King's Business - 1958-01

For Men Only page 9 Special Report: P redestination


page 19

Billy Graham & the U.N. page 26



FEBRUARY 2 3 - MARCH 2 Celebrating 50 years of Christian service around the world

Special Conference Feature for Pastors and Christian workers DAILY “HOW TO“ Seminars, Institutes and Work Shops How to train leadership How to build a missionary program How to develop the music ministry How to reach and hold today's youth In cooperation with The Church of the Open Door Christian Workers' Service Bureau Gospel Light Press Scripture Press

Paul S. James Atlanta, Ga.

Alva J. McClain Winona Lake, Ind.

Robert E. Thieme Houston, Tex.

S. Franklin Logsdon Largo, Fla.

Jack Wyrtzen New York, N.Y.

Ralph Odman Port-au-Prince, Haiti

THE KING’S BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

JANUARY In the year of our Saviour

Vol. 49, No. 1

Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


FOR MEN ONLY 9 NEEDED: UPPER ROOM CHRISTIANS — Armin R. Gesswein ........... 10 CHRISTIAN MISSION FILMS .......................... H BARCLAY ALLEN — Photo Story ........................ ........................ 12 OUR ENEMY CONTENTMENT — A. W. Tozer .................................... 14 PREDESTINATION — Ray C. Steadman ................................................... 19 BILLY GRAHAM AND THE U.N................................................................... 26 JIVAROS GO TO SCHOOL — Missions — Mrs. George Moffat ......... 33 THY FAITHFULNESS — Poem — Helen Frazee-Bower ........................ 37 HE WORKED IN WOOD — Poem — Helen Frazee-Bower ................ 39 FEATURES UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller .......................... 4 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ................................. 5 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ............................. 7 READER REACTION ......................................................................................... 8 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ......................................... 16 SCIENCE AND THE B IBLE— Bolton Davidheiser ........................... ..... 18 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ............................. 27 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP — The Little Girl Who Did Not Forget God — George H. Clement ................... 28 SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES: 1 CORINTHIANS — — Chester J. Padgett ..............-.................. - ...................... .......... 34 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ........................................................ 36 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX 40 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers— Clyde Narramore 41 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FACTS ON F IL E— Honoré Osberg ...................................................... ..... 6 SHALL WE HAVE A JUNIOR CHURCH? — Clyde Narramore ......... 15 VIEWPOINT: PASTOR/SUPERINTENDENT — Chilton McPheeters, Bob Anderson ...................................................................................... 24 OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L. Wilder ......................... 38 COVER This month's cover is a reproduction of "T h e Woman at the W e ll/' by Jean Francois Millet. The original hangs in the Louvre, Paris.

Enjoy financial security in an insecure world Thousands of men and women are hap­ pily unconcerned about the ups and downs of the stock market. They are secure, and enjoy better-than- average returns on their money, large deductions in income tax, and a deep sense of satisfaction because they are contributing to the betterment of the world. They are holders of American Bible Society Annuity Agreements. In the 115 years the American Bible Society has been writing annuities it has never failed. During the Civil War, World War I and World War II—and even throughout the severe economic depressions following the Panics of 1873, 1893 and 1929—every annuity payment was made on time for the full amount. No wonder these annuities are recom­ mended as safe, proper investments by so many banks and counsellors. These annuities which are such a bless­ ing to those who own them also bless mankind, for they help the Society in its vital ministry of bringing the Bible to people everywhere in their own language.

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor MARY PAGE: copy editor

LLOYD HAMILL: managing editor MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

Prompt, fu ll payments w ithout fa il for over a century

JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

NORMAN B. ROHRER: editorial-advertising coordinator editoriol assistant: Earnestine Ritter editorial board Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinbera, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton.

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MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in tne Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. bv Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Californio.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — 'The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'The King's Business/' ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. The King's Business/Januory 1958

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"One day we went to a village where we reached many persons and whole families with the Gospel,” writes our missionary Emanuel from Greece. "Among them was the fam­ ily of George Kaligiannis. He, his wife, his mother-in-law and their 7 children —■all under 12 years old — live in a one-room wooden hut. He suffers from paralysis and his mother- in-law is in bed with rheumatism. Words can hardly describe the con­ ditions under which they live. But they had an open heart for the Gospel. My heart ached as I heard how often these little ones went to bed without their customary meal of brown bread and olives. My wife went out and came back with a bag full of groceries. I wish you could have seen the joy on the children’s faces as their mother began to take out the things one by one. In half an hour they crowded around the table for a delicious dinner which was prefaced by a hearty prayer of thanksgiving. Let’s pray that God will help them to surrender their hearts wholly to Him.” Haven’t you often wished you could do that—spread a table for those in need? It is such a joy to watch the delight in little children’s eyes when you provide a feast for their empty stomachs. At this season o f joy and feasting here in America, let us add to our joys by sharing with others the bounties which God has provided for us. For only $1.00 you can give 22 lbs. o f food to a needy family. But spiritual food is a real necessity, too. $10 will provide 40 New Testaments with which to bring the Bread o f Life to the spiritually hungry in Greece. Christ fed men with both material and spiritual food. To us He says, "Feed my sheep.” You may send your gifts through the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto, Ont.)

