As part of their training Biola students may do deputation work among California’s vast migrant farm-labor population.
Your education ¿ « / C A L I F O R N I A Today, Nobu Yamamoto is a music major at B iola Bible College, a school of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Nobu came to America a year ago from Yokohama, Japan. She grew up worshiping the idols in her home but now Nobu and all her family are Christians. "The fire was intense,” Nobu recalls, "when we burned our idols.” Nobu came to B iola because her music teacher, the great Ugo Nakada, recom mended it over all the other schools in America. After earning her Bachelor of Music degree Nobu will return to Japan for full-time Christian work in sacred music. In music, Bible, psychology, public school education — B iola is one of the top Christian schools in America. Graduates include: Percy Crawford, Charles E. Puller, Dick and Don Hillis, Irwin Moon, Dawson Trotman. SEND10 CENTS FORYOUR COPY of a beautiful 16-page picture story booklet. Big 8 x 10 photos showing scenic and educational sites of Southern California. See for yourself why so many students are coming to sunny Southern California. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC., 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
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