January 2025

4B — January 2025 — 2025 Forecast — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


2025 F orecast

By Robert Holland, The Kislak Company, Inc. Forecast calls for continued patience and persistence


According to CoStar and their entry of 2024 New Jer- sey multifamily sales, Kis- lak was the #1 buyer broker and #3 seller broker. Some highlights include the single largest sale of a multifam- ily property in Essex County since 2022, the largest mul- tifamily sale in Atlantic City in at least the past 10 years, and the highest price per unit achieved for a multifamily property in Point Pleasant and all of Ocean County. Calculations are still being finalized, but some notable 2024 numbers include: • 3,100+ multifamily units sold in NJ, PA, CT, MD, OH, and NM • 800,000+ s/f commercial properties sold in NJ, PA, and CT • 100,000+ s/f commercial space leased in NJ and PA Now in its 119th year, Kis- lak knows what it takes to prevail and remain influen - tial – we became influencers decades before the dawn of social media. We have always adapted to the times, and for us, technology is a nice augmentation to our business

practices. Making and closing a great deal requires a great broker – especially in difficult times. It’s the in-person ser- vice and assistance that set Kislak apart. Successful real estate transactions require hu- man expertise and connections – not just texts, emails, or AI. Kislak professionals knock on doors, make personal calls and in-person visits, scouring the market and analyzing the opportunities that will have value for buyers and sellers. We serve as our clients’ eyes and ears and keep them in- formed. The Kislak name and track record are recognized and remembered, and that is why we are now working with second, third and even fourth generations of clients. The practical and financial benefits of renting enhance multifamily real estate’s sta- tus as a highly desirable in- vestment. For people of all ages – from 20-somethings to empty nesters – renting has appeal, resulting in strong oc- cupancy and collections. The reliable and comparatively low risk returns of multifamily property draw and keep inves-

tors year after year after year. Kislak is multidimensional and makes the most of unique opportunities in its commer- cial sales and leasing division. With companies and employ- ees continuing to redefine priorities and expectations, there are evolving demands for office, warehouse, and retail space throughout New Jersey. The company has also in- creased its multifamily bro- kerage presence in Florida. This expansion is a natural complement to Kislak’s North- east multifamily brokerage business as so many of our clients own or want to own in Florida or are part-time residents there. Our successes at Kislak are collaborative successes. Supplementing the well- informed and proactive sales force is a support team of highly skilled administra- tive, marketing and research professionals who provide the detailed and timely data and communications critical for clients’ decision-making. It’s our goal to help ensure our clients are prepared and informed as we put together

deals that serve our buyers, sellers and communities well. We begin every year with optimism and 2025 is off to a great start. With the fluc - tuation in interest rates and varying price expectations, we are positioned to shine. What we do best is get deals on the market, match the sellers and buyers, and follow through with all the details required for successful clos- ings. The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well at Kislak. No day is the same, but every day we patiently work through the details, and persist in solving problems. It’s what we have done since 1906. It’s what we do today. And what we’ll do tomorrow. Robert Holland is presi- dent of The Kislak Com- pany, Inc. Holland joined Kislak in 1984 and became president in 2012. Consistently, among the leading brokers of apart- ment buildings in central and eastern Pennsylvania, Holland is one of Kislak’s all-time leading salespeople with sales totaling more than $3 billion. MAREJ

he winds of change are full of surprises, but at Kislak we have

learned to successfully navigate chal- lenges with patience and persistence. Before mak- ing predic- tions about the new year,

Robert Holland

it’s important to assess recent performance and accomplish- ments. After a 2023 that tested everyone in the real estate profession, Kislak gained sub- stantial momentum in 2024. Our successes grew steadily month by month, culminating in high notes in November and December and an overall stronger year. We closed 81 sales for and 30 leases for nearly $500 million. This sales volume represents a 110% increase over 2023 – an extraordinary accomplishment given the continued challenges in the market and interest rate fluctuations. Kislak continued to arrange and close significant deals and produce impressive transaction statistics.

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