King's Business - 1958-01

there’s LIFE in the HR

Billy Graham

Sirs: Ever since I r e a d y o u r B i l l y Graham New York report I have been troubled. Why picture him with Vice- President Nixon instead of a bell-hop? It is easy to be popular with the high-ups and with the press if we are willing to compromise. But what is the cost spiritually? Is it like our Lord? As I understand Billy Graham has stated he is not a fundamentalist as some people think he is. He has been expelled from two outstanding, sound Bible colleges. I believe he is following in the same path Donald Bamhouse has gone. I believe they can become the real Christian’s worst enemies. When communism has a tremendous bit of propaganda all they have to do is put Billy’s name to it and many God-fearing Chris­ tians will be lead astray. Bradenton, Fla. Mrs. Dorothy Rose Segregation (cont'd) Sirs: Your scathing e d i t o r i a l in the November issue is enough to make a Christian Southerner wonder if you are about the King’s business. When Christ was about His Father’s business He was in the temple and not grovel­ ing with the politicians. Not only have you groveled but you have de­ fended a lawless action of Mr. Eisen­ hower because it attains the end re­ sult desired. The South has a problem and we are quite aware of what is facing us. However, we don’t need the help of The King’s Business nor do we need California’s two cents. If men are created equal in God’s sight, explain the ninth chapter of Romans and the ninth chapter of Genesis, No predestination in your editorial, just plain “ b r o t h e r h o o d of man” and modernism. Rome, Go. Glenn D. Carlson Sirs: Thanks for your unequivocal article on the Christian and the segregation q u e s t i o n . It is, and must be, the believer’s viewpoint on any race ques­ tion. After the pussyfooting around the subject by a certain class of Chris­ tians it was like a trumpet call to r e a d St. C l a i r ’ s c l e a r c u t and soundly Scriptural expression as to where Christ’s followers must stand. We at our house are glad for your courage in dealing with a “ hot” sub­ ject. Satan has been speaking loudly; it is high time that the voice of God should be heard. Portland, Ore. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Zimmerman


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□ I would like further information about Hawaii Christian Broad­ casting Association.


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