King's Business - 1958-01

JR. K.B. continued the hill, heading their way. “ It’s Naaman, it’s Naaman,” cried his wife as she and Miriam ran down to the gate to greet him. “O, I do hope he is cured. If he isn’t I shall — well, I don’t know what I shall do!” Miriam grasped her hand. “ If he saw Elisha, he is cured,” she said quietly. The chariots pulled up in front of the palace gate and the first one to leap out was Naaman himself. He ran over to his wife and threw his arms around her. He didn’t need to say a word. She knew he was cured. She laughed and wept for joy. Then he took Miriam’s hand. “Miriam, I have had lots of time to think ■— all the way from Sa­ maria. You are a wonderful little girl. Here I had you taken away from your country and kinfolk, and when you had an opportunity to do some good, you did it. Instead of feeling that my leprosy was something I deserved for the way I treated you, you were only con­ cerned about my healing. When everyone around you worshiped false gods, you kept your faith in the only real God in all the world, Jehovah. When you were mocked, Miriam, you still kept on praying to the God we could not see. Mir­ iam, I am healed, not only in my body but also in my soul. I believe in your God now.” Turning to his wife he said, “When I tell you how God healed me, you will believe in Him too. My men saw what happened and not one of them will ever mock Miriam’s God again. And, dear, we can only repay Miriam in one way. We shall take her back to Israel and see that she is reunited with her folks again.” “ O! Thank you, Captain Naa­ man. I would love to see my folks again. But if my mistress would like me for her maid, I shall come back again. You see, God has shown me that I can do more for Him here than I can in Israel where they all know about Jehovah.” Captain Naaman smiled. “Mir­ iam, when your mistress makes a note of this event in her diary she must add, ‘The little maid from Israel, Syria’s first foreign mission­ ary!’ ” END.

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