THE UPWARD WAY A s Mother pondered the events of “ an emotion-packed year, she felt a momentary trepidation in facing 1958. The wildest imagination of man cannot conjure up the illusion of peace or security in this sin-rocked world. Both literally and figuratively “men’s hearts are failing them for fear.” The ominous shadow of war hangs over the door of every freedom loving person as scientists work fever­ ishly to p e r f e c t nuclear weapons lethal enough to destroy all men. The new year evinces no harbinger of better things. Now her attention was focused on her own small world in the home. A major move from the pastorate to a Christian teaching ministry; a walk through the valley of the shadow, as far as we were permitted to go, with our beloved first bom. Not daring to live in the past, Mother has had to face the reality of th e s p i r i t u a l , moral, mental and physical needs of her growing chil­ dren. She and Daddy have wrestled with God for the very souls of their teen-aged children as never before. While the world reels apace under the impact of Satan’s directions, this adversary of the soul has been reach­ ing out with savage determination to get the attention of our saved chil­ dren diverted from the path of God’s choosing. These and many more ex­ periences have marked the closing year. Small wonder, then, that our hearts stand still at the very thought of any more. On the threshhold of an­ other year, to what should we look forward; what can we anticipate; how will our dear Father lead? The answers, praise God, are not difficult to find. He will lead in love — a love “ that doeth all things well.” He will lead in wisdom because He sees the end from the beginning and never makes a mistake. He will lead in faithfulness for God has promised to “never leave or forsake” us. So we look forward to the challenge of serv­ ing Christ; we anticipate His bless­ ings though they come disguised in tears; and we have confidence that His leading is on the upward way. “ . . . look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).

1* For one pen­ ny a day you can become one of the supporters of our Is­ abelle Orphanage at Pusan, Korea. 2 . Our 300 orph­ ans need your gifts and prayers. If you wish we will send you a bank mounted with a beauti­ ful wooden figure. *»• "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

Write to: The Korea Gospel Mission, inc. P. 0 . Box 291, Inglewood, California TAPE RECORDER FREE Write for information how to get a nationally known tape recorder free. Also circular about Tel-n-See, the mar­ velous new invention for showing color films with sound on tape, costing less than 1/10 of movies. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS WHEATON, ILL.



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Your Best Years Are Just Ahead ...if Moody training is in your plans At Moody Bible Institute, you can choose from eight basic courses to prepare for a life of Christian service. GENERAL BIBLE is an excellent foundation for every Christian, no matter what his life work. PASTORS course includes theology, Greek, and other Bible subjects, as well as practical ways of preaching and teaching God’s Word. MISSIONARY training is thorough . . . including language study, Bible, medicine, and techniques of missionary work. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION stresses both theory and “ how to do it” for prospective teachers and administrators. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION-MUSIC is tailor made for combination workers in churches of all sizes. SACRED MUSIC courses are geared to the conservatory level, with a new, well-equipped building for practice and performance. JEWISH MISSIONS helps you understand the Jew and his religion . . . and ways of reaching him for Christ. MISSIONARY TECHNICAL provides instruction in aviation and communications . . . meeting the urgent need on mission fields.

by Phil Kerr

HOME OF THE SOUL Words by Ellen Huntington Gates Music by Philip Phillips

Q n e day in 1865 Phillips was reading the story in Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress of the entrance of Christian §nd Hopeful into the beautiful City. It occurred to him that the story would make the basis of a splendid gospel song; accordingly, he sent such a request to his friend, Mrs. Ellen Huntington Gates, a noted poet. She complied. “When the verses were forwarded to me,” he wrote, “ I seated myself in my home with my little boy on my knee . . . and began to read the clos­ ing scenes where Christian and Hope­ ful entered into the City . . . wishing myself among them. At this moment of inspiration I turned to my organ with pencil in hand and wrote the tune. . . . It was later sung at the funeral of my own dear boy who had sat on my knee as I wrote the tune.” The author was bom in Torring- ton, Conn., in 1835 and died in New York City, October 23, 1920. Philip Phillips was bom August 13, 1834 on a farm near Jamestown, N.Y. He first sang in public at the age of five, became a music teacher at 19, and at the age of 21 became an itinerant music peddler, going from house to house playing his melodeon and endeavoring to sell his self-pub­ lished songs. His publishing activities assumed large proportions. He was once invited to sing before the United States Senate. President Lincoln enjoyed his singing to such an extent that the great Emancipator asked for a repetition. Encouraged, Phillips decided to devote his full time to gospel singing. He literally sang the gospel around the world and became known as the “ Singing Pil­ grim.” He was one of the first men to popularize gospel solo singing. W h e n he d i e d (Delaware, Ohio, June 25, 1895) Ira D. Sankey sang “Home Of the Soul” at his funeral.

