Under th e P a r s o n a g e R o o f b y A lt h e a S. M i l l e r
"for year round use
• y e a r 'roun d C rea tive A c tiv ity PATTERN BOOK Seasonal patterns and simple instructions for year 'round activity projects. Use in VBS, Sun day school, etc. 2149................................ $1.25 • y e a r 'roun d CONTEST KIT Four lively contests —one for each quarter —will keep youngsters on their toes and attendance up. 2629..........................Kit, $1.25 • y e a r 'roun d CHART SET Four bright, colorful attendance charts with large Bible pictures, plus a birthday chart. Planned for as many as 15 pupils for the year. Foil stars included. 2628................. Set, $1.00 • " Y e a r o f " PROGRAM BOOKS 52 complete programs, plus parties, ban quets, etc., in each big book.. . .Each, $2.95 A Year of Junior Programs-Activities No. 2 ....3 3 6 8 Junior-Hi Programs-Activities No. 2..3378 Hi-Teen Programs-Activities No. 2...3388 • Be sure your school is using Standard lesson helps—Graded or Uniform. A postal card will bring you samples. H At your Bookstore, or Dept-. KB-1 STANDARD PUBLISHING, Cincinnati
"One day we went to a village where we reached many persons and whole families with the Gospel,” writes our missionary Emanuel from Greece. "Among them was the fam ily of George Kaligiannis. He, his wife, his mother-in-law and their 7 children —■all under 12 years old — live in a one-room wooden hut. He suffers from paralysis and his mother- in-law is in bed with rheumatism. Words can hardly describe the con ditions under which they live. But they had an open heart for the Gospel. My heart ached as I heard how often these little ones went to bed without their customary meal of brown bread and olives. My wife went out and came back with a bag full of groceries. I wish you could have seen the joy on the children’s faces as their mother began to take out the things one by one. In half an hour they crowded around the table for a delicious dinner which was prefaced by a hearty prayer of thanksgiving. Let’s pray that God will help them to surrender their hearts wholly to Him.” Haven’t you often wished you could do that—spread a table for those in need? It is such a joy to watch the delight in little children’s eyes when you provide a feast for their empty stomachs. At this season o f joy and feasting here in America, let us add to our joys by sharing with others the bounties which God has provided for us. For only $1.00 you can give 22 lbs. o f food to a needy family. But spiritual food is a real necessity, too. $10 will provide 40 New Testaments with which to bring the Bread o f Life to the spiritually hungry in Greece. Christ fed men with both material and spiritual food. To us He says, "Feed my sheep.” You may send your gifts through the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto, Ont.)
THE UPWARD WAY A s Mother pondered the events of “ an emotion-packed year, she felt a momentary trepidation in facing 1958. The wildest imagination of man cannot conjure up the illusion of peace or security in this sin-rocked world. Both literally and figuratively “men’s hearts are failing them for fear.” The ominous shadow of war hangs over the door of every freedom loving person as scientists work fever ishly to p e r f e c t nuclear weapons lethal enough to destroy all men. The new year evinces no harbinger of better things. Now her attention was focused on her own small world in the home. A major move from the pastorate to a Christian teaching ministry; a walk through the valley of the shadow, as far as we were permitted to go, with our beloved first bom. Not daring to live in the past, Mother has had to face the reality of th e s p i r i t u a l , moral, mental and physical needs of her growing chil dren. She and Daddy have wrestled with God for the very souls of their teen-aged children as never before. While the world reels apace under the impact of Satan’s directions, this adversary of the soul has been reach ing out with savage determination to get the attention of our saved chil dren diverted from the path of God’s choosing. These and many more ex periences have marked the closing year. Small wonder, then, that our hearts stand still at the very thought of any more. On the threshhold of an other year, to what should we look forward; what can we anticipate; how will our dear Father lead? The answers, praise God, are not difficult to find. He will lead in love — a love “ that doeth all things well.” He will lead in wisdom because He sees the end from the beginning and never makes a mistake. He will lead in faithfulness for God has promised to “never leave or forsake” us. So we look forward to the challenge of serv ing Christ; we anticipate His bless ings though they come disguised in tears; and we have confidence that His leading is on the upward way. “ . . . look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28).
1* For one pen ny a day you can become one of the supporters of our Is abelle Orphanage at Pusan, Korea. 2 . Our 300 orph ans need your gifts and prayers. If you wish we will send you a bank mounted with a beauti ful wooden figure. *»• "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2
Write to: The Korea Gospel Mission, inc. P. 0 . Box 291, Inglewood, California TAPE RECORDER FREE Write for information how to get a nationally known tape recorder free. Also circular about Tel-n-See, the mar velous new invention for showing color films with sound on tape, costing less than 1/10 of movies. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS WHEATON, ILL.
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