King's Business - 1947-04

May 25, 1947 L oyal and L ittle

OUR AUTHORS THIS MONTH Dr. Louis T. Talbot is pastor of the Church of the Open Door and presi­ dent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; Dr. Robert G. Lee is pastor of the Bellevue Baptist Church of Memphis, Tennessee; Rev. George H. Clement is pastor of the Hughson Street Baptist Church of Hamilton, Ontario; Rev. Arthur Hedley is a retired clergyman of Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England; Mr. Alfred A. Kunz is a representative of the Pocket Testament League, and Rev. Charles A. Roberts is superintendent of the Hunan Bible Institute, the China branch of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

Youth Sings

POCKET SIZE Praise Book of

Carefully selected hymns and choruses. Your favorites—Both old and new. Excel­ lent for Youth for Christ Rallies.

Objects: A stamp collection, several envelopes that have been forwarded, and a stamp from which the glue has been removed. Lesson: How many of you boys and girls have stamp collections? I have one with me today which includes many strange-looking foreign stamps. Those who care to, may see them at the close of the class. If you have a letter to be delivered at a distant place, you go to the post office, buy a stamp, and stick it on the envelope. The little stamp goes with the letter to the address given on the envelope. If the one to whom the letter is addressed has moved, the stamp sees that the let­ ter is carried on to the new address. Last summer while I was on my va­ cation, some of these letters were forwarded from place to place until they reached me. Did you ever stop to realize that stamps are like Christians? Obedi­ ent Christians are like stamps in that they carry God’s message wher­ ever He may send them. When I look at a faithful stamp, I am reminded of the little maid who was carried away captive from her native land by Naaman, captain of the Syrian army. He was a great man, but he was a leper. The little maid worked for Naaman's wife, and one day she said, "Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover him of his leprosy’’ (2 Kings 5:3). She was only a little girl, but she delivered God’s message, and be­ cause of it, Naaman the leper was healed. Here is a stamp that I cannot trust to deliver a letter, because it will not stick to the envelope. It soon gets tired of its job and falls off. I am sorry that there are some Christians like this stamp. They soon tire of carrying God’s message to those in need. God is looking for boys, girls, men and women, who, like these faithful stamps, will carry His message to those in need wherever they may be found. APRIL, 1947

35c; 3 for $1—Special rates in quantity. Sample books sent to groups on request. PRAISE BOOK Publications 500 S. 4th St., Minneapolis 15, Minn. Western Office: Saratoga, California



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New Opportunities in. S U N U A E R S C H O O L

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during regular school year (fall enrollment already-filled). New dormi­ tories enable us to take more students this summer. Full scholastic program, warm Christian fellowship. Graduate offerings in theology and Christian education have been strengthened; pastors, teachers, Christian workers can now earn Master’s degree in these fields during summer sessions. Early application advised. Write for Bulletin. June 10-20 Inter Sciiion a n d C hristian W orkers Institute; June 21-Jtsly 18 First Four-W eek Term; Ju ly 19-A u g u st 15 Second Four-W eek T erm WHEATON COLLEGE DIRECTOR OF THE SUMMER SCHOOL — KB Wheaton, M. Page Forty-five

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