M oody’s location in the heart o f Chicago means abundant oppor­ tunity for part-time work and for practical Christian experience. Tuition is free, too, because o f the gifts o f thousands o f G od’s people who want you to have MB I training. Because o f M oody’s sound academic standards, many colleges and universities allow liberal transfer o f credit for work taken. Write today for more information about your best years . . . at M oody Bible Institute.

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Please send me your latest catalog and pictorial book* let, “ Life at Moody.’*


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Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Busines maga zine, 558 So.Hope, LosAngeles 17, California. The King's Business/Jonuory 1958






TRAVELOGUE OF BIBLE LANDS SEE THE HOLY LAND IN YOUR OWN LIVINGROOM Twelve vivid color series on the lands of the Bible. Photographed by G. Eric Mat- son, former contributor to the National Geographic Magazine, who spent over 50 years in the Near East. Each series is sup­ plied with a free manual providing back­ ground on every picture, as well as quo­ tations from the Bible. • THE LIFE OF OUR LORD

Facts on File by Honoré Osberg

^om e of the best teaching, sermon *^and article material is lost for­ ever because it was not captured on a file card or in a notebook. When­ ever any of your jobs or activities call for a backlog of good ideas then one of your best helps will be facts on file. There are many different ways of filing material but here is the method I have found best. My first file is a workshop file and this I call my “ Idea Box.” This is a kind of incubator where ideas are deposited to hatch. Use any method you like — 3x5 cards, number 10 envelopes or even a notebook. However, I have found large manila envelopes (7x10 or 9x12) best because they hold more material. I stand these envelopes upright in a small cardboard carton, putting the subject title on the top of the envelope. Since I’m a writer, these subject titles for me are story or article titles. For you they may be sermon topics or an object lesson for preschoolers or sex education for junior high young people . . . or whatever your interest is. After I’ve completed my project I refile the material into a general file under such broad headings as faith, prayer, missions, etc. This general file I keep in boxes about the size of shoe boxes. The boxes are arranged in alphabetical order for easy reference. Material for a file like this is gathered every place. When I read I have a red pencil and a pair of scissors handy. If I’m reading a book or magazine that can’t be clipped I have a supply of cards handy for notes. Ideas will come from a sermon, a chat with a neigh­ bor. And every once in a while I’ll even get an idea of my own! END. Prayer MAYWEPRAY FOR */ YOURREQUESTS? Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So.Hope, LosAngeles 17, California.

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A monthly column of nomes in the news Dr. Wolter M. Montano, who directs New York’s 75-year-old Christ’s Mis­ sion, Inc. and edits The Converted. Catholic Magazine, w a s r e c e n t l y appointed honorary Consul of Bolivia —- an a p p o i n t m e n t recognized by President Eisenhower and his Cabinet Member, John Foster Dulles. Montano was also honored recently by the Freedom Foundation’s George Wash­ ington Medal of Honor for his speech “ Dollar Diplomacy.” He has twice declined offers to become Secretary of State for Bolivia. Brethren missionary Dr. W. G. Tid- marsh of England recently planted a flag for Jesus Christ in the Ecuadorian jungle by building a hut at Oglan, closer to the man-killing Aucas than any man has lived since the five died in ’56. But one day in his absence the house was ransacked and plundered. Tidmarsh, gift-dropping MAF pilot Johnny Keenan and other missionaries decided the Oglan station must be abandoned unless th e L o r d n o w should cause some Aucas to visit it with friendly indications. They came shortly afterward. Quechua Indian runners raced from Oglan to Arajuno, gasping to widow Betty Elliot that three Auca women had presented themselves at Oglan, using as their peaceful “ password” motions and sounds imitating Johnny’s plane that had been dropping gifts at their vil­ lage. Armed with tape recorder and pads and pencils, Betty and Mrs. Tidmarsh met the women while the MAF plane droned overhead, reeling down a phone line so the women could report to the world the dramatic contact. The stormy, controversial life of Dr. Gerald B. Winrod, 57, has ended. In his magazine, The Defender, pub­ lished in Wichita, Kans., his radio broadcasts and preaching tours Dr. Winrod heatedly defended such mal­ functioning operations as the Hoxsey treatment for cancer, linked arms with Arabs in hatred of the Jew, and cried out loudly against anyone who disagreed with him. YOUR TITHE The ministry of T he K ing ’ s B usiness can only continue as interested readers send in a part o f their tithe each month. Address: Tithe Dept., T he K ing ' s B usiness , 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

This will interest YOU . . . Our field representatives meet Christian men and women quite frequently who are looking for places to investtheir money. Most of them need a return on their savings. Some are considering investments in stocks. But because of their limited knowledge of stocks and bonds, they are reluctant to buy. Others hesitate because of market fluctua­ tions, uncertainty of dividends, etc. And some tell us of disappointing experi­ ences on their investments. * * * Without exception, all are looking for security . . . a guarantee that they will be as­ sured of a generous income. Something they can count on as long as they live . . . in good times or bad . . . regardless of whether the stock market is up or down. But they’re interested in something else, too. * * * You should see their faces light u p . . . when we tell them about the dou ble dividends provided by Moody Annuities. When we tell them that Moody Annuities assure them of a generous, guaranteed income as long as they live (up to 814% depending on their age) . . . plus a share in the Lord’s work . . . they’re overjoyed! And when we tell them that every annuity is backed by all the resources of Moody Bible Institute, and that MBI has never missed a single payment in almost 50 years. . . they are convinced that it’s the plan for them!


