King's Business - 1958-01

DR. TALBOT Is the Bible God's Word? Q. What proof have we that the Bible is the Word of God? A. This is a question that requires more space than we have available on this page. However, we can briefly point out certain indisput­ able evidences, b e g i n n i n g with external proofs such as the ancient manuscripts written as early as the fourth century A.D. We have copies of the Greek translation used when Christ was on earth. I refer, of course, to the Septuagint Ver­ sion. The study of the ancient manuscripts and especially those found within the last century is fascinating to the Christian and would require many volumes to cover in detail. The manifold trans­ lations — some of which are very ancient — were doubtless made by men who were personally acquaint­ ed with the apostles. About 50 of the early church fathers quoted the New Testament so freely that all of the New Testament could be put together from their writings with the exception of a few passages. Then archaeology has proved many facts of Bible history. Cities and whole civilizations mentioned in the Bible have been unearthed. Fulfilled prophecy is one of the strongest proofs of the Word of God — including the recent estab­ lishment of the nation of Israel. The preservation of the Word of God in spite of the attacks of Satan and his cohorts upon it proves its divine origin. There is the uni­ versal appeal, its power to regener­ ate and change the lives of men and the marvelous influence it has had upon the history of the world. Internal evidences are just as striking. Christ Himself believed in it and quoted it, so did the apostles and its unity is impossible to ex­

plain apart from its divine origin. It was written over a period of thousands of years by different human instruments of varying de­ grees of education, in different lan­ guages, in various styles of writing. Such circumstances would ordinar­ ily make for anything but unity, yet we have this one Book with one message, telling the story of the one and only Saviour of men. This is a subject in which God’s people should be deeply interested and one upon which they should be thor­ oughly informed that they might have an answer for those who deny that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. Old Testament Salvation Q. How were men saved before Christ died for the sins of the world? A. They were saved by faith in the coming Redeemer, even Jesus. The Old Testament is full of defi­ nite prophecies of His coming into the world to die f o r s i nne rs . Throughout the entire Old Testa­ ment there, is the “ scarlet thread of sacrifice” by which God taught men that they could be saved only by faith in the one who was to come. They were saved by putting their faith in the Christ of prophecy; we are saved by putting our trust in the Christ of history who fulfilled the prophecies of His coming to die for the sins of the world. It is the blood of Christ alone that cleanses from sin in any age. Here are a few of the many prophecies of Christ’s coming to die for sinners, as set forth in the Old Testament: 1) Adam and Eve made fig leaf aprons to make them­ selves fit for God’s presence — the work of their hands ■— but God made “ coats of skins and clothed

them” (Gen. 3:21). The innocent animal had to die — a faint type of the innocent Lamb of God who died that we might be clothed in the righteousness of Christ. 2) Cain brought the fruit of the ground; Abel brought the blood sacrifice, by faith. 3) Genesis 3:15 is the first promise of the coming Redeemer. 4) The passover lamb was a pic­ ture of “ Christ our passover” who “ is sacrificed for us” (1 Cor. 5:7). 5) Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22 are two of the most graphic prophecies of the suffering Messiah. There are dozens more of such prophecies pointing on to the Christ who was to come to die for sinners. Salvation of Murderers Q. Is it possible for one who has murdered a man to be saved? A. Yes, it is. The repentant thief on the cross was a murderer and a robber, yet because he turned to the Lord Jesus Christ and trusted Him as his Saviour he was assured of heaven. We have this on the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who said to this man, “ . . . To day shalt thou be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). Mur­ der is a terrible sin. We do not minimize it. But Christ died for sinners and He can transform even the vilest if they come to Him. Life Insurance Q. Do you think it is wrong to carry life insurance? A. No, I do not. It is simply mak­ ing an investment in order to pro­ vide for one’s family in case of death. Life insurance is a legal business and it enables Christians to fulfill their obligations to their own. Of course, each person must follow what he believes to be the will of God for him in this matter.


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