
Real Estate Journal — Financial Digest — November 13 - 26, 2015 — 21A


M id A tlantic

F inancial D igest

By John Licari, Singer Financial Corp. Singer Financial Corp.: Your Hard Money Solution


will find a lender that is will- ing to think “outside-the box”, and consider loans that other lenders will not consider. We offer flexible terms de- signed to meet our borrowers’ needs. Singer Financial Cor- poration will make loans for as little as $50,000.00 and as much as $1,000,000.00. We are proud to be able to offer inter- est rates as low as 11%, and loan terms for up to 5 years with NO pre-payment penal- ties. We are able to offer our borrowers loans equal to up to 60% of the value of the real estate offered as collateral for the loan.

We see continuing reluc- tance by the large commercial lenders to make loans and con- tinue banking relationships with small business who do not fit within regulatory cri- teria for government insured business loans. Many poten- tial borrowers approach us because the large commercial lender with which they had a long-standing relationship re- fused to renew a line of credit or called their business loan. Many of these businesses have real estate and other assets that make them strong can- didates for private real estate secured business loans. This

presents a myriad of lending opportunities for small private lenders like Singer Financial Corp. who are willing to pro- vide the financing that small business needs, when needed. Singer Financial Corp. has a long and successful history of funding loans brought to us by business and other profes- sionals. We recognize that developing and maintaining partnerships with brokers and other professionals is a key component to our mutual business success. We welcome you to contact us today at 215-893-9722 or 1-800-SINGER-6. n

We also offer our borrowers fast settlement with the ability to close on a loan in as little as 5 business days from approval, but have closed on mortgages in less 48 hours. We make loans for a wide variety of business purposes including commercial debt consolidation, commercial re- financing and loan workouts, payment of delinquent taxes or other liens, working capital, property improvement or pur- chase, owner occupied busi- ness properties, and unique and creative business deals the mega banks won’t finance. At Singer Financial Corp, you

inger Financial Corp. is a private financial institution with over 20

years of expe- rience mak- ing real es- tate secured commercial a n d b u s i - ness l oans in Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey and

John Licari

Delaware. The company is owned by Paul Singer who founded Singer Financial Corp. in 1992, and we have been located in the Ritten- house Square area of Center City Philadelphia since 1995. Singer Financial Corp. is a direct portfolio lender with our own pool of capital available to lend. This provides us with a great degree of flexibility to meet our borrowers’ business needs. We offer our borrowers very fast loan approvals, gen- erally in less than 48 hours. MPF Program & Ginnie Mae announce broader product offering WASHINGTON, DC — The Mortgage Partnership Finance (MPF) Program and the Government National Mortgage Association (Gin- nie Mae) announced a new feature available to program participants under the MPF Government MBS product. The MPF Government MBS product now offers a servicing released option from Nation- star Mortgage in addition to the already existing servicing retained execution. This op- tion provides greater flexibil- ity for local community lend- ers that want to originate and sell their government loans into the secondary market. In addition, the product is available to lenders in more communities from coast to coast; the FHLB Atlanta, FHLB Boston, and FHLB Des Moines have been approved to offer the MPF Government MBS product. Through the MPF Gov- ernment MBS product, the MPF Program purchases 30- year and 15-year fixed-rate mortgage loans originated by participating Federal Home Loan Bank members that are insured or guaranteed by FHA, VA, and USDA through its RHS Section 502 loan pro- gram. n

Singer Financial Corp. Since 1992

•Apartment bldgs. •Offices •Gas Stations •Construction •Store Fronts •Retail Space •Multi-tenant office •Storage •Bar/Restaurants

•Warehouse •Mixed Use •Raw land •Access Acerage •Farms •Industrial •Non owner occupied Residential only

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