We’ll be happy to send you the free booklet, DOUBLE dividends , which explains the Moody Annuity Plan in detail. Contains a chart showing income rates for all ages, explains tax benefits and tells you all about the many ministries of Moody Bible Institute in which you’ll have a share. C L I P A N D M A I L C O U P O N T O D A Y !

Write: Carl J. Frlren, Stewardship Department JSP MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois □ Please send me, without obligation, double dividends , story of Moody Annuity Plan. i I Please send folder, Where There’s a Will, relating to stewardship.


Name __ Address_ City ____




The King's Business/Januory 1958

there’s LIFE in the HR

Billy Graham

Sirs: Ever since I r e a d y o u r B i l l y Graham New York report I have been troubled. Why picture him with Vice- President Nixon instead of a bell-hop? It is easy to be popular with the high-ups and with the press if we are willing to compromise. But what is the cost spiritually? Is it like our Lord? As I understand Billy Graham has stated he is not a fundamentalist as some people think he is. He has been expelled from two outstanding, sound Bible colleges. I believe he is following in the same path Donald Bamhouse has gone. I believe they can become the real Christian’s worst enemies. When communism has a tremendous bit of propaganda all they have to do is put Billy’s name to it and many God-fearing Chris­ tians will be lead astray. Bradenton, Fla. Mrs. Dorothy Rose Segregation (cont'd) Sirs: Your scathing e d i t o r i a l in the November issue is enough to make a Christian Southerner wonder if you are about the King’s business. When Christ was about His Father’s business He was in the temple and not grovel­ ing with the politicians. Not only have you groveled but you have de­ fended a lawless action of Mr. Eisen­ hower because it attains the end re­ sult desired. The South has a problem and we are quite aware of what is facing us. However, we don’t need the help of The King’s Business nor do we need California’s two cents. If men are created equal in God’s sight, explain the ninth chapter of Romans and the ninth chapter of Genesis, No predestination in your editorial, just plain “ b r o t h e r h o o d of man” and modernism. Rome, Go. Glenn D. Carlson Sirs: Thanks for your unequivocal article on the Christian and the segregation q u e s t i o n . It is, and must be, the believer’s viewpoint on any race ques­ tion. After the pussyfooting around the subject by a certain class of Chris­ tians it was like a trumpet call to r e a d St. C l a i r ’ s c l e a r c u t and soundly Scriptural expression as to where Christ’s followers must stand. We at our house are glad for your courage in dealing with a “ hot” sub­ ject. Satan has been speaking loudly; it is high time that the voice of God should be heard. Portland, Ore. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Zimmerman


. . . here in the Hawaiian Islands there grows a remarkable little plant which receives its sustenance entire­ ly from the air . . . . . . and likewise, countless thou­ sands in the Islands are receiving their spiritual sustenance from the air . . . . . . on Hawaii’s only missionary stations . . . K A IM and K A IM -FM . . . the outlets o f The Hawaii Christian Broadcasting Association AND . . . we’d like to send you one of these AIR PLANTS . . . right from Hawaii . . . FREE . . . . . . yes, just pin it to a curtain . . . and watch it put out its shoots from each tiny "eye” . . . . . . and let it serve as a reminder of the unique "air ministry” of K A IM and K A IM -FM

The lessons you teach today in your Sunday school may well deter­ mine the whole future of your students. Because their future counts, select Union lessons for all departments of your Sunday school — from beginners through adults. ASSU Bible-centered Sunday- school materials present the whole Truth o f the Bible. The Gospel is emphasized and Christ is pre­ eminent. Send for free sample materials today. Dept. B8

Meet Yourself in the Bible By Roy L. Laurin, D.D.

A new printing, 4th edition of Dr. Laurin’smost wide­ ly read book. Some­ where in the Bible there is a person with experience, trouble, or weak­ ness like yours. The book presents 30 Bi­ ble characters who were conquerors of those situations. 288 pages. $3.00

Mail coupon today to: KAIM — Box 375 — Honolulu T.H.

