Novel Student - Training & Business Standards Manager

We are seek i ng an exper ienced and dr i ven , Trai n i ng & Bus i ness Standards Manager, to suppor t our Novel Student por t fol io across the UK . Th i s newl y created role represents a un ique oppor tun i t y to joi n the proper t y management team of a leadi ng developer and operator of purpose-bu i l t student accommodat ion i n the US, Lat i n Amer i ca , and Europe. As Trai n i ng & Bus i ness Standards Manager, you wi l l be respons ible for ensur i ng cons i stency of serv i ce del i ver y i s ach ieved and best pract i ce i s dr i ven throughout the Novel Student por t fol io. Work i ng c losel y wi th the Regional Manager, you wi l l ensure adherence to cont ractual obl igat ions , and be respons ible for the development , implementat ion and mon i tor i ng of operat ional and bus i ness processes . Ensur i ng that exemplar y bus i ness standards and processes are mai ntai ned across the por t fol io, the Trai n i ng & Bus i ness Standards Manager wi l l be paramount to Novel Student del i ver i ng an except ional student exper ience. You wi l l be based on- s i te across the UK and t ravel wi l l be requ i red for approx imatel y 80% of the t ime. CA and Novel Student prov ide best- i n-c lass exper iences for student res idents l i v i ng i n our commun i t ies . We do th i s by put t i ng people f i rst—both our res idents and our employees . We bel ieve i n i nvest i ng i n our people through superb t rai n i ng and suppor t , generous employee benef i ts and perks , and oppor tun i t ies for career advancement by growi ng throughout our por t fol io.

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