send invitations to them to come and teach the Bible! The large Hunan University desires Christian teachers on its staff. Never have we seen China so wide open to the Gospel. The writer himself has enjoyed several weekly talks at dif ferent schools to audiences of from three to five hundred students. Whither China? No one knows. All human mediation efforts to straight n out the tangle of economic, poli tical, and social difficulties have met with failure. But it is evident that in the hearts of the Chinese people there is a desire to know the true God. For Christian missions, it is indeed the time of the lamei, the flower of the twelfth moon. There is but one hope for China: the eternal life provided by the Cross of Calvary! NO EASTER There is no Easter in the heart, Nor any hope beyond the tomb, For him who on earth’s pilgrimage For Jesus Christ can find no room. For He the resurrection is, The Prince of life and love and light, And he who knows Him not, awaits The darkness of eternal night. —B etty B ruechert
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A Report of the Hunan Bible Institute, Changsha, China By Raw. Chari®« A. Roberta, Superintendent D URING the cold winter, out on the bleak hillsides of Hunan, grows a humble shrub. It looks like a dead leaf blown there by the winds, but if one looks carefully, he will see, sprouting from its side, a deli cate pale yellow flower, fragrant as a narcissus. This is the lamei, the flower of the twelfth moon, the sym bol of life. To the Christian, it typi fies the fragrance of the Gospel in the midst of death and destruction. We think of our six hundred Chi nese children at the Hunan Bible In stitute as our lamei. A few months ago, these little ones, who had lost either father or mother, or both, in the war, were waifs in rags, with no other expectation in life than to be chased from one doorstep to another, as they sought scraps of food. Now well-fed and properly clothed in our compound, these little blossoms are orderly and happy, as they not only feed upon good bread made from American flour, but also upon the Bread of Life, as our workers give them the Gospel. During the war, the Hunan Bible Institute administration building was badly bombed, and its equip ment stolen, so that we despaired of its ever being used again. But now, with a temporary roof on it, and the filth and debris cleared out, it has become a refuge into which the children may be brought off the streets. Although all of the buildings are still dilapidated and in need of repairs, they are a very beehive of activity. This twelfth moon, although un usually cold and bleak, will see the return of the Institute student evan gelistic bands. After a long lapse, it will be a Joy to see the students again going forth with the Gospel. The Institute re-opened last October with a handful of students and now during the winter recess period, these men will go to the Siantan country for a few weeks of practical Christian service. Next term we expect more registrations. While it is winter, it is also har vest time. To illustrate: a middle school lad, about to graduate, pleads, "Please, Sir, I want to learn about God." He represents a class of over thirty who have been coming to the
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