Please send my FREE air plant to:


EXPOSITIONS by Dr. Laurin Romans (Where Life Begins) ................ $4.00 j Corinthians (Where Life Matures) ...... 3.50 II Corinthians (Where Life Endures) .... 3.00 Philippians (Where Life Advances) ........ 3.00 Colossians (Where Life Is Established) .. 2.50 I John (Life at Its Best) ............. ........... 2.50 Complete set of six volumes, $17.75 DUNHAM Publishing Company Findlay, Ohio Also send for catalog





□ I would like further information about Hawaii Christian Broad­ casting Association.



A for-men-only feature dealing with basic Christianity/by Lloyd Hamill HERITAGE 'of the wilderness

weasel tracks. Weasels have a blood-thirsty dis­ position teamed up with courage and cleverness. They’re not much bigger around than a broom handle and about 10 inches long, counting the tail. I suppose they weigh about eight ounces. But they have no trouble at all killing a full grown chicken. Like the snowshoe rabbit, weasels turn from their summer brown to white in the winter at higher elevations. Only the tip of their tail doesn’t change. It remains a jet black. I set out a string of traps, baiting them with bits of bloody meat. Day after day I’d visit my traps. Often the meat would be gone but the traps would always be empty. Finally I did trap one. I skinned it and let the pelt dry on a stretcher. Since weasel pelts are marketed as ermine I was anxious to cash in on my winter’s trapping. I mailed the beautiful little fur to Montgomery Ward in Portland, Ore. The next tractor in brought back my check. It was for 20 cents. It was during these years in the back country of Idaho that most of my present philosophy of life was worked out. O f course most of us today never get a chance for such a long period of leisure. But every man owes it to himself to experience a time in the wilderness. Maybe your wilderness will be a few minutes each day by yourself in your home or office. Maybe it will be in church next Sunday. It really doesn’t matter. What does matter is what you do with these wilderness minutes. A good many men through­ out history have used these minutes to come into a right relationship with God. Deep underneath our purposeful activity there is a frightening emptiness. A man needs God in his life if life is to have any genuine meaning. The big step is to first realize the need. The next step is to do something about the need. The Bible says that no man can come to God except through Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ has assurred us that, " I will certainly not cast out anyone who comes to Me.” And herein lies the full and complete answer to man’s search for God. END' 9

f IThen a man has a yen to leave the crowds behind ** and head for the wide open spaces he has good precedent. Men over the centuries have found the solitude of the wilderness a magnificent thing. Take biblical history for example. Moses and David and Paul found the wilderness to their liking. And our Saviour Himself is recorded as often 'evading the crowds and seeking out the wilderness. There’s something about uncrowded country that appeals to men. In my own life the wilderness has left its silent brand. And it’s a brand that I doubt will ever disappear. I grew up in a gold mining camp in Idaho in the thirties. It was rugged country. W e were in a 6,5 00 foot basin between Hells Canyon and the Seven Devil Mountains. It was 40 miles to the nearest paved road. And it was just as far to the nearest church. In the winter (November through May) the only communi­ cation with the outside world came every other week or so when a big Diesel tractor chewed its way through the snow to bring supplies and mail. A couple of winters my three sisters and I were the only children in camp. Our school was the wilderness and I don’t think any of us have ever regretted it. One of my favorite pastimes during those long winters was to strap on snowshoes and go webbing over the white, silent mountains. I’d never meet another person and the snow was untrampled except for the occasional track of a wild animal. And at the end of each day I’d record what had happened in my diary. I’d note the direction of the wind, the high and low temperature (it got to 30° below zero), the snowfall (there was an average of seven feet on the ground during the winter), what animals or birds I’d seen. Or some­ times I’d simply write that the sunset was more movingly beautiful than usual. One winter I even tried trapping but I turned out more or less a failure at this venture. On my daily snowshoe trips I’d noted one section of heavy woods where the snow was criss-crossed with The King's Business/January 1958

/Upper Room Christians

by A rmin R. G esswein Y ou can’t read beyond the first chapter of the Book of Acts without feeling the impact of the disciples’ prayer meeting in an upper room, (in the original, the upper room). God’s eye was upon it and the Holy Spirit revitalized it on the Day of Pentecost. What a meeting! Wh a t a p l a c e ! God marked it well forever in history and called it the upper room, and that is what I want to call it. The prayer meeting was so im­ portant that it was the only really big thing Jesus had on His agenda after His resurrection and before He went to heaven. He couldn’t go and He wouldn’t go and He didn’t go to heaven until he had formed a prayer meeting. During His entire ministry Jesus never stayed long in one place. When the Samaritans persuaded Him to remain with them two days, what great things were accom­ plished in their midst. But Jesus gave most of the precious 40 days following His resurrection to the building of a prayer meeting. We need a new education on the prayer meeting in the church in the light of this. As the Master Builder building His Church, Jesus started first with the prayer meet­ ing. It was the scene of the first big miracle after His resurrection. God pity the Christian who has got a puny idea of a prayer meet­ ing. The way Christ started the Church off was the way He meant it to continue — a high and glorious prayer-meeting Chu r ch in the upper room. The prayer meeting! Of the many miracles of Christ on the earth I think the prayer meeting is the crowning one — His last on earth. If you don’t think the prayer meeting is a miracle just try getting people to come to it. I tell you, I have given up on it. I have said, “ Lord, I can’t do it. It is not in me to get everybody into prayer meet­ ing. If they are going to fill the church it has got to be your doing to put it into their hearts and make

