until they came to Christ and found in His wisdom and power the secret of victory over circumstances. Few congregations there are that include no heavy hearts and harassed lives. To these God speaks in in effable tenderness as He asks, "Had enough? Had enough of sin? Had enough of blundering? Had enough of following your own way? Then, place your faith and trust complete ly in the One who is exceeding abundantly able to do for you what no one can ever do.” AN ECHO of the recent contro- versy which was widely publi cized through our land when an in dividual atheist brought suit against the constitutionality of religious teaching in the city of Champaign, Illinois, was the recent ruling of the Illinois Supreme Court upholding the affirmative verdict of the lesser courts. This ruling further establish ed the right of school boards to re lease children to the churches of their choice for weekly religious in struction. It is also to be noted that the evangelical forces engaged in this work are strengthening and solidifying their efforts with results from this Bible teaching beginning to be widely felt. In connection with the religious training of our youth, all parents should be interested in the new movement to establish Protestant Christian day schools. This is one of the most significant developments in our country at the present time, and should enlist the interest and prayers of all Christians. JUSTICE J. RUSSELL MORTON of a ** Southern California city recent ly fined three mothers of teen-age boys because they allowed the chil dren to run loose at night. The judge warned: "If you can’t Control your boys, the police will have to.” This seems to be getting at the root of the trouble. It brings to mind the truth which has been taught in the Bible for many years, which is that parents are held responsible under God for the actions of their children. When will America awaken to the neglected truth' that the Holy Scrip ture is the foundation of all right living and true happiness? Surely God will not hold those guiltless who neglect the souls of children, and thus bring disgrace and judgment upon our civilization. P< 9 < Five ☆ Religious Teaching ☆ Parents’ Accountability
know the Lord from the least to the greatest. ☆ Unbeliever’s Responsibility I T HAS been repeatedly preached, and rightly so, that there de volves upon every born-again child of God the responsibility to take the message of the Gospel to those who have never heard. One of the iden tifying marks of a truly regener ated person is his desire to bring his friends and loved ones to Christ. While it cannot be stressed too strongly that the Christian lives not merely for himself, but for others, there is a great burden of respon sibility upon every unbeliever, too. God has placed in the world an al most unbelievable amount of evi dence regarding His person and His power. Every blade of grass, every cloud in the sky, every morsel of food, every drop of water, witness eloquently to Christ, the Creator. And, the man, who, in spite of this overwhelming amount of physical evidence, declares there is no God, is solemnly pronounced a fool in the Scriptures. So God holds every in telligent being responsible. It is a dangerous thing to consider lightly such evidence and to decide against God. Each unbeliever, some day, will be confronted with a mass of evi dence relative to the things which God has done in order to reveal Him self. The unbeliever who has re jected Christ all of his days will be absolutely speechless before such evidence. Here is a subject little preached upon, but one which most surely bears the stamp of God’s ap proval. ☆ Had Enough? Y OU WILL remember that this was one of the slogans used in the last political campaign when one party asked the voters to consider the failures of the opposing one. With apologies to the party involved, we should like to point out that such a question is applicable to the sin ner. One of the early church fathers very wisely remarked that the heart of man could find no rest until it found rest in the Saviour. And thus it is. Life has many storms and trials, and difficulties are the fate of everyone, but in the plan and pur pose of God, sinners are allowed to be buffeted until they come to the end of themselves and seek the peace and rest that God alone can give. It has been the testimony of many Christians that their lives were a continual round of failure, dis couragement, and disappointment
What Is the Answer? rpHE WORLD continues to be great- ly perplexed I over the problem of the Jew. He is not really desired by any country, and the haven of his own heart, the land of his fath ers, seems unattainable. Various groups in Palestine have sought to use the weapons of terrorism and anarchy, only to find a rising tide of bitter reprisals sweeping upon them. At the conference table of the world there seems to be no workable solution to this problem. The Jew is still the number one world’s wanderer. But there is an answer in God’s Word. You who have earnestly and prayerfully ex amined the prophetic Scriptures know beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is an answer. For nearly four thousand years, the Jewish people have enjoyed a special relationship to God. This has not been because of their worthiness or because of their abil ity, but by the sovereign choice of God Himself. This choice involved very solemn responsibility on the part of the Jews, that they should walk in God’s way and do His will. As a punishment for their continuous failure, fellowship between the na tion and God was broken. Invariably, judgment followed this severance in communion and the nation came under the chastening hand of God. However, on condition of genuine re pentance, God had mercy upon His chosen people, forgave their sins, and restored them to the place of fellowship once more. For the past two millenniums, the Jews have known the chastisement of God. Their sorrow has been mountain high, and their tears and their blood have been shed. God has hidden His face from them, and the heavens have been like brass. Yet the solu tion is the same, that on the condi tion of genuine repentance on a national scale, God will again for give their sins, dry their tears, and restore them to the place of His favor. This is the answer to Israel’s plight, and what is more, we know from the prophetic Scriptures that this very thing is to occur at a time not far off. Over -the hearts of the Jewish people will sweep a wave of remorse and contrition, and they will bow their heads and hearts be fore the searching eyes of Jehovah God. They will cry.to Him for par don, and they will know the sweet sense of the restoration to His fa vor. Such is the answer to the Jewish problem. May God hasten the day when the suffering of Israel shall be no more, when every man shall dwell safely under his own vine and fig tree, and when all shall APRIL, 1947
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