11th October 2024

Middle School

YEAR 4 In Maths, we have come to the end of our Place Value Maths unit and are now moving on to Addition and Subtraction. It has been a fantastic topic, and the children are moving towards their next unit with a strong foundation of knowledge. In English, after reading all of our story, ‘FArTHER’, we have begun planning out a sequel! We will follow the same structure but give it our own special twist. The children will be challenged by writing in role and to include a variety of engaging sentence openers, adverbials to make links between paragraphs and conjunctions to extend sentences. After learning about wheels, axles and chassis in DT, construction of our own chariots is now underway. Our chassis, made from lollipops, are taking shape!

In Science, we have been learning about different habitats and how they support various plants and animals. We have been exploring the local surroundings around our school, including the carpark, meadow and Forest School area. We have been observing how these environments create different conditions for wildlife, such as how the hard surfaces of a carpark limit plant growth or how the meadow offers shelter and food for insects.

Recently, in Year 4, we have covered 'Quel âge as-tu?' and ''Quel temps fait-il?' We have learnt how to ask and answer questions about our age, as well as describe the weather. Feel free to test us!

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