OSRPT_Your Life Can Be Free Of Neck Pain

For every new patient you refer one case of life-saving water OSR WILL DONATE behalf, OSR will donate much-needed life-saving water to the homeless, und, and to wildre and disaster-relief eorts. Through our collaboration Salvation Army, and St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance, and their cooperation enix's Local Heat Relief Network, you can be assured your water donations will nd its way to those who need it most. U K N OW . . . H Y D R A T I O N S A F E T Y T I P S eat-related deaths in Arizona • How can you join the eort? top into any OSR Clinic and donate today! NNUAL OSR WATER DRIVE | JUNE 15 - AUG 15 $5 = 2 Cases of much needed water! For every new patient you refer one case of life-saving water OSR WILL DONATE D E H Y D R A T I O N D E A T H S D E H Y D R A T I O N D E A T H S

Patient Success Spotlight

“Todayafter31/2monthsof recovery, I’m able todoalmosteverything Iwasable to dowithmyhealthyshoulders. Walk, feed my horses, garden, lift weights, making beds, folding laundry painlessly... just plain enjoying my life! I was so unhappy and now I’m filled with gratitude again! Go OSR!”- Lory “I’m filled with gratitude again!” Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

When performing outdoor activities, bring and drink plenty of water. Start each morning o with a glass of water; water loss while sleeping is signic nt. Drink 8+ glasses of water a day. Lightheaded, nauseous, sluggish, hunger pangs, and disorientation are all signs of dehydration.

On your behalf, OSR will donate much-needed life-saving water to the homeless, home-bound, and to wildre and disaster-relief eorts. Through our collaboration with the Salvation Army, and St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance, and their cooperation with Phoenix's Local Heat Relief Network, you can be assured your water donations will nd its way to those who need it most. D I D Y O U K N OW . . . H Y D R A T I O N S A F E T Y T I P S How can you join the eort? Stop into any OSR Clinic and donate today! 3rd ANNUAL OSR WATER DRIVE | JUNE 15 - AUG 15 $5 = 2 Cases of much needed water! d 181, up from the previous year. st aected are our homeless and nd populations. t related deaths occur in th July. ths occur due to dehydration than s, hurrican s, and lighting strikes d. ering heat of day and night can in a couple of days. • • • On your behalf, OSR ill donate much-needed life-saving water to the homeless, home-bound, and to wildre and disaster-relief eorts. Through our collaboration with the Salvation Army, and St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance, and their cooperation with Phoenix's Local Heat Relief Network, you can be assured your water donations will nd its way to those who need it most. D I D Y O U K N OW . . . H Y D R A T I O N S A F E T Y T I P S How can you join the eort? Stop into any OSR Clinic and donate today! 3rd ANNUAL OSR WATER DRIVE | JUNE 15 - AUG 15 $5 = 2 Cases of much needed water!

CERVICAL CHIN TUCK SUPINE WITH TOWEL While lying on your back with a small rolled up towel under the curve of your neck, tuck your chin towards your chest. Maintain contact of your head with the surface you are lying on the entire time.

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Whenperformingoutdooractivities, bringanddrinkplentyofwater. Starteachmorningowithaglassof water;water losswhilesleeping is signicant. Drink8+glassesofwateraday. Lightheaded,nauseous,sluggish, hungerpangs,anddisorientationare allsignsofdehydration. Whenperfo mingou d or ctivities, bringanddrinkplentyofwater. St rteachmorningowithagla sof water;wa er losswhilesleeping is signicant. Drink8+glassesofwateraday. Lightheaded,nauseous,sluggish, hun erpangs,anddisorientationare allsignsofdehydration.

In2018,heat-relateddeaths inArizona numbered181,up from thepreviousyear. Thosemostaectedareourhomelessand homeboundpopulations. Mostheat relateddeathsoccur in the monthofJuly. Moredeathsoccurdue todehydration than re,oods,hurricanes,and lightingstrikes combined. Theblisteringheatofdayandnightcan takea life inacoupleofdays. In2018,heat-relateddeaths inArizona numbered181,up from thepreviou year. Thos mostaectedareourhomelessand homeboundpopulations. M st eat relateddeathsoccur in the monthofJuly. Moredeathsoccurdue to ehydration than re,oo s,hurricanes,and lightingstrikes combined. Theblist ri gheatofdayandnightcan takea life inacoupleofdays.

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Healthy Recipe: Berry-Almond Smoothie Bowl

INGREDIENTS • ⅔ cup frozen raspberries • ½ cup frozen sliced banana • ½ cup plain unsweetened almond milk • 5 tbsp sliced almonds, divided • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon • ⅛ tsp ground cardamom • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract • ¼ cup blueberries • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes

DIRECTIONS Blendraspberries,banana,almondmilk,3tablespoonsalmonds, cinnamon,cardamomandvanilla inablenderuntilverysmooth. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and top with blueberries, the remaining 2 tablespoons almonds and coconut.


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