For the Children A S ervant M aid H elps a R uler (2 K ings 5 :l-15ab) M emory V erse : “God is . . . a very present help in trouble”(Psa. 46:1). This lesson is not uniform with the lesson for the older groups. It is used to provide suitable material for the children. Have you ever been homesick, real ly lonesome, lor your family and your friends? Probably you were hot separated from them for very long, and as soon as you saw them again, you quickly forgot how homesick you had been. God’s Word tells us about a little girl who was taken captive by some enemies and carried to a distant land, far from those she loved. The people who lived in the foreign land did not even worship the true God. How lonesome the little girl be came! How she longed for her dear ones; how she wanted once more to be where God was worshiped! Some boys and girls would have been cross and ugly and would have com plained all the time, but this little girl was not like that. She asked God to give her the strength and the courage to be a missionary. Naaman, the captain of the army in the foreign land, took the little girl to his home to wait upon his wife. Naaman was a great man, but he had a dreadful disease, leprosy. The little captive' maid told Naa- man’s wife that Elisha, the man of God, could make her husband well. Quickly Naaman took gifts and money and went to the king of Israel, asking him to cure the lep rosy. The king was upset, but Elisha told him that God could cure the leprosy. Elisha told Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan river. The mighty man became angry and re fused to obey the man of God. But his servants begged him to do the simple and easy thing that Elisha had asked him to do. The minute that Naaman obeyed, his flesh be came well again! Returning to Eli sha, the ruler said, "Now I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel.” How happy the captive maid must have been that she had faithfully spoken about her God to the hea then ruler! Because of her testi mony, the king believed in God. SEND AND SELL Greeting Carde with TRUE CHRIST 1 AN Our beautiful Scripture Text Easter ssortment contains five 15c folders, three 10c and seven iic folders. We also feature 18 beautiful Scrip ture Text Everyday Folders In a gift box. Three boxes of one or both kinds will be sent for $2 postpaid. Money refunded If not en tirely satisfied. Groups raise funds, agents make money selling our complete line of 20 as sortments. Write today. Shepherdstown Card Co., Shepherdstown, l*a. Box 03.
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Page Forty-one
APRIL, 1947
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