understanding of the deep things of God. The proofs of the resurrection of Jesus Christ accumulate day after day. The evidence will not be fully completed until the last member has been added to the Body of Christ. How do we know that Jesus Christ lives? There is the evidence of Scrip ture, but there is also the comple mentary experimental evidence that a risen Saviour has exchanged our sorrow for joy, our doubts for assurance, our ignorance for wisdom. “He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today! “He walks with me, and talks with me, along life’s narrow way. “He lives, He lives, salvation to impart! “You ask me how I know He lives? “He lives within my heart.”* ☆ Missionary Conference AGAIN this year, as for the last seventeen years, the great down town Church of the Open Door in the City of Los Angeles will be host to a mighty missionary conclave. Mis sionaries from many lands will be here. Evangelical missionary boards are asked to send their representa tives to tell of the work which the Lord is accomplishing in the regions beyond. Although the list is not yet fully complete, the speakers’ roster will include Mrs. Ruth Stull, Dr. Paul Bobb, Rev. Van V. Eddings, Rev. Kenneth Pike, Rev. Paul Con- tento, Dr. Cameron Townsend and Dr. Walter Montafio. The dates have been set from Sunday, April 13, to and including Sunday April 20, with seven meetings held daily in the great auditorium of the Bible Insti tute and the Church of the Open Door. Pastors and members of churches of the areas adjacent to Los Angeles are cordially invited to take advantage of this opportunity for the spiritual enrichment which always results from this Conference. Those desiring any of the missionary speakers are asked to write or tele phone the Church of the Open Door. ♦Copyrighted. Used by permission of Rode- heaver HaU-Mack Co. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Lord’s Day, Christ appeared to the eleven—Thomas being present this time. Jesus invited him to examine the marks of His crucifixion in His resurrected body. The record does not indicate that Thomas did so ex amine the wounds of Christ, but it does clearly declare that the unbe lief in the heart of this disciple van ished completely at the appearance of Jesus. If you were to ask Thomas concerning his belief in a risen Christ, his testimony would be that Christ had utterly vanquished his doubts, and had exchanged them for an absolute assurance. There are multitudes of other Christians who will gladly testify that their doubts, too, vanished com pletely when they trusted the Sav iour. The account of the three on the road to Emmaus is a tender and beautiful story. Two disciples were hastening along the road leading away from Jerusalem and discussing, as they walked, the amazing events of the crucifixion, when a Stranger drew near and walked with them. Because He made inquiry about the matter over which they were con cerned, they told Him of their hopes and their doubts. Then the Stranger masterfully took charge, and, begin ning with Moses, He expounded the truth concerning the Crucified One. Their hearts burned as they journey ed along; when they arrived at their home, He graciously accepted their invitation to enter, and the story closes with the Visitor’s open ing their eyes so that they knew it was Jesus Himself who had been with them. If you were to inquire from the Emmaus two why they believed in a resurrected Christ, they would quickly reply that He had exchanged their ignorance for' the light of the Scriptures, and its clear teaching concerning Himself. How many men and women, and young people, today can testify to similar experience. We too were ignorant of the truth of God; we too understood little or nothing of His teachings. But once we met the risen Christ, our ignorance was ex changed for knowledge, of the Scrip tures. Our lack of appreciation of God’s truth was exchanged for an
Up'to-Date Evidence TN GOD’S estimation, the resurrec- tion of Jesus Christ from the dead was one of the mightiest demonstra tions of power ever exhibited in this earth. He surrounded this amazing event with a great wall of impreg nable evidence. There is a great profit to anyone undertaking a study of any portion of this truth, and real growth in grace results from it. From a reverent considera tion of the circumstantial evidence in the case, we see not only the manifest duplicity of the enemies of Christ, but also the harmony of the fact of the resurrection with the life and character of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is still another line of evi dence of a risen Lord which is most convincing. That is the ability of Christ to meet our present-day needs. You will remember that the first visitor to the tomb on the resurrec tion morning was a woman whose sinfulness had been exchanged for a new life of righteousness and love in Christ. She had come, not to see a risen Christ, but to mourn at the grave of a dead one. One can al most feel the anguish of her heart as he witnesses her bitter weeping. We know how her bitterness was turned into joy by the appearance of the risen Christ. If you were to ask Mary Magdalene today how she knew that Jesus Christ lived, her an- answer would be that she knew as suredly, because He changed her deepest sorrow into a heavenly Joy. That, too, is the testimony of countless Christians of this very day. Christ has met our needs. He has delivered us from our sin and woe, and brought us peace. We have come from the depths of sorrow to the highest pinnacles of joy. An interesting aspect of the resur rection has to do with a disciple named Thomas. Christ appeared to all of the disciples save Thomas, who was absent. When he rejoined the group, he refused to believe that Christ was alive, saying that he him self must see the print of the nails in His hands, arid the scar of the spear thrust in His side. The following Page Four
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