King's Business - 1958-01


TRAVELOGUE OF BIBLE LANDS SEE THE HOLY LAND IN YOUR OWN LIVINGROOM Twelve vivid color series on the lands of the Bible. Photographed by G. Eric Mat- son, former contributor to the National Geographic Magazine, who spent over 50 years in the Near East. Each series is sup­ plied with a free manual providing back­ ground on every picture, as well as quo­ tations from the Bible. • THE LIFE OF OUR LORD

Facts on File by Honoré Osberg

^om e of the best teaching, sermon *^and article material is lost for­ ever because it was not captured on a file card or in a notebook. When­ ever any of your jobs or activities call for a backlog of good ideas then one of your best helps will be facts on file. There are many different ways of filing material but here is the method I have found best. My first file is a workshop file and this I call my “ Idea Box.” This is a kind of incubator where ideas are deposited to hatch. Use any method you like — 3x5 cards, number 10 envelopes or even a notebook. However, I have found large manila envelopes (7x10 or 9x12) best because they hold more material. I stand these envelopes upright in a small cardboard carton, putting the subject title on the top of the envelope. Since I’m a writer, these subject titles for me are story or article titles. For you they may be sermon topics or an object lesson for preschoolers or sex education for junior high young people . . . or whatever your interest is. After I’ve completed my project I refile the material into a general file under such broad headings as faith, prayer, missions, etc. This general file I keep in boxes about the size of shoe boxes. The boxes are arranged in alphabetical order for easy reference. Material for a file like this is gathered every place. When I read I have a red pencil and a pair of scissors handy. If I’m reading a book or magazine that can’t be clipped I have a supply of cards handy for notes. Ideas will come from a sermon, a chat with a neigh­ bor. And every once in a while I’ll even get an idea of my own! END. Prayer MAYWEPRAY FOR */ YOURREQUESTS? Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So.Hope, LosAngeles 17, California.

H is to ric a l sites and scenes in the Gospel Story, including Bethle-* hem, N a za re th , the River Jordan, and Jeru­ salem (52 pictures & manual)

Slide Set..........$13.00 Filmstrip.......... 7.00

...$3,50 ... 3.50 ..$7.50 ... 6.00 ...$3,25 ... 3.00 ..$3.75 L 3.00 ..$5.00 .. 4.00 NG OF $12.50 6.50


Slide Set. Filmstrip. Slide Set- Filmstrip. Slide Set. Slide Set- Filmstrip. Slide Set. Filmstrip.


(14 pictures & manual) BIBLE PROPHECIES (30 pictures & manual) BLUE GALILEE Life of its fishermen and Filmstrip, scenes on its shores. (13

pictures & manual) WILD FLOWERS OF PALESTINE (15 pictures & manual) PETRA (20 pictures & manual)

throughout the west... the B I B L E INSTITUTE H O U R • Heart searching messages • Thrilling testimonies • Outstanding features * Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK FOR FREE STATION LOG WRITE TO OIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR LOS ANGELES 17, CALIF.

THE UNIQUE GEOGRAPHIC SETTI PALESTINE A survey of Slide Set.. the geographic features Filmstrip.. of the Holy Land thru the eye of the camera. (50 pictures & manual) SAVE $8.00! Purchase all seven fil above ($33.00 value) for only ..

mstrips $25.00


Scenes of the first C h ristm a s, including views of Bethlehem, the Shepherds' Fields, and the Church of the Na­ t iv it y . (10 slides & manual) Slide Set ..................$2.50 • RUTH THE MOABITESS Slide Set... $8.75 (35 slides & manual) • BABYLON Slide Set....$3.00 (12 slides & manual) • PROGRESS IN Slide Set..$25.00 PALESTINE (100 slides & manual) • LIFE OF JESUSOF Slide Set..$12.25 SAVE $20.00! Purchase all twelve sets (400 slides—$100 value) for only ................ $80.00 Write for latest catalog listing 700 different slides of Bible Lands. SPECIAL OFFER: Purchase $15.00 or more of slide sets or filmstrips, and receive your choice of one of these series, with manual, FREE: □ "Bethlehem Juda" (slides) □ "Blue Galilee" (slides or filmstrip) □ "Flowers of Palestine" (slides or filmstrip) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase, your money will be refunded promptly. Send check or money order to: THE MATSON PHOTO SERVICE 1282 So. Highland Ave., Los Angeles 19, Cal. ffla h o n C o lo r S l i d » and OF BIBLE LANDS NAZARETH 49 famous pointings by Wm. Hole, with manual.

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