them go. Yes, and more than that, make them want to go.” That is even a higher miracle. Jesus doesn’t make people go to prayer meeting — He makes them want to go. If Christ gave 40 of His last and best days on earth to the building of that prayer meeting in Jerusalem we had better give some of our very highest and best attention to the building of the prayer meeting in our churches. Unfortunately, it is too often the poorest and puniest and weakest little meeting of the week. And in some churches it has simply died. A little while ago I read this death notice in the Southern Presbyterian Journal: “Mrs. Prayer Meeting died re­ cently at the F i r s t Ne g l e c t e d Church on Worldly Avenue. Bom many years ago in the midst of great revival, she was a strong healthy child, fed largely on testi­ mony and scriptural separation unto God. Your Prayer Requests Each morning at eight the editorial staff of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin ess magazine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heartcry of thousands. Should you have a request we would count it a privilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors , T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , 55 8 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. Phone: MAdison 5-1641. “ Soon growing into wide promi­ nence, she became one of the most influential members of the Family of God, but for the past several years, Sister Prayer Meeting has been failing in health, gradually wasting away until rendered help­ less by stiffness of knee, coldness of heart, weakness of Christian pur­

pose and will power on the part of loved ones that led to their desert­ ing her. At last she was but a sha­ dow of her former happy self. Her final whispered words were inquir­ ies concerning estranged loved ones who are now busy in the marts of trade and places of worldly amuse­ ments. “ Experts including Dr. Words and D r. So c i a l Ho u r and Dr . Entertainer were called. They dis­ agreed, however, on the cause of her fatal i l l ne s s , administering large doses of socials and refresh­ ments, but to no avail. “A post-mortem showed that a deficiency of spiritual food, coupled with lack of fasting faith and heart­ felt love for Christ, shameless deser­ tion and non-support were contrib­ uting causes of the death of Sister Prayer Meeting. Only a few were present at her death, sobbing over memories of her past beauty and power. Carefully selected pall bear­ ers were urged to tenderly bear her remains away, but even they failed to appear. There were no flowers. H er f a v o r i t e h ymn s such as ‘Amazing Grace,’ and ‘Rock of Ages,’ were not sung. “Miss Ima Modern rendered, ‘Beautiful Isle of Somewhere,’ but nobody had any idea where this fancied isle might be. “ The body rests in the cemetery of Bygone Glory, awaiting the sum­ mons from above. “ In honor of the going of Sister Prayer Meeting, the church doors will be closed on Wednesday night, except on the third Wednesday of each month, when the Ladies’ Pink Lemonade Society serves refresh­ ments to the members of the Men’s Handball Team.” My conclusion is this: if Jesus gave the prayer meeting full atten­ tion then we had better give it full attention too! It is time to call our deacons and elders and officers to­ gether and get to the building of the prayer meeting. We ought to have a holy concern and burden about this. Yearn and pray and


Christian Mission Films From Paper Mate pens to Bible characters


work and really be spent to get it done. Work with Jesus, putting forth our highest efforts. Jesus got everybody into the prayer meeting. Acts 1:14 tells us that all were there. Oh that trouble­ some little word “ all” that got into the text somehow. Some people are embarrassed that it ever got there. If it only hadn’t said “ all” then we could still avoid the prayer meet­ ings and pass for pretty good Chris­ tians around the church. But Jesus has us on the hook. He says, “ I want every member in the prayer meeting. That’s my meeting and if you are going to fill any church, that is my way of doing it.” If I would point to any one spot where a whole new life and min­ istry opened up for me it was in the “Upper Room” of my life. It was something like getting into the room of a mansion with doors lead­ ing to other rooms of the riches and resources that Christ, the risen Lord, has for us by the Holy Spirit. One reason we have anemic little Christians in our churches is be­ cause we enroll members and say nothing about the prayer meeting. We don’t even expect them to show up there. That’s wrong. God’s plan is that every member shall be an Upper Room Christian — a Prayer Meeting Christian. There is no membership in the New Testament Church but a P r a y e r M e e t i n g membership. You may not be able to pray much. You may not be able to pray more than a sentence, or you may have to pick up a hymn book and prime your pump to get started. But be at prayer meeting. You want to please Jesus, so be there. You can’t lay down this magazine and say “ I love Jesus” and avoid the prayer meeting because that is His building and His construction and pattern of successful Christian liv­ ing. Let’s have a dedication of our­ selves to go forward as never before as Upper Room Christians, by the grace of God. END. The King's Business/J anuary 1958



Story conference: David Burrey and Bemiller brothers— Richard, Ted, Robert.


