King's Business - 1947-04

THE RESURRECTION AN ATTESTED FACT O ne of the best attested facts in history is the rising from the dead of Jesus Christ. Let us consider the infallible proofs: 1. He said that He would rise. Everyone will admit the veracity of Christ. He spoke only true words. None of His words have fallen to the ground. 2. His resurrection is perfectly in harmony with His miraculous life. Never man spake or wrought as He wrought. It is difficult to explain such a life without such a climax. 3. Prophecy adds its word. For in­ stance, David writing from the van­ tage point of 1000 B. C., foretells His rising from the dead. 4. Then, there is the empty tomb. He had been placed there with an adequate guard, and the seal of the Roman Government. But hear the eloquence of the emptiness of that sepulcher. How else explain it? 5. Eye witnesses corroborate the miraculous rising: Mary, the eleven, the five hundred, Stephen, the Apos­ tle Paul, men, faithful and true, who speak forth words of honesty and soberness. Can we disregard these? 6 . No voice is raised to protest the account. Of the thousands living in Jerusalem, we see no man who stands to say the resurrection is a falsification. Circulated is a story, manifestly silly, to the effect that the disciples became robbers and stole away the body. 7. To this marvelous fact is to be added the legions upon legions of Christians down through the ages who gladly testify to the fact that they know He lives because of His daily companionship with them. This wonderful miracle, is the dividing point between the religions of the entire world, on the one hand, and the worship of the risen Christ! Praise God for the resurrection of Christ! ANSWERS TO BIBLE QUESTION GAME: I. Isaiah. II. Hezekiah. III. Elijah. IV. Solomon. BOYS and GIRLS Your Missionary Magazine “AROUND THE WORLD

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