Board Converting News, August 12, 2024

Workplace Violence (CONT’D FROM PAGE 26)

Respond Appropriately Top management can feel as nervous as employees about taking action when troubling behavior occurs. How can they investigate a report without ruffling feathers and unintentionally making matters worse? “When troubling behavior is reported, the best approach is to start with a discreet investigation,” said Villanueva. “Ask other employ- ees if they can corroborate the behavior. Has anyone ob- served similar events?”] Once the background work is done, the supervisor should have a conversation with the employee who has committed the behavior. “Approach the individual in a respectful way and talk about what you have observed,” said Villanueva. “Stick with the facts, rather than making accusations. Encourage them to talk about their behavior, explain why it is happening, and what they can do to re- solve it.”

It's often appropriate to ask questions such as, ‘Are you okay? Is there anything you need? Can we offer something to assist?’ Many employers have an employee assistance program (EAP) that can provide counseling. Having these tough conversations early is better than allowing things to slide, because they will only become more difficult to deal with over time. “The longer you take, the worse the problem gets,” said Villanueva. “These things seldom get resolved on their own.” Reduce Stress An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. One way of reducing the emotional temperatures that can lead to violence is to institute a stress reduction program. “It’s good to appoint someone in your company as a liaison be- tween a stressed employee and a source of assistance,” said Worley. “The person in charge of human resources of- ten fills this role, providing a safe, confidential place to go for the employee who feels as though they are struggling from stress at the workplace or at home.” Employees experiencing high stress can be referred to the company insurance company if it covers counseling, to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or to a community



August 12, 2024

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