King's Business - 1958-01

Dr. Clyde M. Narromore, graduate of Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in America.

psychologist has one of the world’s* greatest mission fields. Psychology for Teachers Q. I ani interested in psychology as it is applied to teaching children —, especially younger children in the primary grades. A. T e a c h i n g young children is especially important. During the early years boys and girls develop many life-time attitudes. There was a time when we thought that anyone could teach small children. However, now we realize that we need our finest educators in the elementary grades. I have .spent a great deal of time during the past year preparing a book for parents and teachers of young children. It is entitled How To Und e r s t and And Influence Children. It sells for $1.50 and it is available at all Chr istian book­ stores. I trust that it might be especially helpful to you. The book has three sections. The first deals with techniques of teach­ ing. The second deals with factors of growth and development. The last section gives many practical suggestions of how to influence children for Christ. Punishment Backwards Q. What do you think about par­ ents who punish themselves instead of punishing their children? For instance, if a child needs a spank­ ing the parent has the child spank •the parent or the parent spanks himself. A. I have heard of this before and I think it is very foolish. It shows that the parents do not understand much about children. Boys and girls who disobey should be reasoned with and, if necessary, punished.

New Year's Resolutions Q. What do you think about Chris­ tians making New Year’s resolu­ tions? A. I think it is a good idea. In fact Christians should make resolutions throughout the year. We should all seek to take a good look at ourselves and improve. Naturally Christians — those who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit — really are the only ones who can improve easily. This is because they have the Holy Spirit to help them change. As believers we should daily read the Bible and ask God to show us the things in our lives that need changing. Then we should commit them to Him. When you make resolutions, be sure you back them up with prayer! Counseling Q. Can a person who has no college training enter counseling work? A. No, not in the public schools. Counseling requires considerable professional training. Good counsel­ ing is based upon scientific diag­ nosis. Most states require that coun­ selors in schools have training above that which teachers have. Some states require that counselors be credentialed psychologists. Psychologists in public schools are usually required to have a bach­ elor’s degree with a major in edu­ cation and in psychology. In addi­ tion they need two years of teaching experience in the class room. Then they need two years of graduate work to receive a master’s degree in the field of psychology and to do their field work. There are many fine positions open in the public schools for phy- chologists. I wish that more young people would realize that the school

Diabetes and Psychology Q. Can a boy 12 years old who is suffering from diabetes find help from a psychologist? A. Diabetes is considered a medical problem. Unless your physician specifically suggests that you seek help from a psychologist, you should give your boy medical help. Ministers and Nervous Breakdowns Q. Why do so many ministers have nervous breakdowns? A. They don’t. There are no re­ search studies which indicate that ministers do have more nervous breakdowns than other people. In fact the opposite is true. Of course, a minister might have a nervous breakdown because of physical rea­ sons. Perhaps he is working too hard. Another cause for such a breakdown might be that he does not get enough relaxation and exer­ cise. Another cause of poor mental health is the failure to give our­ selves unreservedly to the Lord. Ministers, like other people, should spend much time in the Word. When a person has a quiet time each day and commits his life to the Lord and trusts Him, he has peace of mind and heart which in turn makes good mental health. Premature Births Q. Can premature births be the cause of delinquency, that is, caus­ ing the brain not to fully develop? A. No, premature births do not necessarily cause maldevelopments. Premature babies can be strong and healthy. However, recent research studies do show that among chil­ dren who had rather serious prob­ lems, a significant number were born prematurely.

The King's Business/Januory 1958


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