T o tall, bony Bob Bemiller, a commercial artist with 23 years of experience in Hollywood movie studios, the possibility of ani­ mated Bible characters presented a c h a l l e n g i n g medium for teaching the Word of God. “ It could be a sacred thing,” he dreamed, staring at his drawing board, “ used for the glory of God.” In conference with his brothers, Ted and Richard, Bob found them enthusiastic about the idea and willing to supply some capital for producing films of Bible scenes that would put life into real people long dead. The Bemillers swept out a back yard garage and built a studio with second hand equipment which became the home of Chris­ tian Mission Films. Their first production was The Creation ■— four years in the making from 1946 to 1950. “ But,” say the brothers, “ each day was a worthwhile time dedicated to the Lord.” Everywhere the Bemillers showed their Creation, pastors hailed it as a milestone in Bible teaching methods. Editors of “Who’s Who In California” l i s t ed Bob alongside other We s t Coast innovators. In 1951 Christian Mission Films moved into larger quarters. To finance their baby project Bob entered the field of television animation and drew ads for Paper Mate Pen, Sealy Mattress, Welchade and other accounts. Richard studied business manage­ ment at Woodbury College and was ordained to the ministry after graduating from The Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Ted earned a degree in cinematography at the Univ. of Southern Calif. In 1953 CMF produced The High Room, the story of a boy called “ Cotton,” created by Rev. Paul Edwards of the Southern California Baptist Convention. It was released a year later by Cathedral Films of Burbank. Since then the Bemiller brothers have produced nine, 12% minute, 16mm color films illustrating the lives of Old Testament characters. Their goal: to depict the entire Bible story on film. li


b a r c l a y a l l e n


T ■ ■ ■ I t isn’t always an easy thing to remember the past. And when famed musician Barclay Allen is asked to do so it’s likely to produce the effect of a man recalling a night­ mare (see photo opposite page). In the popular music world Allen was big-time in the forties. He was pianist for both the Kay Kaiser and Freddy Martin orchestras. From these limelight positions it was an easy step to forming his own orchestra. And as Barclay Allen puts it today, "W e really were too fortunate.” He played for 23 weeks at the Palmer House in Chicago and then on to other such famed spots as the Mark Hopkins in San Francisco. But all success stories must end and for Barclay Allen the end came with a grinding crash. He was returning to

San Francisco from a Nevada engagement late one night and he fell asleep at the wheel. His car plunged over a cliff and when he was discovered the next morning his neck was broken and he was in a coma. Doctors gave him barely two hours to live. That was eight years ago. Completely paralyzed, Allen spent the next two years in bed. He slid from a husky 203 pounds to 80. He was so bitter he hated everyone — especially the pastor o f the Emanuel Lutheran Church in North Hollywood who called regularly. But during one of those calls Barclay Allen ex­ changed his bitterness for faith in Jesus Christ. And since that day Allen has been using his musical talent to write Christian songs.

Two years after accident Allen was able to leave bed for wheel­ chair. Close family friends, Rosetta Case Bent and daughter

Roberta are now working with him on music; Allen writes the music, Mrs. Case the words and Roberta sings the new songs.

The King's Business/Jonuory 1958


Are you willing to sacrifice everything for the joy of experiencing God in increasing intimacy?

Our Enemy Contentment

b y A . W . T o ze r

and appear before God?” Their longing after God all but consumed them; it propelled them on­ ward and upward to heights toward which less ardent Christians look with languid eye and entertain no hope of reaching. Orthodox Christianity has fallen to its present low estate from lack of spiritual desire. Among the many who profess the Christian faith scarcely one in a thousand reveals any passionate thirst for God. The practice of many of our spiritual advis­ ers is to use the Scriptures to discourage such little longings as may be discovered here and there among us. W e fear extremes and shy away from too much ardor in religion as if it were possible to have too much love or too much faith or too much holiness. Occasionally one’s heart is cheered by the dis­ covery of some insatiable saint who is willing to sacrifice everything for the sheer joy of experienc­ ing God in increasing intimacy. To such we offer this word of exhortation: Pray on, fight on, sing on. Do not underrate anything God may have done for you heretofore. Thank God for every­ thing up to this point, but do not stop here. Press on into the deep things of God. Insist upon tasting the profounder mysteries of redemption. Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as it will. Refuse to be average or to sur­ render to the chill of your spiritual environment. I f you thus "follow after,” heaven will surely be opened to you and you will, with Ezekiel, see visions of God. Unless you do these things you will reach at last (and unknown to you) the bone yard of orthodoxy and be doomed to live out your days in a spiritual state which can be best described as "the dead level and quintessence of every medi­ ocrity.” From such a state God save us all. (Included in "The Root o f the Righteous,” Christian Publi­ cations, Inc., Harrisburg, Pa.) E N D -

