Blue Diamond Almond Facts May-June 2023


How Much Seed Do I Need? How much cover crop seed you need will depend on two factors: 1. the size of the area to be planted and 2. the seeding rate of the mix. If cover crop is being planted in an orchard or vineyard, calculating the cover crop acreage has one additional step. To calculate the planting area in an orchard or vineyard, divide the width of the cover crop by the tree to tree spacing of your field. Then multiply the result by the total acreage of the field you want to plant. (Planting width ÷ by tree-to-tree spacing across) X total orchard acres = cover crop acres to be planted For example, if a grower wanted to plant an 8-foot row of cover crop in their orchard with a tree to tree spacing of 22 feet then 8 divided by 22 would be 0.363. If that orchard was 100 acres, then multiply 0.363 by 100 to get 36.3 acres planted in cover crop. Once you know the total acreage that will be planted into cover crop then it is simple to multiply the acreage by the seeding rate of your selected mix to get the total amount of seed that you’ll need. Choosing a Planting Method Every grower will have to answer for themselves what kind of planting method can be utilized for their farm. We suggest trying to find a no-till drill as this is one of the most effective methods for good germination, but other planting methods can have great success too if other factors are done well. For example, if you cannot find a seed drill, a broadcaster on the back of an ATV has worked well for many growers. Especially if they follow it up by dragging a spare piece of chain link fence over the area after the broadcast. Soil Preparation: A good seed bed is one that is level and clear of weeds with a good tilth. For almond farmers this seed bed has already been largely created in preparation for harvest. Some clean up may be needed regarding sticks, but most of the heavy work has already been done.

Water and Timing of Planting We strongly recommend planting cover crop seed in early to mid-October. This planting window gives winter cover crop mixes enough time and warm weather to sprout and become established in time to take advantage of winter rains. Depending on the type of irrigation system in the orchard, there may be a need to time planting just prior to forecasted rains. Growers with solid set irrigation systems can lightly irrigate their cover crop seed if dry weather persists after planting (this may also be recommended for the health of their orchards if the trees are severely water stressed). For growers without this option, it is recommended to plant a few days before a forecasted rainstorm to aid seed germination. Left: the short and compact Land Pride PS15 Series has some chain link attached by the grower to help cover the seed once set. Right: grain drills can also be used in the orchard if the bottom branches of the canopy will allow, and many times produce a wider planting width with one pass. Bottom: a drill specially designed by Truax for planting cover crop in CA almond orchards. Credit: Project Apis m



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