2022-2023 Flame


HEBREW AND JUDAIC STUDIES HIGHLIGHTS • Zimriyah - Musical Festival • Kehillah Kedosha and Chagigot (monthly special performances) • Veterans Day Special Assembly • Holiday Honey Cakes, Latkas, Hamantashen and Cheesecake baking • Israel Pen Pal Project • Yom HaShoah storytelling experience • Yom HaZikaron Ceremony • Yom Ha’Atzmaut Program and Parade • Annual Hebrew Spelling Bee competition • Middle School Prayer through music, meditation, and movement • Middle School Shabbaton Programs • 7th & 8th grade Rosh Hashana Seder • Middle School Tashlich trip • Tu B’shvat month-long Bracha Bee • 7th & 8th grade Challah Bake • Purim Family Experience • Purim Carnival • Shavuot student play • Weekly K-8 Parsha Sheet Competition • Buddies Program for 3’s-8th grade

MIDDLE SCHOOL JUDAIC SEMINARS • Applying the Scientific Method to Torah • The Art of Public Speaking through the Parsha • Holocaust: Facing History and Ourselves* • Megillat Ruth: Social Justice and Responsibility • Pirkei Avot: Jewish Ethics and Living • Law and Order in the Shulchan Aruch • Jewish History from Biblical to Modern Times* • Torah: An Allegorical Perspective • Chaos and Charismatic Leaders in the Prophets • Jewish Life Cycles: What, How, and Why? Thank you to Ann and Nate Levine who commissioned Solomon Schechter alumna Erin Beckstrand to paint a Jewish timeline being used by Levine Academy educators to bring Jewish traditions and history to life for students.


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