Elmer L. Wilder
Illustrated by Gladys Bowman
thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever” (1 Chron. 28:9). With God in his life, Solomon was promised a great gift. When the word “GOD” comes down into “LIFE,” see what happens. We see the word “GIFT," reminding us of God’s great gift which David promised to Solo mon. Supposing "SIN” enters “LIFE” in stead of God. We now see the word “RIFT” instead of the word “GIFT.” The word means “to Separate into parts.” When sin entered the life of Solomon, his kingdom was separated. You, too, may have a “GIFT’ or a "RIFT” in your life, depending on whether God or sin is allowed to enter. May 11, 1947 S in S horts
enced some wonderful victories. The time came, however, when because of sin they were no longer victorious. In fact, because of sin, they had gone through 3% years without rain. When I put this bar marked “SIN” across the prongs of the magnet, it is helpless to lift the other pieces. Elijah was God's prophet at this particular time when Israel’s power had been shorted out because of sin. He called them together on the side of Mt. Carmel. The prophets of Baal were powerless to call down fire from Heaven. One of the first things Elijah did was to rebuild the altar of the Lord which had been broken down. He realized that sin had to be gotten out of the way if Israel were to be restored to her place of power. After rebuilding the altar, he placed a sacrifice on it, drenched the altar with water, and then called on the Lord. Fire came down from Heaven and consumed the sacrifice, the wood and the water. God had an swered by fire, because His people had put away sin, and offered a sac rifice. What was true in Elijah’s day is true of Christians today. As long as they ask and trust their Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, to take sin out of their lives, they can do great things. But when sin is allowed to enter and remain, they become weak and pow erless. Jesus Christ wants us to work for Him, and to do so we must let Him take away our sins and fill us with His power. Objects: An electric fan, an electric light cord about 6 feet long, a large blue cardboard triangle, a globe of the world, two belts 4 Inches long, two sticks 1 inch square by 7 inches long, a glass dish such as is used to defrost a refrigerator, and a cap ital “I.” (Cut one of the wires in the light cord. Fasten a new wire about 3 feet long to the current end, and another the same length to the F«S* Forty-three May 18. 1947 F an F acts
M ay 4, 1947 R ift or G ift
Object*: A large envelope and a piece of white paper. (Cut the ends off the envelope, leaving a sleeve. In the middle of the sleeve, cut a hole about an inch square through one thickness of the paper. On the paper showing through this hole, print the word “IF.” To the left of the hole, on the front, print the let ter "L.” To the right of the hole, print the letter “E,” completing the word “LIFE.” Make horizontal slits above and below the letters "L” and “E,” in order that they may be fold ed backwards. With the white pa per, make an insert wide enough to fill the sleeve, and long enough to extend about 3 inches above and below the sleeve. A rectangular opening will need to be cut at the center, allowing the “IF” to show. On the top of this paper print the word “GOD," and at the bottom the word “SIN.” Fold the “L” and “E” backwards, leaving the word “IF” showing. Pull the paper down through the sleeve, until the word "GOD” disappears. Using the word “IF” print "GIFT,” the “G” and “T" printed on the slip of paper. Pull the paper up until “SIN” disappears in the sleeve, and using the word “IP ’ complete the word "RIFT.”) Lesson: This is a strange-looking paper. In the middle we ' see the word "LIFE.” Near the top we find the word “GOD,” and near the bot tom the word "SIN.” As I open the word "LIFE,” we find an "IP’ left. This “IP ’ reminds me of David’s words to Solomon, "And thou, Solo mon my son, know thou the God of APRIL, 1947
Objects: A magnet, a piece of steel large enough to cover both prongs of the magnet and to overlap a lit tle on the sides and ends, and sev eral smaller pieces of iron. (Paint the large piece of steel black, and on the edge put the word “SIN.”) Lesson: Did you know that magnets are like people? When a piece of steel is magnetized, it is much stronger than it was before. Notice how this strong magnet can lift these large pieces of iron. This magnet reminds me of the children of Israel when they were a powerful nation. They had experi
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