Oddities & Finds
Last Thursday Visit the Alberta Arts District for a different interpretation of art and per- formance/ Enjoy last Thursday each month on Alberta: www.lastthursdayalberta.org
Saturday Market The longest continuously operating out- door market in the United States located under the Burnside Bridge. www.portlandsaturdaymarket.com
Voodoo Doughnuts LA Times calls this down- town doughnut shop an International Tourist Attraction.
Portland Aerial Tram Connecting the South Waterfront to the Oregon Health & Sciences University campus, the tram travels 3,300 feet and a vertical distance of 500 feet.
Powell’s Books Founded in 1970, CNN rates it as one of the 10 coolest bookstores in the world. www.powells.com
Rocky Butte There are over 150 routes which vary in difficulty and type for rock climbers at this favorite NE Portland destina- tion.
Farm Co-Ops Organics to You delivers farm-fresh products to homes throughout the city on a weekly rotation schedule. U-Pick Fresh Fruits Watch for advertise- ments in Summer and Fall for an opportunity to pick fresh fruits at any number of local farms.
Food Carts Portland has over 500 that are organized into pods. www.foodcartsportland.com
World Naked Bike Ride Each June, over 9,000 participants ride in what is believed the largest of its
Darcelle XV Showplace Portland has the longest running cabaret of female impersonators west of the Mississippi, the late Darcelle XV served as emcee for each show and holds the Guiness Book of World Record crown as the world’s oldest drag queen performer. Drag superstar Poison Waters now leads the ensemble cast in weekend performances. www.darcellexv.com
kind of the world. www.pdxwnbr.org
Stark’s Vacuum Museum Over 300 historical vacuums are showcased in Starks down- town/NE store. www.starks.com
Presidential Home Newberg is the location of 31st President of the United States Herbert Hoover’s boyhood home.
Astoria Column A “crowning monument” in a series of markers constructed between St. Paul, Minnesota and Astoria.
Farmer’s Markets There are seven farmer’s markets that operate in the city. www.portlandfarmersmarket.org
Shanghai Tunnel Tours Sailors and others deemed fit to work on the high seas were drugged and shanghai’ed from Portland saloons in the early 1900’s and taken to the seaport through a network of secret tunnels now accessible via tour.
Myrtlewood Other than Oregon, this wood is only found one other place - Israel.
Willamette Meridian Stone All land surveys in Oregon and Washing- ton are referenced to this point, which is accessible off NW Skyline Boulevard.
The Horswell Collection™ at Windermere Realty Trust
The Insider’s Guide to the City of Roses
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