King's Business - 1958-01



James O. Henry, M.A., Editor

Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College

FRESNO, CAL IF . JANUARY 12-19, 1958

American vs. Soviet Education The Bureau of Health, Education and Welfare has just completed a two-year study of Russian educa­ tion. The study revealed some dis­ quieting facts. It “ showed that Rus­ sian children were getting more hours of instruction in their ele­ mentary and secondary system than American children received in 12 years,” said Folsom, Secretary of the department. Under the com­ pulsory Russian curriculum, “ all Russian students are introduced to biology in grade four, foreign lan­ guage in grade five, physics, alge­ bra and geometry in grade six, chemistry in grade seven and as­ tronomy and calculus in grade ten.” The report disclosed that “ all Russian students graduating from the tenth grade in 1955 had com­ pleted five years of physics, four years of chemistry, six years of for­ eign language and five years of mathematics above the arithmetic level.” In the same years, Folsom re­ ported, “ less than a third of Amer­ ican high school graduates had tak­ en a year of chemistry, about a fourth had had a year of physics and about one in l5 had taken ad­ vanced mathematics.” The most disquieting fact about the report is the fact that Folsom “ opposed any fundamental change in the American education system despite deep concern over the dra­ matic advances of Soviet technologi­ cal education.” He said in a speech at a conference of scientists, “This country must not imitate Russian education. To do so would be tragic for mankind.” Folsom said, “ The aim of American education must continue to be the development of broadly educated men who have the intellectual ability and the moral conviction to make those dif­ ficult and often unpopular decisions that determine the course of man­ kind.” To which we can all add a hearty amen. However, when the

final showdown between Commu­ nism and Democracy comes, the outcome will be determined by sci­ entific knowledge. If American freedom is lost in the struggle it will he little comfort to tell our­ selves that we maintained Dewey’s system of education to the very end. U.S. Witches Still Ply Their Trade Americans boast of their modem progress, yet many a modem Amer­ ican, fingering the rabbit’s foot in his pocket as he talks, will insist witchcraft has died out altogether, except perhaps for voodoo among remote primitive peoples. However, police in America have become fa­ miliar with the voodoo conjure bag which contains a mixture of power­ ful devil-repellents such as grave­ yard dirt, hair, parts of animals, perhaps human fat, which are found around the necks of various petty criminals they have arrested. Psychiatrists at mental hospitals in the New York area say that Brit­ ish West Indians carry voodoo around as a part of their culture and “ sometimes it is hard to tell where mental illness begins and the belief in black magic leaves off.” In a recent case in Vineland, N.JL, Juan Rivera Aponte, a 47- year-old farm laborer was tried for the murder of a 13-year-old boy. Police say Aponte told them he had been studying black magic and needed a skull to grind into powder to use in a potion to enable him to cast spells on women. When we read these accounts we are con­ vinced that though we have made progress scientifically we have made little progress spiritually. Competition in Art Recently in London Dr. Julian Hujdey opened an exhibition of paintings by chimpanzees at the In­ stitute of Contemporary Arts. Ac­ cording to the report of the exhibi­ tion it was said “Thus did a distin­ guished member of the family

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