King's Business - 1958-01


!’ S BIBLE I0NARY 7,000 definitions based on all recent discoveries and latest evangelical scholar­ ship. Over 500 photo­ graphs, drawings, maps; helpful outlines and charts. Compiled and edited by Merrill F. Unger, Th.D., Ph.D., professor of the­ ology at Dallas Theologi­ cal Seminary. 1,208 pages. $8.95 MOODY PRESS CHICAGO 10 N TRODUCTORY O FFER ! ublication delay, f " i n n offer continued ^ f DU in. 31,1958. Save $1. * COMPLETE . . . NEW AUTHORITATIVE

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Outline helps and questions for personal and group study

Searching the Scriptures

by C hester J. P adgett

1 C orinthians (continued)

4. Why does the Holy Spirit seek to cause every member of the body of Christ to function rightly? (v. 25.) 5. When one member of the body suffers (or sins) what happens to the other members? (v. 26.) 6. Note again how the Apostle emphasizes the fact that the Holy Spirit does not give all the gifts to all the saints (vv. 29, 30.) This rules out the teaching of some that unless a believer has the gift of tongues, for example, he has no evidence that he has the Holy Spirit. The Necessity of Love 1. What is the “more excellent way” — the spirit in which the be­ liever is to use his gifts in the church? (12:31.) Study chapter 13 in this con­ nection. 2. How does Paul demonstrate the indispensable nature of love in the Christian life? (13:1-3.) 3. Note the various characteristics of Christian love as given in verses 4-8. 4. What does Paul mean in verse 8 about prophecy “failing,” tongues “ ceasing” and knowledge “ vanishing away” ? Does verse 9 suggest that all these are but temporary and not per­ manent parts of the Christian life and experience? 5. How does Paul indicate the pro­ gressiveness of Christian experience? (v. 11.) 6. What are the abiding qualities of the Christian life? (v. 13.) Which of these is the most important? The Use of Spiritual Gifts 1. How does Paul indicate the su­ periority of teaching (prophecy) over speaking in tongues? (14:1-11.) 2. What should be the main goal in the use of spiritual gifts? (v. 12.) 3. How does Paul discourage the use of the gift of tongues in the church? (w . 18,19.) 4. What was the original purpose of the gift of tongues? (w . 21,22.) Do you think that the Jews are in view here, and that when the Jews finally rejected the gospel that this “ sign” was no longer needed? 5. What is the normal reaction of unbelievers when they enter a church where the gift of tongues is empha­ sized or wrongly used? (v. 23.)

The Lord’s Supper 1. What disorders were apparent in the observance of the Lord’s Sup­ per in the Corinthian church? 11:17- 22 .) 2. Paul reminds the believers in Corinth of the institution of the Lord’s Supper with a view of correct­ ing their abuses of the same. What is the meaning of the bread? (v. 24.) What is the meaning of the cup? (v. 25.) 3. For how long a time are God’s people expected to observe the Lord’s Supper? (v. 26.) 4. What is meant by- “ not discern­ ing the Lord’s body?” (v. 29.) Study verse 27 in this same connection. 5. How can a believer avoid this sin? (v. 28.) 6. What judgment follows an un­ worthy partaking of the Lord’s Sup­ per? (w . 29, 30.) 7. If, by a refusal to judge our­ selves, we make it necessary for God to chasten us, why does He step into the picture? (v. 32.) Spiritual Gifts 1. With what subject does Paul deal in 1 Corinthians 12-14? (12:1.) 2. According to 12:2, 3, what is the central purpose of the work of the Holy Spirit? How does admission of the Lordship of Christ indicate the Spirit’s work? 3. Does the Holy Spirit give the same gifts to every believer? (w . 4-6.) 4. For what reason does the Spirit disseminate His gifts among God’s people? (v. 7.) 5. List the various gifts of the Spir­ it as given in verses 8-10. Do you think these are all in operation today? 6. How is the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit taught in verse 11? Can a man then dictate to Him as to the gifts he should have or that he wants? The Church as the Body of Christ 1. How is a believer incorporated into the body of Christ? (12:13.) 2. How is the figure of a body an appropriate one for the true church? 3. Is any one member more im­ portant in the sight of God than an­ other? (vv. 14-24.)

Due to p introductory through Ja

Cooperotive Book Publisher (Author invests in 1st edition)

Free toWRITERS seeking a book publisher Two fact-filled, illustrated brochures tell how to publish your book, get 40% royalties, na­ tional advertising, publicity and promotion. Free editorial appraisal. Write Dept. KB 1 E x p o s itio n P re s s / 38 i 4th Ave., N .Y. 16

Start the NEW YEAR R igh t see page 42

The first Gentile Christians were won through Jewish evangelism. For centuries that debt has lain unacknowl­ edged. Only in our day is any reaf effort being made to repay it. Today the need and opportunity for w itness to Jews are g rea t The Inter­ national Board is con fron ted with d e ­ mands for the Scriptures, more m is­ sionaries, and with human need for material relief which are beyond its capacity to meet. Several m issionaries are urgently needed in Mexico, South Am erica and France. We have under­ taken to aid 10 m issionaries o f the British Jews Society o f Germany Your prayers a n d f e l l o w s h i p a r e needed. Dr. Jacob Gartentiaus, President Or Robert G lee. Chairman, Advisory Board

INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS. INC. '»¿k; 12 5 6 A tla n ta 1 , G a .


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