Does the World End in America? “My little boy is very happy now,” writes a Jewish mother from Poland, “and keeps asking whether America has woods and fields as we have here and wheth er the world ends there. I told him that it probably does not end there, but that maybe one day we may be able to begin a new life there. “I feel such immense gratitude for your interest in me and my two children that I hasten to ex press my deepest regards and ad miration for your Christian inter est. I know it is the Lord Jesus Christ who kindles a flame in the hearts of people making them sensitive to the misery of others. Thank you for all your wonderful parcels and help. "Your missionary, Rev. Sergent, has supplied us with coal and our home is warm now. My little six month’s old daughter is happy too. She looks so beautiful in all the things you have sent from Phila delphia. “My little boy greets you and all the friends and wishes to thank them for the love shown to him and his little sister.” This is a typical letter from a Hebrew Christian sister in Poland who is being helped, and into whose life a ray of hope and sun shine has been brought in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In many parts of the world there are thousands like this fam ily—weary, hungry and disconso late. Your prayerful fellowship with us will enable us to reach out a helpful hand to them. Please pray for us and our ministry, that the Lord Jesus Christ may be made manifest to the sorely dis tressed remnant of Israel through your love. THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL M ISSIONARY AND RILIEF SOCIETY, IN C 7tS-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7» Pa. Joseph M. Steele, President Dr. Joseph T. Britan, Treasurer Rev. Victor Bukshasen, General Secretary Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. H. Dobson, M.A., D.D. Principal, Alma College 8t. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Our Quarterly Bulletin, 1HRAKL- MY GLORY, Kent to All Contributors and Also on Request
Now on Mondays A B C NETWORK Hear the favorite hymns o f famous people, an d your own favorites, t oo .. . on "CLUB TIME" Presented by the Makers of CLUB ALUM INUM Hammercraft Waterless Cookware
light end of the cut wire. Tape the joints. Fasten the ends of each of these wires to separate bolts with solder, or between nuts. Before fas tening the wires to the bolts, bore a hole in the end of each stick and slip one over each bolt. The sticks will serve as nonconducting handles. Mark the triangle "GOD" and place at one end of the glass dish. Put the globe at the other end of the dish. Fill the dish half full of wa ter. Place the bolts in the water: One hidden behind the triangle, and the other 2 inches from the globe. Connect the electric fan to the outlet. Gradually sprinkle a small amount of salt in the water and stir' thoroughly until the fan begins to slowly turn. Move the bolt to the end of the dish, and the fan will stop. Fasten the “I" to the bolt near the globe. Make the solution sev eral hours before giving the lesson, as it will advance. A test should be made just before the lesson.) Lesson: The electricity is turned on, but this fan refuses to run. Let’s see if we can find what is wrong. Look at this "I.” It is far away from God and too close to the world. It is like the children of Israel in the days of the prophet Amos. He said, "For I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right” (Amos 5:12). Not only did Amos tell of their sins, but he told them what to do. Verse 14 says, “Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye have spoken.” We will move this “I” represent ing Israel, closer to the triangle marked “GOD” and see what hap pens. The fan begins turning and the closer it gets to the triangle, the faster it turns. This shows why Amos was calling the people back to God. The closer they got to God, the more life they revealed. People to day. who are far from God should turn to Him, forsake their sins, and by faith receive Christ as personal Saviour.
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