of the fact that their cows are all satisfied with their lot in life. Their clever ads have made the term "contented cows” familiar to everyone. But what is a virtue in a cow may be a vice in a man. And contentment, when it touches spiritual things, is surely a vice. Paul professed that he had learned to be content with such earthly goods as fell to his lot. That is something else from being content with his spiritual attainments. W ith these he specifically declared that he was not satisfied: "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Contentment with earthly goods is a mark of a saint; contentment with our spiritual state is a mark of inward blindness. One of the greatest foes of the Christian is reli­ gious complacency. The man who believes he has arrived will not go any farther; from his standpoint it would be foolish to do so. The snare is to believe we have arrived when we have not. The present neat habit of quoting a text to prove we have arrived may be a dangerous one if in truth we have no actual inward experience of the text. Truth that is not experienced is no better than error, and may be fully as dangerous. The scribes who sat in Moses’ seat were not the victims of error; they were the victims of their failure to experience the truth they taught. Religious complacency is encountered almost everywhere among Christians these days, and its presence is a sign and a prophecy. For every Christian will become at last what his desires have made him. We are all the sum total o f our hungers. The great saints have all had thirsting hearts. Their cry has been, "M y soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come


We know that many children go home after Sunday school because their parents do not attend with them. The situation is different in churches where there are special worship services for the boys and girls. Children usually stay for jun­ ior church whether their parents are with them or not. It is during this time that they may find Christ as their personal Saviour. Much can be learned about God’s Word in junior church. Relationship to the Pastor Every child in church should know his pastor. This is difficult in most adult churches. It is even more difficult for a child to know his pastor well enough to feel free to talk to him about his problems. However, a child has an opportu­ nity to know his junior church pas­ tor well. The relationship is inti­ mate and warm. The child gains confidence in his pastor and can talk freely with him concerning many things. This does not detract from the child’s relationship with the adult church pastor. Rather, through the junior church pastor, the child can come to love and trust the adult church pastor. And because of the close relation­ ship in the junior church the pas­ tor or one of his assistants can keep an accurate record of attendance. They follow through immediately with a get-well card or a home visit when the child is absent. This pro­ cedure keeps children coming to church and Sunday school. This is especially important inasmuch as a majority of children drop out of all Sunday school and church activ­ ities by the time they are 45. Educating the Child for Worship The junior church is, of course, an educating medium for the child. There he learns to appreciate the worship service. As children gain experience in junior church, they will grow to love worship services. There will be many struggles and even disappointments as you begin your junior church. Don’t be discouraged during the first ex­ perimental weeks. You will soon experience great blessing from it as you see the children come to a bet­ ter knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ through this service designed for them. END.

Shall We Have a Junior Church? by Clyde M. Narramore

w V V asn’t that a w o n d e r f u l service,” said Mrs. Thomas to a friend as she came out of the church. “ Yes, but I’m not sure about those plans the pastor mentioned for junior church.” And many Christians have a question mark in their minds about junior church. The few adults who had the privilege of attending jun­ ior church in their childhood are usually much in favor of it. But others are raising their eyebrows, and wondering just what to think. Junior Church is not a continu­ ation of Sunday school. Neither is it a daily vacation Bible school. It is a worship service geared in every respect to boys and girls. It is de­ signed to give children what the regular service offers grownups. Ability to Understand Junior churches are springing up all over America because their pro­ grams are geared to the child’s mental and physical development. Much of what takes place in a reg­ ular worship service is very unin­ teresting to immature minds. For example, a child may understand very little of the vocabulary that is used in adult church. Even hymns do not mean as much as they should unless they are explained. Take for example, Oh, Worship The King or Crown Him With Many Crowns. If the minister speaks so that the children can understand, the adults sometimes lose interest. However, the pastor in a junior church stays on the level of his audience. We must remember that children are not adults in miniature. They should not be expected to concen­ trate or sit still very long. The lack

of body coordination and the rapid growth of certain parts of their bodies du r i n g childhood makes them wiggle. The junior church can meet the need for physical ac­ tivity. There children have more op­ portunity to stand up and sit down. The periods of “ sitting” are shorter. And at the same time by provid­ ing a junior church there has been eliminated the unavoidable disturb­ ance that youngsters cause in adult church. A wiggly child can be an­ noying to both congregation and speaker. As we’ve noted, children just cannot be expected to sit still like grownups. The fault is neither the child’s nor the parents’. It’s just the way God made children. And the answer is the junior church where the service is fitted to the child’s interest span. It’s an unfortunate fact that thousands of children grow up to resent the adult church service. As children they were required to sit t h r o u gh the “ lecturing” which meant very little to them. They came to inwardly despise it. When t h e y b e c ame old enough, they stopped going to church. But with junior church which children like, they eagerly move right into adult church when they are old enough. The Child's Participation Most of us get out of a worship service just what we put into it. Yet, how actively can children take part in adult worship services? But children can take part in the junior worship service. One may play the piano or organ, some may be ushers and others may sing in the choir. Active participation in the service is much more valuable to young­ sters than merely sitting still for an hour.


The King's Business/J anuary 1958

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